Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Basic NCO camp

Phew.. it's been 3 days since I last been online eh?
kaoo... and this time, after camp I seriously slept for the
longest time in my life! I slept from 2pm on Monday till 8am
on Tuesday, cool right? 18 hrs lmao.
This camp has been a horrible/impactful experience for me...
seriously X_X"

Well.. on the first day, we went to a ultra muddy field to pitch
this simple tent called ... (shit forgot lmao) All of us got muddy from
top to toe, and whilst getting scolded and punished by the instructors
and officers every single minute.
After that, we had lunch, and then~ WE WENT ON THIS WONDERFULLY

12 hour hike.
First, we travelled from JurongVille secondary to Bukit timah Hill (top)
That's just like... before boon lay to after queens way? (just imagine)
AND BACK to JurongVille (just imagine)
And plus, it was raining heavily on our way up to the top of the hill and on
the way down, it was just downright horrible.. trust me. Our shoes were
like puddles of dirty muddy water with sticks, leaves and other disgusting
substance for us to step on and walk on.
Through the forest late at night, I didn't dare to look around me...
I scared I see something I shouldn't see! LMAO!~

Well.. the hike, although it completely sucks, it was an important experience
for me, I can bet that not many have the chance to experience this kind of
hike even in their lifetime.

By the time we took off our shoes
my toes were like soggy, wrinkled, drenched, smelly, uncomfortable and black (seriously)
thank goodness, the instructors knew of our predicament and granted us a 1-hr bathing time!
;D wee~

On the second day, there were telematches and games, really tiring and fun ones XD
there was one whereby all of the platoon mates had to get onto 5-7 chairs
and move the chairs all the way to the front until we reached the finishing line~
yea, we had to keep our balance while moving the chairs one by one from back to front~
then the people threw flour and water on us TT_TT
yea.. dough-ish T_T

We did field cooking and it was a cool experience, I overcame my fear of fire!

From 6pm till the end of camp the next day, I was chosen to be the course In-charge
The highest position for the day.
The highest risk of getting a heart seizure for the day.
I keep getting scolded, punished severely...
But seriously saying, I'm very very very proud of myself
and very very very thankful for the chance to be course In-Charge~
My PS told me I did really really well...
I shouted till I lost my voice,
Sirs were happy because I could take the initiative to do alot of things on my own
to prevent the whole course from getting scolded and punished.

My chance of getting a trophy after camp is almost absolute!

It was reallllllllliiiieeeeeeeeeee
a damn daMN
tiring camp.

But I'm still thankful for the experience.
Going to you sheng's house this wednesday~

Short note for all camp-ians!
:: Do not be sad it happened, Be HAPPY that its over! ::

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