Sunday, June 29, 2008

Class gathering!

Lol.. long time no post.. here I go xD Like I promised.. I'm going to do the Charity6 gathering post hahahaa~ xD

LOL! k firstly.. muz show off my proud moment awhile LOL! xD haha.. today did chain x7.. kinda unexpected but still it happened xDD the honeypie is my bro in my acc LOL! xD

YIN SHUIAN, COLLIN AND SHUIN JIAN XD Don't they look happy together? LOL! hahahaa.. actually almost no c6 ppl read my blog.. kinda senseless O.o"

LOL! they were playing the marshmellow tossing game xD Claire is the tosser and the other 2 girls are snatching to catch them with their mouth LOL!!!

LOOK AT NOR'S HAND HAHA! look so perverse can! HAHAHHAA XD

Nor again.. -_- obscene position LOL!

We were playing some card game on the tables in the function room until security guard came in and told us to get off LOL! notti ppl :X

My darling dancing! LOL!!! XD She tot it was a video and tried to snatch my phone away n del it LOL! but it was only a photo of her graceful move T.T furthermore.. only 1 shot! *~* cn forgive me ba darling LOL!

sitting in a circle!~

everyone helping out at the BBQ pit xD


night at the balcony~~ xD haha kinda romantic? LOL!

LOL! izumi totally looked like he was stoning lah! LOL!

Our BBQ-ed honey chicken wings !! ;D

Close-up! OISHII RIGHT? LOL!! :X I got help one hor!

BBQ-ed marshmellow xD.. it was totally meltish n liquidish inside! aw.. the camera cudn't capture a clearer image T.T one of my most successful marshmellow barbeques LOL!!.. if that's what u call it? xD

Sausages&marshmellows! lol.. would the sausages taste marshmellow-ish? LOL..

had out dinner at night xD aft tt... ate the ice-cream! WAAAH ;DD HEHEH! yum! cookies&cream and chocolate.. too dark to see but w/e! DELICIOUS! HAHA! jealous right? right? right? righttttt?? :X

Overall the gathering was vryvryvry fun! and I could be sociable once again with almost anyone haha! glad I'm me? LOL! xD Was so happy to see darling xinyi again! hahahaha~ xD big diff was that... almost every single one of them told me i'd changed alot.. but haha.. WITH DUE DETERMINATION! i CAN DO IT! LOL! xD Kids! learn from the almighty sharon! LOL JKJK :X (i'm bound to get punched one of these days xD)

Hope for another meeting in Nov&Dec~ hahaa xD many things have happened.. and to think we're still together after 5 years.. KEH! ;D

Takeover soon... kinda scared? But i want to take-over; its an experience valuable to be earned in our SJAB life hehe.. Since when have i become willing to do this much for SJAB? xD I also dunno.. i rly love the sec4 squad and their beliefs! they rock! (:

Haven't been talking much about titanium have I? LOL! well.. during the last exam day; we had clean-up and abit of practise for POP LOL! While throwing the garbage at the main rubbish dump.. a birdshit fell between me n lihui LOL! i dunno is sway or heng but i decided to b optimistic and name it as heng LOL!!! xD POP would be freaking scary for the few of us.. GAMBATTE WOR!

one check one check 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 *bang* LOL!

When you're there;
I'm rest-assured.
When you're gone;
I'm all messed up.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Audi license level 18

woohoo~ did my level 18 audi license i think yesterday
afternoon lol! paiseh, severe memory failure hahaha xD
This is the first few parts of the license la.. started chaining
at like the second last "level 7" freestyle x] damn shiok can;
chain till 5 then stop abit sian lah~ but still... the feeling is so
shiok LOL! Since that chain I knew for sure this license
chicken feet le :x

Here's my proudest moment HAHA! I was so damn happy
can! I chained the last lvl 9 freestyle and all the
3 incoming finish move
all continue chaining LOL!
this shot was taken at the 3rd n last finish move xD
I used to think tt there will b the same number of
consecutive finish move awarded as the number of
times you chain before it LOL! But max is 3... too
sad D: My bro was like "wtf!" LOL! xD

Wahlah~ I've completed the license HAHA! ah well..
the 222,000 points ain't my final point cos this ss
was taken when i jus end the whole replay and took
HAHA! (too lazy to wait xD) so yah; my final points
was abit more than 100k more than the required points
of 370k.. so shud be around 470k xD I couldn't stop
grinning the whole day LOL! :X

Promise me; You'll never break promises.

