Tuesday, January 27, 2009

happy cow year!

Can't believe I haven't wished it till now.


been really busy for the past few days xD today was
busy trying to learn how to play mahjong and receiving
angbaos (favourite activity during CNY).. woke up
SUPER early in the morning to dress up.. record time
LOL! i took like.. through my best effort to rush... 1 n
a half hours to dress up LOL!! I DIDN'T even spend
ANY time on make-up LOL! i've gotta admit, i didn't
feel like myself at all in the new clothe, its like, a tad
bit too revealing for the likes of me o.O" ah well, it looked
alright anyway, my new shoes just hurt like hell.. cudn't
even walk 10m without complaining LOL! like some
spoilt brat XD

went to watch the fan wong's movie with cousins and
their boyfriends or girlfriends and mom n aunties and
grandma. i'll describe it in one word, disappointing..


anyw, we left my aunt's house after the movie at 10+..
it was ALOT later than I predicted xD tmr still need to
go out with the same relatives to have dim sum for
lunch ~ waha! i love dim sum man! xD

school's re-opening again.. AIIIIIH LOL!

its interesting to look at my past posts, i actually used to
twit and sound so goddamn.. erm i dunno how to say, i jus
feel like punching whoever typed tt if i pretended it wasn't
me LOL! it sounds so childish!

but overall i'm glad blogs exist, looking through it 5-10 yrs
from now would be really interesting :D

Sunday, January 18, 2009


ok obviously, i didn't know what to put for the title LOL

anyway, i've been TRYING to learn hirigana (basics for the jap
language) and i've only managed to learn three lines LOL! that
is UBER pathetic, i know LOL!! - a i u e o - ka ki ku ke ko - sa
shi su se so - LOL! i know u wanna call me noob!

hmm, been super busy with my art gallery project.. currently
finished about half of the written assignment section.. sigh, still
got a LONNG LONG way to go man!

went to SAKURA to eat ytd, 1 person is like, 30 bucks.. i dun
even think i ate 20 bucks, i ate till i was exploding LOL! anyw,
told my family the joke tt bingle told me and they laughed like
hell LOL! i'm just gonna type it out :X

one day, a priest and a golfer went out to play golf together.
The golfer swung his golf-stick 3 times and striked but he..
so he said, "Oh Shit! I missed!"
After hearing the crude comment, the priest said,
"Do not swear! God will punish you!"
So the golfer nodded his head and went back to his game.
Once again, he swung his stick 3 times and striked, and he,
so he said, "Oh Shit! I missed!"
After hearing the same crude comment, the priest said,
"Stop swearing! This is the second time! God will really punish you!"
The golfer nodded his head apologetically, and he went back to the game.
Again, he swung his stick 3 times and striked.
and he,
and then he shouted loudly, "Oh Shit! I missed!"

After that, a lightning appeared from the sky and struck the priest.
The clouds opened slidely and a booming voice was heard.


HAHAHA *bangs table* LOL!!!

alright, i nearly forgot to post this weekend again LOL!
i still cnt post pictures.. AHH!

ok, gotta rush art and go grandma hse LLOL

Monday, January 12, 2009

try hard, everything is possible!

omg, sorry for being post-less(eh?) for so long LOL!
really SUUPPPERRRRR busy sia! ok actually.. that's
partially a lie LOL!!

i've been watching drama over the weekends and trying
really hard to practise self-control cos i promised myself
not to be drawn to the computer at all! hey, it has been
successful for the past one week plus lor! LOL! CLAP FOR

sat was fun, the few of us went to the love heart dunno wat
(cool it rhymes), and tutored some of the kids there who
belong to needy families, this CIP is somewhat meaningful
:D i think i'll continue for half a year if possible? haha

ok, i'm gonna share what i have been doing...
after being released from school every evening except mon
at 4pm, i go home and finish up my homework and after tt
i take out the newspapers to read LOL! teachers keep saying
it'll help my general paper for A levels LOL! basically, i've
been so hardworking im beginning to become creeped out by
myself LOL!!


just got my art O level paper today, qute confused over 2
stimuli (topic).. duno which to choose, i've been thinking n
thinking for at least an hour lol.. jolting all my ideas down
for every single stimuli lol.. i really want a distinction for my
art o lvl man! LOL!

i'll try to make an effort to post every weekend~ it also took
me alot of will-power to turn on the comp this night LOL!


