Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Best Day

The Best Day - Taylor Swift

I’m 5 years old
It’s getting cold out
Got my big coat on
I hear your laugh And look up at smilin at you
I run and run
Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides
Look now, the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep
On the way home

I don’t know why all the trees change in the fall oh oh
But I know you’re not scared of anything at all oh oh
Don’t know if Snow White’s house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day with you today

I’m 13 now and don’t know how my friends could be so mean
I come home crying and you hold me tight
And grab the keys
And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop til I forgotten
All their names

I don’t know who I’m gonna talk to now at school uh uh
But I know I’m laughin on the car ride home with you uh uh
Don’t know how long it’s gonna take to feel okay but I know I had the best day
With you, today

I have an excellent father
His strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother
Inside and out he’s better than nothin

I grew up in a pretty house
And I had space to run
And I had .. The Best Days with you

There is a video I found
From back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen
And you’re talkin’ to me
It’s the edge of princesses and pirate ships
And the seven dwarfs
My Daddy’s smart and you’re the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

Now I know why the all the trees change in the fall oh oh
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
Staying back and watching me shine
And I didn’t know if you knew
So I’m takin’ this chance to say
I had the best day
With you, today

I love this song.. so few songs are dedicated to mothers or
any other relatives nowadays!

The melody is nice too xD

Thursday, March 26, 2009

FA experience

ran 2.4km today.. as in, for the actual NAPFA test~
sigh.. timing deproved ALOT.

14.22 :( Must be the sun! good that there's something to blame xD

When i ran till like, my 3rd or 4th round.. i suddenly saw xiaoxue collapse
on the ground and some ppl crowded around her.. i tio stunned can? totally
SHOCKED. LOL! but like jesslyn said, i probably thought she was on the
verge of fainting so she only wanted to lie down... and the ppl there just
told us to carry on running.. so i did, gosh; maybe I shouldn't have!

After 2.4.. Mr Tan didn't tell us ANYTHING about the very bad state
xiaoxue was in.. only when tiening or peizheng came to us then we ran like
freaks even though we just finished 2.4 LOL! she was lying between blk
R and S... she was conscious at first de! then after around 5-10 min she
became unconscious! so scary.. her legs were elevated and she was fanned..
bleh.. still no response!

so jess n i went to get bingle n adam for stretcher.. but only cn find bingle..
LOL! i totally forgot kendrick was available xD so xiaoxue was transported
to the general office.. outside the sick bay. we all stayed there and looked
after her.. and etc etc etc.. the teachers decided to call the ambulance.. and
the ambulance arrived n sorta took over..

peizheng bought this 100 plus to the general office intending for it to be
drank by xiaoxue but it ended up in the stomachs of jesslyn n sharon. LOL!
SORRY PEIZHENG LOL! too thirsty xD and someone bought biscuits for
us because we missed the whole recess.. aw so sweet right! :D


that was a very exciting experience.. makes you think about how useful St
John is and how much it rocks! haha (you should have seen jesslyn's reaction
to it, LOL)

Chi test today.. probably screwed..
Art.. not much progress.. hope I can finish..
Upcoming science tests.. hope I can score well!

and jiayou grace! I hope you don't think too much about it! :D


Saturday, March 21, 2009


heh, today went to cousin's house to celebrate his 21st birthday with alot
more people! He's like, the youngest child compared to his other 2 silbings.

The cake was good and had a fun time laughing there, rofl! I love going
there because I get to meet and hug OSCAR! HAHA

psh! camera shy dog! HAHA xD *off topic* that's my brother doing hmwk
at the back LOL.
AHH! OSCAR! such a huggable dog! :D

Monday, March 16, 2009

UG camp

ah, finally got motivated enough to post about UG camp. xD

Day One
eh, i found it ok, as in, the discipline was kinda satisfactory already..
and it feels really different being a senior than a junior.. its like..
there's this strange feeling when you're finally leading others when
you have been a junior/cadet for 4 or more of such camps and been
scolded n tortured like crazy.. it really looks very different as a snr..

I'm guilty i actually thought that the seniors found joy in torturing
us. i'm really guilty now... its when one becomes a senior that one
truely understands how painful it is to punish someone who once
belonged to the same platoon.. same junior-category as you.. who
was once your friend.. its painful to see them suffer :(

anyway.. off-topic, the discipline was good to me so ya.. it was ok
for an introduction to the camp.. the camp I/C was alicia and i must
say she has shown fantastic leadership..

from day one i could see that at least my platoon.. Soul, the juniors
were VERY heavily dependent on the seniors about getting stuff
done.. you see the EXTREMELY exhausted seniors falling out one
by one and the juniors like.. still never do anything to help.. i just
hope that they will seriously shout more... and help out more.. n
stuff.. but their discipline still did improve overall.. so i must say
i'm proud of all of them for getting through the camp!