Friday, June 20, 2008

new blogskin x]]]

LOL~ Whee; finally changed blogskin haha.
Pretty right HAHA!

I know still got some minor problems,
the blogskin maker make the boxes above
too small...had a hard time tryingto squeeze
everything in sob.. xD But i still failed in
the end anyway HAHA!
You'll look beautiful;
without your face

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

camp 14~16 / 06

Whew! :D
Slept for 20hrs LOL!

anyone missed me? haha :x

I just realised how much I LOVE TITANIUM through the camp :x
anyway~ back on track... I'm supposed to blog about the camp!~

And so... on friday, sir fangyu told us that there
weren't any mattresses in the campus; so becus
of the late notice, me and lihui had to stay up till
12-1am thinking of back-up plans and such... and
we slept very little as a result. so that fact was zzz!
the worse thing was... we saw mattresses every-
where in JV -_-lll I'M LIKE; WHAT THE. but
I shall forgive&forget since we wouldn't have had
enough time to play 5 games. Overall, I'm glad I
worked well and hard with lihui and the
confidence games committee on this project ;D

First day of camp began quite emolishly for me.
Sir Sim passed down msg telling us to put our
fingers on our lips... but after replying ma'am a
few times; I kinda forgotten about it... then he
told us to stand up.. for ppl that didn't put the
fingers on the lips. The worst part was.. he
targetted me... he said that since I had been the
course I/C and best cadet before.. I should have
followed instructions... yada yada yada... the thing
is... I'm a human, all humans forget. Sorry to be
rude but, even Sir Sim forgets. He say until like..
I totally felt depressed.. totally felt like crying...
And I THOUGHT I totally lost my morale that I
WANTED to last the entire camp. Ah well.. what's
over is over...
And so begins our long n torturuous hike xD Ok,
before giving details of the hike, I should give u
the conditions for passing the hike. One, it is a
33.85km hike that no other advance course have
ever beaten. The hike lasted aprox 13hours. For
those people who complain about OBS 5hr hike
with a 5kg bag compared to our 5~10kg bag. damn
u (: Try walking even half what we went through.
For a normal human being our age. It is torturous
as hell. And I found out felicia's chi name was wu
huimin HAHA!! XD we were like super high at first;
den aft awhile stopped cos we realised we were
making things more difficult for ourselves LOL!!
Halfway through, my group met an old man with a
reopened blood clot, so we stopped awhile to treat
the old man xD He thanked us profusely haha~ My
group was the last to reach labrador park LOL! tHE
second last group had alrdy been there for 20mins
So we trudged back torturously, and surprisingly
there was no triage like we had expected there to be.
Supposedly due to the lack of time and space? xD
We still had a total of 2 triages back at campus.

Back at JV, we had a well-deserving 1.5hrs wash-up
time and 5hrs sleeping time. THANK YOU INSTRUCTORS :D

We all woke up at 7 to prepare to fall-in xD HAHA! I
FUNNY CAN?! XD Somemore need smack her butt to
wake her up can? The alarm was nearest to her but she
was the last one to get up LOL! PIG! XD JkJk :x
So we had PT session (SADDIST! all our legs were full
of blisters n stuff frm the hike and our muscles are like
totally cramped) and aft tt was breakfast but my
committee had to prepare for the games and we're like
super busy x.x" Didn't even have enought time to fill
our stomaches TT! The games were fun! esp for the
LOL!!! XD We threw flour everywhere until the whole
parade square was white! SO DIRTY! xD Cleaning up was
so torturous till de instructors decided to splash it with
a fire hose HAHA! XD darn cute can? xD

Aft lunch was campfire prep. SO screwed. zzz. I'm still
damn upset with latifah. But the real reason why I cried
so hardly was because of what ma'am zahara said. She
said this. "THIS PLATOON, KUKU ISSIT?" I'm like.. I
wanted to cry on the spot alrdy... Even though its not my
committee, but I know how much some of the members
in the campfire committee had gone through to try their
best to make the campfire a success! I have near a 100
photos to show everyone, how much titanium have been
through as a platoon in a mere 3 weeks. How much we've
bonded, how our love for titanium strengthens each day,
how much pride we have as a platoon. That statement
alone.. what ma'am zahara said alone.. is enough, to destroy
that PRIDE. to weaken OUR BOND&LOVE for TITANIUM.
Thinking about that through the scoldings n punishment,
I couldn't help but break down into tears, seriously I haven't
cried so much in years. I tink its because of me and I feel
sorry about it; lihui n phyllis couldn't hold back their tears
and they cried as well. C'mon, titanium is what I've been
living for each ANCO week. What right have you to say that?
How cruel are you to make us sink so down? We accepted
the scoldings. The punishments. We do deserve it. But calling
us a KUKU PLATOON was a direct insult. How could u?