Sunday, January 04, 2009


omgosh.. first few days into school and i'm already this
busy.. today i really feel super crazy and retarded and
lethargic and VVFFFFTTTT.. ARGH!

morning i was rushing eve's brochure cos i know i won't
have time at all for the rest of the week and thurs is the..
the.. CCA open hse thingy.. wait, does this mean i won't
have Art? LOL! im pretty proud of the brochures tho

theeeeen.. PH told me ytd tt the st john tee finalised design
is due on wed.. ya this means i'll have to draw it out real
perfectly and then scan into photoshop and do editting work
so tt officers will accept it.. i'm so afraid of forgetting this tt
i feel like doing it now.. but my fingers are so tired frm typing
i dunno why i'm even typing this.. LOL

so far i have 4 deadlines of which 2 have been met. 2 more to


i'm still waiting for someone to actually say "Thank you"
the nicest message is surprisingly from mada.. and its nth
very nice either..

i wanna study i wanna play.
my timetable sucks and i cn only go home in the afternoon
and not the evening on WED. curse the free periods cos
none of them appear as the last period... my chem and
maths are un-done despite me putting so much effort
into actually chionging homework...

and bear in mind.

to type the things we talked about during meeting was me
volunteering. i tried my best(I CN STRONGLY SAY SO) and
i know it still sucks. i'm gonna do something about it. but can
somebody just appreciate it??

CCA. (the thing, NOT the people)


first day of school - part 2

this is the continued ar, LOL!

ehh.. so..
training was FUN! LOL.. in fact i looked forward to it like
for the whole day LOL, pfft :X

er... aft training we left SJ room and pnghang, eve, liuqiao,
phyllis, me and bingle went to the bukit batok CSC thingy
cos we all thought the dinner was there LOL.. den waited
super long den found out its at sevans the bukit gombak
there LOL! HAHA.. its like we didn't volunteer at all then
also got free buffet to eat LOL! HAHA~ shuang right rofl

anyway.. short note to off-point abit :X
on the bus 61 to bukit batok, phyllis was sleeping like some
pig ma, so i found a random sticker in my plastic bag so i
just went to paste it on her bag :X but yeah.. i think it fell
off by now LOL! so noob nvr realise HAHAHAHA LOL

we were wearing school uniform lah.. the place is like those
type of ppl drink beer sing karaoke tt kind lo! then we are
SUPER out of place LOL! xD

the whole night we're like damn high la! oh ya. reminded
of another cute incident. sir eric help us pay the taxi bill
ma, cos me liuqiao took the same taxi as him, then the
taxi bill was like $4.65, then he take out a 10 dollar note
den say he dun like keep small change.. den ask liuqiao
take out 20 cents.. den he give the driver.. den the driver
look at him, he look at driver.. keep look here look there
with a blur look LOL!!!! HE IS SO STRANGE CAN? LOL!!
me n liuqiao went out of the taxi and laughed like crap
and we found out he could break-dance, tts cool man! xD

me&eve participated in the hero costume design game LOL!
RIBBON-HERO HAHAAHA! LOL! and they said tt whoever
strip in the sexiest wins LLOL! EVE HAHA! all 3 models
won anyway LOL! expected :X

their beer-drinking contest was dam cool LOL! ahh.. wanted
to go into detail but too bad.. too tired LOL.. its 1.05am :X


yay! audi~ LOL
finally saffron HAHA! 1102 hearts currently :X
nt bad le ok! LOLOL~
lv 24 license so hard to pass T-T man! why can't
i perfect? issit becus of let it snow tt song?? LOL!!


Saturday, January 03, 2009

first day of school

ahh.. i couldn't type this yesterday because i came home
at like; 10.35pm and i bathed till 11pm and decided to just
hurrily dry my hair and sleep LOL! i was dead tired man!
first day of school and i'm out till so late!

ohyah, the day before when i receive the msg to wear SJAB
full-u to school i went berserk for 3.14159 seconds becus i
was DAMMIT looking forward to wearing the JC uniform
LOL! ok the one for yr 4,5,6 haha! omg!! i love it, it looks
dam nice and JC-ish! AHH! it feels like i'm already IN JC!

soo.. we had parade in the morning.. the one we practised
thru the holidays.. apparently meant to impress the year

the parade went smoothly and i'd assume everyone was
impressed with rvsj's drill :X keke.. lure the year ones in
HAHA! i'm the year one training I/C.. must look for good
ones LOOOOL!

