Friday, October 23, 2009

2001 counts!

Today was such a meaningful day! :D

The higher chinese mock paper was so.. crappy? I finished it within
1 hr and 10 mins and had like.. 50 minutes to draw random stuff and
sleep LOL! SMU focuses on business and management.. hm.. I'll see
if NUS really is a better university.. as of the subj combi I want for
JC.. as of now.. would be PCME.. even if I wanted to change, I don't
think I have any other options to choose from..

After school went to JP with jiali, cheryl, shuuyin, grace and tiening.
we went to eat at subway.. I felt super fat, double choc cookie and
cheese STEAK. wrong cookie. wrong sandwich, WRONG! LOL
Thank god what happened after made my day xD

There was an Anlene(milk brand) stage game and fund raising at the
1st floor there, right next to subway. They had this stepping machine
that allowed people to reach 100 counts or more. And for every 100
counts(200 steps), Anlene would donate $2 to a charity organisation
with people suffering from bone problems(I forgot the term :X) I
reached 2001 counts!(4002 steps) LOL! It took more than half an hr,
I was sweating like hell even in air-con conditions. Imagine how much
exercise that was! LOL, I'm pretty sure I've burnt off some of the fats
I gained from subway LOL~

I raised $40 for charity! FOR CHARITY! and man, it felt so good! :D
All of us did the stepping thing too. Our total count added to aprox. 9400!


Its been so long since I've done something meaningful, I feel so happy
today wahaha~ Sadly I need to start preparing for art.. if not I'd go there
again tmr to raise more funds.. can help me jian fei also, LOL~

I'm going to start jogging every saturday starting from tmr..
how I wish I had a bike xD but oh, damn the maintenance.

oh ya, jiali I applaud you for daring to go on stage to participate in the
stepping competition! HAHA! she won two oatmeal and an Anlene
concentrate, so healthy~

I'm a little too addicted to bridge..

Should I risk the change?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


wa.. I feel so pathetic these days, its not even 10 yet and I have to
sleep. I'm so close to collapsing LOL.. aiya.. maybe sleeping early is
good for me, age slower heh~

Sakae sushi was.. Fat.. but fun xD The group of people I went out
with today was fun lol, hope to go out more together~ ah, it made
a hole in my wallet, had to refill cash or I'll go broke before I know
it! I haven't cycled/jogged in a long time.. I better start soon.

Its amazing how much people can change. random thought

After i left shuwei at clementi mrt station, I kept emitting the
leave-me-alone vibe, like.. what's wrong with me? I'm already
so happy, maybe I need to be happier with my already-happy
happiness, LOL! ok wth am I saying?

The classroom is very hot, its killing me and destroying my moods!

I'm saddened by my results, uberly. But everyone else around me
cheered me up without doing anything special at all LOL! maybe
I'm just a laughter-seeker, its good to sleep early AND be optimistic,
I hope and may be able to live longer~!

nasi wa wu ji pa ban~ JI... PA... BAN!

Wannabe by spice girls is nice ok! though it sounds annoying when
somebody sings it out xD

experience makes a person wiser

Friday, October 16, 2009


My results are.. man I don't wanna talk about it T.T
My GPA of 3.6 is gone.. I don't even want to hope for a
3.4 or 3.5 ... unless moderation really does miracles~

ok I know I'm quite ass-holey for worrying about my
results.. since there are many people who worry about
promotion.. well, having a GPA of 2.5 would get you
promoted too anyway~ the school's "nice"

but still.. I'm so disappointed with my results.. esp art.

At least I laughed super hard in school today LOL. I
can't understand myself.. why do I laugh whenever I'm
being insulted! I can't control it LOL. Playing bridge in
class and chatting in class was so nice.. exams are over,
its time to enjoy life!

There are so many unanswered questions..
There are so many things I need to know...
Why is it getting ambiguous..
Why does it seem to become increasingly impossible?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

another weird saturday

Are all saturdays this strange? LOL.