DAMN. OKAY? DAMN. I've been crying for 4 times coz
of her words. Once during the actual break-down. Once
at night in our bunk. Once After I woke up from my 20
hour slumber. Once right now. zzz.

k enough of the emo shits.
I still love titanium more than my life.

Campfire was a success in the end (:
Our performance was loved by the audience and we
had an encore xD So there wasn't time to do our skit
which might end up kinda screwed xD ...


Last day had debrief and teambuilding games xD It
was so fun can?! the most unforgetable one was the
water bag n obstacle course LOL! They blindfolded us
for the obstacle course and instructors stepped on our
legs! blew at our necks!(goooooseeeebumpppsss) And
did all sorts of funny things LOL!!! haha! we all wore
the blindfolds(triangular bandages) to tie ard our heads
like retards LOL!! den we changed to wearing under-
wears on the outside like superman! LOL!! sir kangwee
took a photo of phylis but i escaped HAHA! XD Then
the instructors used the water bags to throw at us LOL!
we had to dodge or catch it to throw back at them LOL!
We were like running siaoly ard. Then I was trying to
adjust my bandage then sir kangwee came frm the back
and smacked me with a waterbomb LOL! my entire shirt
was soaked LOL! MEAN!! Couldn't take revenge! he was
so fast T.T!

aft all the cleanup and logi returning stuffs.. had a debrief by

My sir sim bounce over the ocean~
My sir sim bounce over the sea~
My sir sim bounce over the ocean~
Oh bring back my sir sim to me~

Bring back~
Oh bring back~
Oh bring back my sir sim to me~ to me~
Bring back~
Oh bring back~
Oh bring back my sir sim to me~

LOL! our actions were so exagerated xD
Luckily the debrief was not by OC junqi or
we will all cry our hearts out x.x"

Home we went. After the long and tiring yet meaningful camp (:
Last but not least, I would like to thank the following.
Thank you phylis for hugging me tight and comforting
me while I cried my heart out.
Thank you lihui for always being there in the hardest
and amazing-most times!
Thanks you both for crying for titanium!
Thank you titanium people for turning up for meetings!
Thank you titanium for making my june holidays a meaningful one!
Thank you for loving titanium!
Thank you for everything!

Don't be sad it happened;
Be happy its over.

Beat as one;
titanium hearts,
Today we'll be together
now until forever;

we've been there for each other;
everything's just right!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Finally! After being so busy for the past week x.x got time to
post about the many things that had happened in the past
few days! &&TITANIUM ROCKS! XD

OUR FLAG GODLY RIGHT?! ;D so pretty!!!!

yeah! second scrubbing session, coz noone wan to bring newspaper!

omg i LOVE THIS! we were in JE regional library doing
balloonish crap, photo-taking and stuff xD LOL!! wuliao
right ahah!!! xD but then, we did tis yoga pose and it
SHOWS SO MUCH!! omg i wanna cry TT!

HAHA! so the nxt topic would be about -ZEN- OUTING!
it was the most enjoyable day in so long! HAHA!
(titanium still pwns tho =x) LOL~~ XDD
met so many new faces ! HAHA!

this is -ZEN-HIPPO- aka DARREN XD and JACKSON aka -ZEN-Jack!
HAHA Amber's other half?? LOL!!! X)) HAHAA~ so cute right,
they tried avoiding e camera but failed miserably WHAHAHA!!

JACKSON AND FOXBOII DIDI! XDD aww so cute right ;D
jackson's abit fuzzy cuz he was trying to avoid e camera!

Firemei&wym doing the dizzy spinnish thing! LOL!
Wym looks so happy LOL!!! SADDIST! XDDD

AFTER THEY CAME DOWN LOL!! HAHAAHA!! took advantage of
the situation to capture this :x they were so dizzy tho
abit overly dramatic HAHA! XDD

haha! SIMIN&AMBER LAOPO taking a spin and enjoying it
dam alot LOL!! XD it was dam fun when I took it too :X

Amber laopo's side-view wor! chio right?! HAHA! XD

tq laopo for the gorgeous cards!! TT soo touched!!

