Tuesday, October 20, 2009


wa.. I feel so pathetic these days, its not even 10 yet and I have to
sleep. I'm so close to collapsing LOL.. aiya.. maybe sleeping early is
good for me, age slower heh~

Sakae sushi was.. Fat.. but fun xD The group of people I went out
with today was fun lol, hope to go out more together~ ah, it made
a hole in my wallet, had to refill cash or I'll go broke before I know
it! I haven't cycled/jogged in a long time.. I better start soon.

Its amazing how much people can change. random thought

After i left shuwei at clementi mrt station, I kept emitting the
leave-me-alone vibe, like.. what's wrong with me? I'm already
so happy, maybe I need to be happier with my already-happy
happiness, LOL! ok wth am I saying?

The classroom is very hot, its killing me and destroying my moods!

I'm saddened by my results, uberly. But everyone else around me
cheered me up without doing anything special at all LOL! maybe
I'm just a laughter-seeker, its good to sleep early AND be optimistic,
I hope and may be able to live longer~!

nasi wa wu ji pa ban~ JI... PA... BAN!

Wannabe by spice girls is nice ok! though it sounds annoying when
somebody sings it out xD

experience makes a person wiser

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