Monday, May 14, 2007

maybe can pass maths

Sigh... Just received my maths paper... X_X really scared.. I got 27/60 so far.. Yeah.. Obviously I did fail... I completely screwed my section A larh... For those who are at the borderline of failure... dun be so disheartened.. I really hate seeing people getting so sad over results that they are unwilling to exchange with mine.. I mean.. come on... I failed and you guys didn't... think positive man.. I wudda wanted ur score if I was given the choice...
Leeyin, dunn b so sad lerh bahz~ For u to b able to read my blog.. sortaa proves that ur mum didn't kick u outta de hse.. jus gambatte together for the next half of the year... we rly muz work harder and I'm sure we'll get this over. Now trying to hang on to my last glimmer of hope... I managed to find 2 mistakes that can award me with 3 marks.. if I get this 3 marks.. I will get onto mount everest and fly down man.. it really will rock... pass-ing is all I want for maths... Hope that isn't too much to ask for though X_x
For those who failed along with me... I'm sure we'll be able to do better next half of the year if we try harder... But I can predict i definitely won't get into triple science classes... I'm like a complete failure lah...
My "impactful" message of the day. A mirror is always worse than a wall. Although they both won't allow you to see what's beyond the present and take a peek into the future. As you look into the mirror, you are constantly reminded of the failure that you are.. But at least for the wall... you won't be so affected by what you see because all you see is a flat and virtual image of what's going on in life at that point of time, no matter what happens.. all I can say is.. nvr be disheartened by a small failure you make in life.. always pretend nth happened and strive to work even harder.. and I'm sure.. this message can lead people to success =)

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