Day Two
this was i think by far the most torturous day? a few ppl i think
started to have fever.. including ppl frm yr4.. poor things.. :(

the discipline on this day did significantly improve, and i was so
proud of them..

the only thing i really rmb is the chnging parade thing.. actually i
knew the officers didn't meant for it to be a changing parade but..
it seemed like one alright.. nvm, i'm still VERY VERY happy with
jesslyn's decision to change with the juniors.. to full-u, cos it was
really... the only way to make things fair! it hurts to see them.. all
suffering from a lack of a well-deserved rest.. it really hurts .. all
their faces were seriously, perpetually dead.. i'm glad they could
sleep after that..

camp I/C was kialuck, and i'm VERY VERY VERY surprised and
VERY EXTREMELY proud of her lah!!!!!! to me, she's like 10 mil
times better than the camp I/C i was last year.. she has shown
ALOT of leadership n responsibility.. i'm just.. really stunned and
really proud of her.. like, beyond words. memories of the courses
just keep gushing back into this very-occupied brain..

Day Three
nth much also, haha, weijie was the camp I/C and once again.. he
did not lose to the previous 2 I/Cs.. he has also showed great
initiative and responsibilty.. its almost.. amazing! its no longer the
super crappy n lame weijie tt i know of xD

games were fun! the "netball" match we had xD it was very tiring
but still fun! haha! oh ya.. i wanted to talk abt sleep, LOL! its like..
yen n a few others slept half an hour of didn't sleep AT ALL on the
first night.. xinmun looks totally dead LOL! i slept 2 hours+ haha!
i'm smart :X
the second night more ppl slept like 45 mins? i slept 2 and a half hr
LOLOLOL! ok forget it i feel piggish.. so its 5hrs in total~ nt bad, i
still rmb during basic/advance i slept like 2 n half hrs the whole camp
becus i was so scared since i was course I/C LOL!

i really wonder how some of the yr4s survive the camp with so little
sleep, LOL!

all in all, it was a good camp with most of the objectives well-met! :D
alot of leadership was shown, and it further increased my confidence
level of the year 3s :) the juniors also displayed a big improvement in
their discipline levels, so i guess it was an all-rounded achievement :D

that's camp for you, have fun!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Blog-shop link

Even though it consists of only a few clothes.. since that's all we
did today.. i'll still post up the link to the blog shop! Do visit and
support us! by Shuwei, Jiali, Yunhan and Me.



went to Jiali's house today to take photographs of clothes and us
wearing them, well, these are all for the up-coming blog-shop we
are setting up on livejournal :D

i'd just say.. look forward to it? xD

i spent my morning sorting out the clothes and my mum's and my
bro chose those he wanted to sell in approximately 1.3 minutes...
too sad shuwei, yunhan and jiali nt keen on selling his shirts HA!
mum's letting me keep the money for her clothes but i just want
to earn commision LOL!

we spent A-L-O-T of time photographing.. posing etc, and it was
a V-E-R-Y tiring day..

i should have recorded the senseless and retarded conversation in
a very qianbian voice between me and yunhan, LOL! shuwei was
sitting down in front of the lap top laughing away LOL.. even jiali's
mum chuckled.. i think jiali's headache was caused by us, LOL!
that conversation lasted quite long LOL.. look at the masters of
crap .. and we were so afraid we can't get rid of the qianbian voice

and.. after everything, we realised we had to go to her house again
another day! lol, anyway her mum rocks, LOL! (food.. *echo*)

okay, after that went to dinner at JP KFC and bought grace's present
and home we went! lol, i was amazed yunhan's parents let her out till
so late xD

alright.. lang arts essay results out tomorrow.. hope i scored well!

Friday, March 06, 2009

scratched car

WHOO! 80% for SCS! its depressing to know half of the class failed..
but ah well, thank god mr bryan tan gave them a chance to rewrite
so they'd pass! alright.. SCS did save my butt, thank god!

i just have to state this somewhere can? some guys in my class seem
to have a problem with the way i laugh LOL! is it that weird? I mean,
its not anywhere as funny as Sandra's laughter!!

