Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mummy's birthday

Heh- Today's momy's birthday!
wee! happy 52nd birthday mum! I love u forever!

lol, i've been like, sick for mon->wed
food-poisoning z.z"
ahh.. i missed out so much on school! I feel
like tearing out my hair but decided not to LOL!
anyw... back on my main topic x3

ZOMGG, STARHUB.. *catches breath* they din
have a lap top anymore! so my dad paid extra to
get me a new desktop PC AHH! with windows Vista!
(altho it can't support maple T-T) BUT OMG!!! I'M
soo damn happy now, esp after he was able to make
the internet work!! xD

best part: the audi downloaded at an INCREDIBLE
speed of 1.34MB per sec (this is amazing) OMG CAN?!
it only took 13mins+ to finish downloading!!!! XD sad
thing is, haven't found out how to plug in USB cables
to upload photos ;x *gotta find out* Omg a new comp
i can finally call mine! WAHAHA!! XD


Sunday, March 23, 2008

des(s)erted dinner

LOL- I'm posting veri often!

Anyw, just felt that I have to share today's
dinner experience with everyone :X

ah well, my mum's friend recommended her
to this "hawker-centre-ish-sorta-restaurant"
outside my school to eat, so we went to that
place... and sadly, due to my mum's terrible
memory, we ended up in the wrong restaur-
ant. I mean cn u believe it? He told her that
there was no air-conditioning and she brought
us all to the DESERTED restaurant with air
conditioning!! I couldn't stop laughing! My
poor memories must be hereditary! (just
found someone to blame LOL!)

oh well, it was an extremely deserted, secluded
restaurant... seriously, during our entire dinner
there, the only customers were US! LOL! so
strange lah! the entire dinner... x_X" like our
personal private restaurant LOL! And at first
i thought their food was gonna suk.. but who
knew! it was a vry good quality, too bad the
location totally sucks x.x"

anyw! the main topic for my post!! THE FRIED
ICE-CREAM!!!! :D omg! it's the best ice-cream
i've ever ever tasted in my entire life!!! its like
ice cream inside a super tasty crispy skin-sorta-
thing! it was extremely extremely fabulously
deliciasio!!!!! OH MY GOD!! it was super duper
ultra NICE! u guys must try fried ice-cream!!!
the last time i ate fried ice-cream was in taiwan!
singapore's one is 3897123823 times nicer!!

BYE- x3 LOL!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Let me clarify this at the start of the post! [ ME AND DARREN A.K.A HIPPO AREN'T AN ITEM! LOL! I TREAT HIM AS A VERY GOOD FRIEND! THAT IS ALL-! ]

Curses! I dun care what u say anymore D;
as long as I know its not true ;X kekeke....

Anyway! I shall begin today's post about ytd's wonderful day!
LOL! Firstly, I woke up at like 7.20am in the morning! and I
sms-ed darren! HE TOLD HE ME WOKE UP AT 7.10am! &
somemore he watched a midnight movie with his ghey partner
till 2am++ last night lah! omfg! And then we're like sms-ing all
the way till i went out of house! LOL! man, this is one of the
greatest friends i ever made and + i just knew him for 1 week!
And omfg, I can't believe I actually made a peanut butter
sandwich for him LOL! coz he skipped breakfast (so did i) but
it grew fungi in the end! and we were like laughing laughing xD
so ah well.. my precious thoughts and bread was thrown away TT

alright, after i went out of house, i called him LOL@!@ and omg!
i was so expecting him to be phone-shy can?! and he just answered
more readily than i! AND OMG! he sounds like my cousin can? it
was a damn "nice-person" sort of voice @.@" (ohh~ I'm getting
dizzy! LOL JUS KIDDING) yeah and although my MRT station was
closer to my house, he reached his first! &somemore he walked! TT
ah well.. I sorta reached city hall interchng earlier than him, like 8.55am
LOL! and he sms-ed me he was at the back of the train! so I took the
escalator and went to his line and walked to the end... then I saw tis
guy keep staring at me and walking past me LOL^%$^#! DARREN ITS
SO DAMN OBVIOUS ITS YOU XD! and boy, he doesn't look like his
friendster! infact much more mature @.@~~ and boy, he is the first
guy i ever met who is so damn sociable at first meeting! he kept
crapping on and on with me even tho we're like so damn awkward the
first time we met @___@" and its like.. we sat in the mrt station for 1
hour! crapping non-stop! and aft that, we went to pasir ris to wait for
fire mei xD! he was like "i wanna act like an anti-social person" LOL!

den reunited with fire!! xD and omg, her fashion sense is going up by the
minute! xD and wym was like, the latest! (EXPECTED) LOL!! ahh well,
she looks gorgeous as ever T-T I feel so zi bei standing among them can!
and even tho hippo's just a super good friend.. they kept gossiping about us
T-T *hurts my feelings* LOL!! ah well, so we took a bus to down-town-east
and to escape theme park! xD Thanks to darren being a singtel user! we
got 30% discount off the tickets LOL$#%@!~ *jealous of fire* damn my
pocket just exploded TT! ahhh! the first thing we did was go to burger
king to grab lunch! (i was so hungry cos i literally skipped breakfast!) HA!
i finished my burger earlier than DARREN! X= aft that, with a FULL
stomache! I got forced to ride on the pirate ship(the swing here swing there)
by wym&fire T-T! I was the most reluctant!! and zomg, did i regret that ride!
it scared darren to bits LOL! although the effect only stayed with me
during the ride! x___x" terrifying!! WYM&FIRE! I'LL nvr DO it AGAIN!!