theeen... we all rushed to changed back into the school u
AHH! I LOOOVVVEE IT MAN! ;DD and me and jesslyn
went back to class 4D.. 4D 4D 4D.. i nid time to get used
to this.. i keep saying 3D LOL!

waaah! everybody has grown! ok actually no one has LOL!
they're all still the cute lovable class i know of! LOL my class
is like.. the gathering of all the good people in my level HAHA
i'm so lucky :X

then me&jesslyn thought tt the class left the front seat for
us and i didn't notice there were like 2 pairs of seats at the
very back la! WTH! T-T yunhan & jiali u sux! LOL

but in the end they randomised the seating arangement and
i got the back.. LOL! with tsesin :DD

guo laoshi is our form teacher ~.~" hais.. i cn alrdy imagine
all the miscelleneous extra extra lessons all taught in ..
but ok la.. having her better than having the fierce teachers..

recess was same as last year! my class girls always takes 3
tables and are seated together! and we're like crapping and
laughing.. esp at my bench LOL! :X omg i love 4D rofl

aft recess they chose the class commitee and the 2 chair-
persons are once again by-default LOL, and then the rest
of the reps are mostly same as last year's and.. i am... the..


i, who apparently doesn't even noe how to use the visualiser;
is appointed to set it up? LOLOLOLOL OMG LLOL!!!
told me AV rep cn skip classes LLOL! HAHA

theeenn.. we had public duty during their activities.. and we
just walked ard the whole school looking for injured ppl.......
it was quite sian LOL!

poor phyllis :( don't be scared! don't blame urself !! :)

and then afternoon had training, i was super high LOL! i
really.. really love my juniors.. they rock so much! so enthu
and so cute.. totally unlike what i was... I LOVE THEM T.T
too bad.. this year till feb or something.. i won't be their
trainer for all sessions anymore.. i have to take care of the
new batch of year ones... D: now that's sad..

omg.. im gonna continue this post later when i come back
because i have to go out for training meeting again.. T.T

Thursday, January 01, 2009

happy new year 2009! :D

omg time flies! HAHA! and i really love this year because..
I TURN 16 THIS YEAR LOL! :X i've been wanting to be 16
for 4 years? o.o" LOL!!!

new year resolutions.. i guess its good to list them down
since the point of blogging is to go "wow" when i reread the
posts a couple of years later LOL!
- school-wise.. hmm, i plan on doing my best this year and i
aim for GPA 3.5 hehe, that's an average of A2.
- computer-wise, i plan to stop gaming.. especially on wkdays
and exam period~
- ok.. weight.. tsk, i'm beginning to get a phobia of dieting.. LOL
ok i'm aiming to lose probably 4-5kg more~
- MONEY! i wanna save lots and lots of it! HAHA there's so
many things i want LOL! i plan to get a lappy by 18 :X
- ok it may be too early to say now but, BY HOOK OR BY
CROOK, i'm gonna get into a university LOL!
- ambition-wise.. hmm.. its making me more indecisive as the
years pass.. LOL
- Work hard for my Art O-levels :D
- Find a suitable physics tutor.. and work hard on my higher
chinese which sucks amazingly badly...
- Get my brother to work hard and score super well for Os!
- Clear up my desk which looks like a book-dump..
- Finish my homework before entertainment, e.g. TV!
- TRY to buy clothes using my own saved cash.. i've been
spending too much of my parents' money x.x
- Put in effort in SJAB and live up to the hopes of my friends~
- Put MORE effort in remembering peoples' birthdays LOL
- Not to nearly lose my wallet again..
- Be more careful with myself and others LOL, omg so cliche
eee *goosebumps* LOL!
- Have more social awareness~

ok.. i can't really think of anymore since i'm crying deep down
in my heart because i wished holidays continued LOL!! but ah!
i'm sure looking forward to seeing my friends again heh!

i'm left with chem and maths.. i dunno if i'll be doing them
anyway LOL! gosh! i finished 17 zuowens and 1200 word
essay ok! LOL!

YEAH! my school uniform changed! WOO! i'll be wearing
the year 4,5,6 one! WOOOOO! HAHAHA XD

Audi hmm.. the love party should take place on saturday.. LOL
currently at 950+? hearts LOL.. i think? need around 150 more..
my initial aim was saffron and its enough.. but omg.. cuphea looks
nicer than saffron and aster is the beginning of shiny rings T-T


then again, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009! HEHE