HIPPO AND DIDI! XD so cute together! they were taLKing
before this! haha! amazing non of them suspected I was
taking a picture HAHA! XD

my gorgeous mei? HAHA!! she looks emo! xD

I'm going for camp now~
don't miss me haha! xD

Once a titanium-ian;
always a titanium-ian!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

HAHA! I've finally got time to post about yesterday's amazing
TITANIUM meeting!!! :D FLAG-ED!

Well of cos.. I drew it ahahahhaa -Claiming all credit LOL- jK!
everybody helped to paint! look at tis pic!! SO SWEET RIGHT? so rare!
TT; i can't help feeling touched while looking at it!! my paintbrushes :x

YEH! I made them do this for me!!! anyw; me&lihui will be compiling
these photos into a movie maker slide show xD LOOK FORWARD

CHEEEEESEEEE~ at e titanium flag! ;D

This is what we've done so far ;D pls expect the final one to be
infinitely superior! WHAHAA!

FLAG BEARERS! XD Kia Luck on the left and Lihui on the right!
HAHA! look so retarded!! xD lihui is that dabian!!

LOL! we all tucked in our shirts and fall in for fun LOl!
was partially having fun and practising skit! HAHA! xD

Image says all :X!

Felt guilty and decided to clean! HAHAHA! xD

I LOVE THIS PIC SO MUCH! credits to lihui for taking it!!
I was not smiling; trying to b serious in a qian da way LOL! XD

enuf with pics.. back to details aHAHA! xD
ytd seriously totally rocked; met up with so much fun
and good things! Firstly; must thank lihui for putting
all her heart and effort into everything we discussed
and did yesterday! she's the only one who didn't slack
I was so touched and proud of her! xD Its coz there
are people like her that makes our platoon stand out
so much! LIHUI OBC FTW! XD haah~~

the next BIG thing that came to me had to do with Kok
Liang and Clara xD ...
Firstly; we were all trying to catch him as he tried
to run away home LOL! slacker!! xD so um; he's the
"sir" in our skit, so we had to pretend to greet him
; then when clara said 456, we were suppose to attack
him and pull his pants LOL!!! XD and many times we
failed; run damn fast sia! xD LOL~

so clara managed to catch him.. den he shook violently
to escape from the many ppl's grapse; den clara didn't
wanna let him go; so she pulled on tightly xD tt Kok
Liang so violent!~ he shook till Clara fell down; it
was darn OUCH! but it didn't hurt so much that she'll
cry or smth xD so knowing... KokLiang hated to see ppl
fall down, she acted emo n stuff... den is like, they
took advantage of it to catch him..

he was so hurt O.O"

omg... he was really vryvry hurt tt Clara lied.. but
then Clara showed him her injury and he reallly REALLY
felt super DUPER guilty... he kept following her in
circles and apologising continuously... omg.. I saw
that and i wanna cry LOl! so touching!!!!! he even
wanted to give her money to compensate.. OMG LAH! HOW
Clara walked home to the MRT station; she left her book
and Kok Liang immediately ran back to get it for her; &
he ran all e way back to give it to Clara and ... he
continued following her and apologising! OMGOSH!! THAT
WAS WHEN I REALLY WANTED TO CRY! even tho I'm not her;
i'm so touched by his actions *-*

i did the flag till vry late with fellow platoon mates;
so i was like; telling my mum i wont be going home to eat
in a vry rude way...
den after awhile; she called me 5 times to get through to
me just to tell me :"today got ur fav salmon fish and
ladies finger, do u want me to keep for u?" she said in
a happy and caring voice...

I was so touched, there was no way I'd say no. I ended up
eating dinner later at night at home.
Mummy, thank you very much for yesterday! I was so touched!

we're doing performance, skit and finish the flag on wed;
wish us good luck ((:

There was a piece of white paper folded on my seat.
I got in and closed the door before I unfolded it.
Two words were written in his elegant script.

Be safe

Saturday, June 07, 2008

tio tagged by lihui :x

Whaha- tio tagged by HuangLiHui to do tis quiz xD
I shall do since I only found out some time later! haha!
Lihui! be greatful! hahahaha! noob :x

/ 10 ] Firsts.
First Best Friend: SEEXINYI♥ -she still is!
First Screen Name: LeGeNdGiRl - lame but full of memories *-*
First pet: Fish...
First Piercing: LOL! earhole gua;
First Crush: Myself
First CD : the... childcare graduation CD xD
First Car: I'll never forget! First remote control one when I was 7-9! :D
First Stuffed Animal: Nostalgic.. TOO BAD I FORGOT :x
First Love: My mum when I came to this world :D
First place called home: The first place I lived in after I was born!

