Thursday, March 26, 2009

FA experience

ran 2.4km today.. as in, for the actual NAPFA test~
sigh.. timing deproved ALOT.

14.22 :( Must be the sun! good that there's something to blame xD

When i ran till like, my 3rd or 4th round.. i suddenly saw xiaoxue collapse
on the ground and some ppl crowded around her.. i tio stunned can? totally
SHOCKED. LOL! but like jesslyn said, i probably thought she was on the
verge of fainting so she only wanted to lie down... and the ppl there just
told us to carry on running.. so i did, gosh; maybe I shouldn't have!

After 2.4.. Mr Tan didn't tell us ANYTHING about the very bad state
xiaoxue was in.. only when tiening or peizheng came to us then we ran like
freaks even though we just finished 2.4 LOL! she was lying between blk
R and S... she was conscious at first de! then after around 5-10 min she
became unconscious! so scary.. her legs were elevated and she was fanned..
bleh.. still no response!

so jess n i went to get bingle n adam for stretcher.. but only cn find bingle..
LOL! i totally forgot kendrick was available xD so xiaoxue was transported
to the general office.. outside the sick bay. we all stayed there and looked
after her.. and etc etc etc.. the teachers decided to call the ambulance.. and
the ambulance arrived n sorta took over..

peizheng bought this 100 plus to the general office intending for it to be
drank by xiaoxue but it ended up in the stomachs of jesslyn n sharon. LOL!
SORRY PEIZHENG LOL! too thirsty xD and someone bought biscuits for
us because we missed the whole recess.. aw so sweet right! :D


that was a very exciting experience.. makes you think about how useful St
John is and how much it rocks! haha (you should have seen jesslyn's reaction
to it, LOL)

Chi test today.. probably screwed..
Art.. not much progress.. hope I can finish..
Upcoming science tests.. hope I can score well!

and jiayou grace! I hope you don't think too much about it! :D


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