Mr Ng is like the cutest teacher EVER. i'm not trying to snatch him
from mdm tia, LOL! ok.. so random again

there was year one orientation during CCA today, i wasted well over
an hour of my life hiding in tutorial room 1 LOL! I couldn't even
remember how many times I mumbled "noobs.." its like, maybe
because we hid too pro-ly but, only 1 group looked around the
tutorial rooms! the rest totally gave up! LOL! thank god bingle knew
how to turn the aircon on.. so we enjoyed the coolness in there, rofl

it was.. fun? even though i didn't experience anything LOL.

dad's car was SCRATCHED by some.. "asshole" (said by dad, LOL)

ah well, instead of recce, i'll be going CIP with eve, pnghang, and jnrs
tmr, LOL! its some charity gift wrapping thingy.. which would end by
12 i presume? I usually like wrapping stuff, because its fascinating..
ok i take back my words.. tt sounded, noob? LOL!

sorry jesslyn, i think you sounded rather disappointed :(

camp in a week's time.. i'm looking forward to it and not as well.. sorta
half-hearted, rofl, but i think it should be fun



i started to think about something lol, i think its TOTALLY random
so its yeah, ignorable...

i realised how many singaporean friends i know actually complain how
much life sucks etc. at least once lol.. maybe i did too but.. whatever..
LOL! just gonna share how negative i feel about those mindless complains

i think its ridiculous for people like us who enjoy the life in a first world
country like singapore to ACTUALLY complain that life sucks.
i think that people who genuinely think that way whether or not its becus
they broke up, got pissed off by parents/results or just feel that way cos'
its cool; are plain childish imbeciles. sorry if it sounded harsh.. but yeah,
that's how i feel... and that's partially why i can't stand people who emo
for that same reason.

c'mon, we're


experience the rural life in africa or india where poverty is considered a
norm before you start complaining.


and.. i really need to buck up on my results. LOL, ok, i know i've repeated
that too many times xD

Thursday, March 05, 2009


ah, I flunked both sciences AND HCL.. (NOT hydrochloric acid)..
there goes my GPA, and apparently i don't think i'll get A1 for SCS
NOR A2 for art; gee, i'm totally flunking term 1 :(

ah nvm, sad stuff aside LOL! okay, even though i deproved but i
was still proud of my 2.4km timing during PE lesson today! :D
14.04s! its just 2 secs away from jesslyn, ahh! we nearly finished
together xD its like, we ran the whole way together! lol i wonder if
during the actual NAPHA, can my timing beat my best timing of
13.56 during last year's NAPHA? xD i think can ba.. lol.. running's
all about willpower! if not, its about being physically abnormal
LIKE SEYCHEE(you freak! LOL) ok jkjk! butcher, rofl!

yay! i made it below 15mins, which means next week PE can choose
to play games after a few rounds! LOL! but i think i might end up
running.. stamina is easy to lose and hard to improve on..

i'm still unsure of whether I want to go to vietnam, gee, why must
they choose a country that makes me wary.. i want to go overseas
with the squad though D: parents are reluctant to let me go...

tmr year one orientation! (yeah! YEAR ONE, THEY ROCK OK! :D)
i'm kinda sure it'll be SUPER, DUPER FUN! ^^

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


woah.. its been so long since i typed something here

ah well, i screwed both my sciences, so sad :(
anyway, my mum hired a tutor at my request.. and he's.. mr ho?
quite a good tutor lol! REALLY tall, and i mean REALLLLLY tall!
he's in university first year. I seriously hope my physics improves
with his help.. i hope there's one day I can believe getting A1 for
physics is actually possible for me, LOL!

ah, all these days quite sian, been geekish for over 2 months.. I
haven't touched audi in a long time.. even though i play gb with my
bro and his friend during some nights~ seriously, i find myself weird
and scary to be able to study so much! LOL! Now i'm really hoping
I can score well this year.. it means so much to me~

ohya, for peeps out there who aren't sure of what you wanna do
next time.. this is the subject combi my tutor recommend for JC!
phy-chem-mathematics-econs; LOL. he said gt more career options
in future~

took this career test at LOL! as predicted, my career path
would be the artistic path! haha! either a designer, marketer or a
spokesmen xD actually quite useless la, since i could more or less predict


My group of friends and me, making up to 4, opened a blog shop on
livejournal LOL! its better because there are so many clothes left
stoning in my closet and i don't even plan on wearing them anymore!

it'd be better off SOLD! but ah well, no link yet because there isn't
anything on sale yet, LOL! xD

bought a top from forever21, its like, i tried on 5 pc and only bought 1!
it was like, occupying the time of all the people who queued for the
fitting rooms! LOL.. its brown and it looks nice! haha! (:

i can't screw my studies anymore!

bleh, so random; LOL!

looking forward to going jiali's house this sunday, woot! :D