Saturday, October 10, 2009

another weird saturday

Are all saturdays this strange? LOL.

It started on my journey home from clementi interchange.. the ppl
around me seemed really strange. There was this old man, he was
reading some.. paper and he just suddenly spasmed and the piece of
paper flew to me and slightly cut my arm. ouch. LOL! His eyes were
on the piece of paper and he just kept eyeing the paper until its in
his hands again, I looked at him with a "O.o" face.

Then comes the lady.. she was swinging her plastic bag merrily back
and forth (you know, typical actions of a child returning from tuition)..
and it hit me more than once.. (I was behind) and she didn't realise.
lol, strange. and again I stared.. of course, I knew she couldn't see.

There was also a guy who tapped his fingers on the metal bar dividing
the walkway.. humming a tune and clapping and snapping his hands.
To nobody. I wonder if he has no worries or has too much?

Finally something pleasant xD a middle-aged lady gave up her seat
to an old women, I always smile when I see such scenes~

During my walk home from the bus stop, I saw a male crow conti-
nuously hitting a drain cover.. raised his head feathers. I think he was
courting a nearby female crow. (There were really 2 crows)

And across the carpark, I heard a motorbike starting and thought it
was a helicopter landing.. (I have hearing problems LOL)

-Guitar was SUPER funny xD
-Kendrick's crying doll was SUPER cute xD
-The journey home was SUPER strange xD
-Nickelback's songs are SUPER weird but some are nice xD
-I'm SUPER aware I dont have time to be blogging xD
-I Realise coffee is SUPER useless on me xD
-I'm SUPER sure that I won't get any sleep tomorrow xD

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