Sunday, December 02, 2007

quote from my own blog

Haha... Have been feeling realllie- retarded these days xD Guess its time to shoot out some of the hot gas ;X (LOL) Here's a sweet post from my personal blog ;D Don't be too affected by it though, its something I typed out of anger ^^


So.. that's all you tell me...
'we're not related anymore'
'don't be concerned of my private life anymore'

you say that...
of course you can say that...

It doesn't matter to me anymore too
Because of a certain someone or something
I get taken on for it.

I ain't toy

So what?
She's not even worth your heart
You were stupid not to let go,
You're hurt...
No one cares...
I've stuck by your side,
selfishly denying the feelings of my own heart,

staying there
all the time...
and this is what I get rewarded with?

Thank you very much...
Now I finally see
True selfishness
True Betrayal
True blindness...

I was nothing to you, nothing at all.
I get hurt for everything that happens
whether its a smile
or a sorrow coming from you...

I'm sick of it...
I don't want anymore of this shit
I'm getting out of your life

Because to me,
its what you're telling me.


Thanks alot, for breaking my heart all this months.


yay~ Now I have a meaningful "Joke-sorta-thing" to share with everyone xD I heard this during my NCO course yesterdae, sorta to lighten stuff up! xD
Moral : Any arse hole can be a leader.

One day, the different body parts held a meeting and came together to decide which body part should be the leader xD
The brain said, "I should be the leader, because I do all the thinking, I control everything, I am the central, without me, nothing can function."
And so, The eyes said, "I should be the leader! I can foresee, I have foresight, I am the direction, without me, there is no goal to reach, nowhere to go."
The legs said, "No! I should be the leader! Without me, there is no movement, we'll all remain bound and imobile, without support and guidance from me, nothing works right."
And so, the other body parts came up with different reasons why they should be the leader.
The arse hole(anus) popped out and said, "I should be the leader! ;D"
The others discussed for a short moment and decided to kick the arse hole out of the meeting.
The arse hole grew red with anger, and he closed up and decided not to function at all.
After 3 days,
The brain went out of control, it couldn't even think straight.
The eyes became teary and blurred, the foresight was screwed.
The legs became jelli-fied and unable to move.

Soon, they started to beg the arse hole to start working.
And they made him the leader.

Moral : Any arse hole can be a leader, as long as you're willing to take extra responsibilities!
It doesn't matter if you're not smart, you don't have foresight or you're physically unstable, all it matters is effort from an individual! Anyone can lead! ;D


Wow, its the first time blood rushed to my head faster than usual xD
I didn't know 'thinking-so-much' was such a terrible feeling xD
I shall remain optimistic! OPTIMISTIC TILL THE VERY END!
MUAH-HA-HA-HA-HA (siao ar)

Anyway~ Can't tell if my heart's lightened or burden-ed xD

Short note from author :
I refuse to believe up till this day,
the thing you've been feeling,
is known as love.

harh, coz its just too weak baby
It's so damn weak.
Not with this recent girl,
but with the one in the past.

It's so weak
So weak...
I feel sorry for her.

Love isn't a child kind of feeling.
It lasts as long as
the feeling of rejection.-

I know what you're thinking,
I don't know anything,
because I don't know what's love, (oh yeah?)
I really
and I don't want to,
I'm so young ;D I dunwanna waste my youth
Not like most people do.
harh- ^^

I did realise, 'WHAT A FOOL I WAS! XD'
Successfully tormented my own heart
Oh yeah? big eh?
you both wanna quit chocfudge?
sure thing,
screw this, I'm being screwed because of two people xD
and the stuff they tell each other (yea) ;X
woohoo~ ecstasy!

-just leave me alone-
-I've been had and hurt enough-
-If only onions grew on trees-

I've cried till I'm all dried up, I've thought till I'm brain dead.
There was never that someone I could share my burdens with, no-one out there treats me seriously enough as a friend. It's so unfair... I'm always there for others, yet my heart is the only thing that really breaks.

-end- ^^

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