/ 9 ] Lasts.
Last Beverage: Ice milo
Last Car Ride: Dad's car, rode back home from course xD
Last Movie Seen: Indiana Jones (IT RAWKS!!!)
Last phone call: Holy shit, can't believe its yousheng LOL!
Last Song You Listened To: Once upon a Broken Heart - considering to b blog song :x
Last Bubble Bath: 16 years ago. Decipher what this means LOL!
Last Time You Cried: Today... slightly xD
Last Thing You Ate: Apples
Last Bad Thing You Did: Ignoring Lihui on msn! LOL! :x

/ 8 ] Have You Evers.
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Interested in me ar :x
Have You Ever Been Arrested: No... unfortunately?
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: simi?
Have You Ever Been On A Limo: If I said nope, would I get one?
Have You Ever Cheated: Yah, in primary school ting xie :x
Have You Ever Been In Love: Just obession; with myself!
Have You Ever Been In A Car Accident: Yah, in my dreams!
Have You Ever Broken A Bone: Yah, tooth extraction.

/ 7 ] Things You Are Wearing.
1. shirt
2. shorts
3. specs.
4. bra
5. panty
6. ear-stick
7. beauty beyond this world *-*

/ 6 ] Things You've Done Today.
1. woke up
2. eat breakfast
3. went for ANCO course
4. did CPR practical
5. blogged
6. wondering why I'm answering so honestly xD

/ 5 ] Favourite Things.
1. Myself (it never fails)
2. Nice clothes
3. Money
4. Friends
5. anti-homework society~

/ 4 ] People You Tell Almost Anything To.
2. ChuaAiling
3. The mirror
4. God? xD

/ 3 ] Choices.
1. Black Or White: white - its less depressing xD
2. Hot Or Cold: Cold
3. Chocolate Or Vanilla: Vanilla.... cookies n cream actually xD

/ 2 ] You Want To Do Before You Die.
1. Visit Canada, Norway and Japan.
2. Being told, 'I'm glad I met you!'

/ 1 ] Thing You Regret.
1. Answering this question. lolol~

Spent like; 20+minutes doing tis LMAO! xD
Lihui thank me *_*!!
Lol, had a regular course-day again today xD
dunno why today feel motivated to blog abt it!

ma'am Peiqi told us smth tt really left a strong
impact on me.. she said,

"If you want to play in
course, I can play with you guys, but you must
also work hard, when you play hard, you work
hard! Or else I can really change into a diff
person, I will make sure u all work hard and no
playing; you won't want that right?"

I dunno why this is getting to me so much; probably becus
I find myself lazing around? dunno leh.. I felt overwhelmed
with emotions when she said tt @@" it probably applied to
me during my studies in my daily life i guess... if i don't work
hard.. i can't go year5... similarly for course; there are ppl
who have been supporting me consistently to become the
best cadet... Am i working hard enough for it? For MY sake
or for MY FRIENDS' sake?

Ma'am Peiqi is a SUPER DUPER fantastic ma'am! its her
birthday today; so HAPPY BIRTHDAE MA'am! xD

I really hope the presentation me&lihui are doing tmr
reaches Sir Fangyu's and Ma'am Peiqi's expectations;
dunno why but; i have this strong desire to not see
their disappointed faces :D !! Jiayou lihui&me~ xD

On monday.. we'll be doing up the flag and performance
for the campfire. I hope it rocks! I'll also be trying my
best to come up with a script for e skit and hopefully a
dance as well! HAHA! I dunno why; im pretty motivated
to do all e stuffs! and of cuz.. nvr failing-ly; a FANTASTIC
flag design! WHAHAHA! :x

Ma'am jaclyn totally rocks... today the flag lowering thingy;
ma'am jingyi tot we did it the wrong way.. and she was
bout to correct us (i'm afraid cos she always sounds vry
fierce), den ma'am jaclyn was like.. trying to convince her
why the method we were taught is correct.. waaaah! sooo
touched! LOL!! and its like.. when we taking turns to do
CPR practical, i was chatting casually with ma'am jaclyn
with some of my juniors; den... its like, i suggested the
camp briefing be today coz' tmr's gonna b rather messy
and alot program squeezed there... and...

made the camp briefing today...

SUCH DEMOCRACY! thank you so much ma'am jaclyn
i'm truely touched!~


Be true to who you are;
don't let what others think,
sway your decisions.