It started on my journey home from clementi interchange.. the ppl
around me seemed really strange. There was this old man, he was
reading some.. paper and he just suddenly spasmed and the piece of
paper flew to me and slightly cut my arm. ouch. LOL! His eyes were
on the piece of paper and he just kept eyeing the paper until its in
his hands again, I looked at him with a "O.o" face.

Then comes the lady.. she was swinging her plastic bag merrily back
and forth (you know, typical actions of a child returning from tuition)..
and it hit me more than once.. (I was behind) and she didn't realise.
lol, strange. and again I stared.. of course, I knew she couldn't see.

There was also a guy who tapped his fingers on the metal bar dividing
the walkway.. humming a tune and clapping and snapping his hands.
To nobody. I wonder if he has no worries or has too much?

Finally something pleasant xD a middle-aged lady gave up her seat
to an old women, I always smile when I see such scenes~

During my walk home from the bus stop, I saw a male crow conti-
nuously hitting a drain cover.. raised his head feathers. I think he was
courting a nearby female crow. (There were really 2 crows)

And across the carpark, I heard a motorbike starting and thought it
was a helicopter landing.. (I have hearing problems LOL)

-Guitar was SUPER funny xD
-Kendrick's crying doll was SUPER cute xD
-The journey home was SUPER strange xD
-Nickelback's songs are SUPER weird but some are nice xD
-I'm SUPER aware I dont have time to be blogging xD
-I Realise coffee is SUPER useless on me xD
-I'm SUPER sure that I won't get any sleep tomorrow xD

Monday, October 05, 2009


Saturday was an amazingly strange day.

I managed to study some of the year 3 topics for chem.. studied some
on sunday as well and I'm left with.. about 2-3 topics from year 4 which
I somehow plan to rush later in school before chem xD Its quite alot of
free time I realised, break.. and after chem paper 1, there's an hour of
study time.

When dad was fetching me for guitar lessons as usual, I saw a very young
malay boy, probably around 7 years old, riding on an adult bike, and he
was carrying his little brother at the back of the bicycle. It was a very
sweet sight. but it led me into thinking.. why did his parents let him go
out alone.. moreover riding a bike.. and crossing roads with it, when he
is so young? He may learn to be independent sooner but.. won't the
parents end up hating themselves if anything ever happens to their son?

Ah, and I was almost late for guitar. I reached at 4.55pm, guitar starts
at 5. xD The sky was dark the whole day.. like a tornado was coming or
smth.. though it never rained. I'm still happy my dad asked me whether
I needed an umbrella out of concern :) Is it that I laugh easily or.. he
seemed to be making me laugh alot everytime we're in the car? xD

On the way home.. my guitar nearly smashed someone's face LOL!
I took the train with liuqiao from Bukit batok to JE and we split up
from there.. she lives at lakeside and me, clementi, what a sad
separation, and I have to experience it every sat xD

the train to clementi arrived and there was this teenage girl.. she was
clinging on to her boyfriend like she was glued to him or she was
possessed or smth.. I didn't particularly stare at her but she stared at
me.. like out of everyone there (it was 6+ peak hours), she chose to
stare at ME. I was so weirded out.

and there was a HUGE wall lizard at the lift area at my flat

I had a nightmare on sat morning too.. hope it doesn't come true.. I
can't seem to forget this nightmare like I did to all the rest..

I chatted with a close friend whom I haven't chatted with for a very
long time. It was a very meaningful conversation, (in my opinion). I
received valuable advice.. and it sorta.. rekindles the relationship and..
brings back wonderful memories xD I'll heed it, "don't regret it".
Thanks for the chat, I really needed it!

I should be mugging.. but I dont have the heart to do so anymore, LOL!
mind's too occupied at the moment.. haven't thought about so many
things since so long ago. well, at least there's smth to blame if all else
fails~ I wish that all my friends and myself will go through the exams
successfully(well if we don't die midway) and enjoy whatever comes

I'm so happy I can go to Japan, My parents' love for us has just leveled
up from perfection! xD