Sunday, March 23, 2008

des(s)erted dinner

LOL- I'm posting veri often!

Anyw, just felt that I have to share today's
dinner experience with everyone :X

ah well, my mum's friend recommended her
to this "hawker-centre-ish-sorta-restaurant"
outside my school to eat, so we went to that
place... and sadly, due to my mum's terrible
memory, we ended up in the wrong restaur-
ant. I mean cn u believe it? He told her that
there was no air-conditioning and she brought
us all to the DESERTED restaurant with air
conditioning!! I couldn't stop laughing! My
poor memories must be hereditary! (just
found someone to blame LOL!)

oh well, it was an extremely deserted, secluded
restaurant... seriously, during our entire dinner
there, the only customers were US! LOL! so
strange lah! the entire dinner... x_X" like our
personal private restaurant LOL! And at first
i thought their food was gonna suk.. but who
knew! it was a vry good quality, too bad the
location totally sucks x.x"

anyw! the main topic for my post!! THE FRIED
ICE-CREAM!!!! :D omg! it's the best ice-cream
i've ever ever tasted in my entire life!!! its like
ice cream inside a super tasty crispy skin-sorta-
thing! it was extremely extremely fabulously
deliciasio!!!!! OH MY GOD!! it was super duper
ultra NICE! u guys must try fried ice-cream!!!
the last time i ate fried ice-cream was in taiwan!
singapore's one is 3897123823 times nicer!!

BYE- x3 LOL!

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