and aft that, fire went to take the inverter!(she took it a total of 2 times) such
an extremist can?! @.@"!! and then wym&fire went to take the rainbow thingy!
the hyper stomache feeling thingy T-T! s0B! and they say we pangseh them!
they pangseh us lor!!! T-T! and den me n darren went to take the ultraman...
and when they came down, we went to take the spaceship! it was so fun can?! xDD
although, i felt so bad cos darren was yeah, scared to bits T-T! and aft that they
went to take the rainbow again and me n darren went to queue up for the drive
cart thingy~ the super bumpy ride thing X= man! it was unforgetable! firstly, we
saw this couple in front of us(the rude couple when we met at the ticketing booth)
and they were so dam intimate in broad daylight n in front of a whole queue of ppl
can?! so disgusting and irritating! and the worse thing is! the girl likes doing that
TOO!!2 omg! disgrace to the women race! z.z! and so, we queued up for like 1hr+
and finally its our turn!! and once again, they auto-team and its darren&me with
the gossip again z.z! ah well, he said he can't drive$%32 BUT HE CAN! (just
extremely slowly!) I liked the part where he literally dashed down the slope! SO
FUN LOL!! xD and we happily overtook the rest and went for our last round when
they all finished theirs#!% LOL! fun ride!! xD

and aft that, i think we went to the carnival%#@ where big toys could be earned!
this freaking crazy boy! he played the pinball thingy and he saved all 5!! AND HE
GOT A HUGE WHITE TIGER!! (jealous) he appeared everywhere we went! i bet
he's doing it on purpose and wans to see my jealousy D; SADDISTZ%#t%z Fire mei
won a puffer fish and gave it to me haha! xD -birthday present- but what I loved
most was the card *-* I get emo when i receive cards! cos yeah! it's what i want the
most!!!!!!!! regardless of the looks! I love cards! they express thoughts the clearest!
-its-the-thought-that-counts-! :D ~

ah well, wym went early at 4+ and fire went to take the ultraman with me and later
on the inverter alone! xD and we drag drag drag till like, 5.45pm? LOL! and firstly,
me n darren were deciding on the movie at 5.35pm at cineleisure cathay! AT THE
PLAZA SING THAT ONE! omg its a freaking grand cinema! but LOL! we delayed
so much! the movie we caught was 8.45pm - 11pm! OMG CAN! its sky of love. the
plot was quite disappointing although it was pretty touching at some parts... the BG
cried like hell(cos we got the first row, but still pretty shaung) and i wonder why
they did... for me, jus a few tears trickled out... i wasn't emo enough to cry like the
BG... x_x ~~ LOL! its quite disappointing.. i dun rly recommend it !x_z! and it was
so damn cold in the cinema! I told darren to take off his jeans to swap with mine
and he refused!! he'll look cute in a skirt! I NEEDED WARMTH! LOL!! omg so
freaking cold ++ so late at night!!! HEARTLESS BASKET!! (omg jus kidding LOL!)

and aft the movie, we went home.. darren brought me all the way to redhill before
he took the train bak to tampinese.. omg can? I was so dam touched.. no one
has ever bothered to do that before T-T! I SWEAR! HE WILL BE MY EXTREME-
LY GOOD FREN!!! and yeah.. i reached home at exactly 12midnight and went to
bed at 12.30am aft i bathed~ and when i was sleeping he was still walking home
LOL&%% i was so touched!1 so damn damn gan dong T_T!!

so exciting lah yesterdae! the first time i caught a night movie and somemore
with a guy LOL! (if my parents found out i'll be doomed for life!) that's my GOOD

BYE! (^-^)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


WARNING: The following post might contain pessimistic
things, please do not read if you're currently in a bad mood.
(Because I'm at risk here!)

my GPA got 2.7. Althought its an improvement of
0.2 from last EOY... its still so damn depressing...
sigh.. sigh.. and sighs even more... My aim has
been 3 since dunno when... ARGH! darn my languages..
I scored well for the rest except HCL and language arts!
damn u hoching !!! FOR SCORING 3.1 (LOL)

keke.. meeting hippo, wym and fire tis friday~
weee.. escape theme park! Very excited to meet
Hippo~~ xD gonna be such a interesting and
funny experience ;x ahh.. i damn look forward to
that day.. FRIDAY-GOOD FRIDAY. (fried day...
omg, how i miss fried chicken wings *-*)

damn my GPA.. damn the way they mark language
arts... damn the fact i failed my chinese test... DAMN!

kk... mai siao. BYE~~ T.T

Thursday, March 13, 2008

New blogskin

woo~ camp's like, finally over!
I'm so damn over the moon-

anyw; finally chnged the damn skin, got so sick of it,
(even though i love purple) LOLL..
waaahaaaaa, i initially meant tis post to announce the
fact that my blogskin chnged but w/e, i tink it's fine
to get carried away ;X I'm going ice-skating lata with
JIALI, TIENING, JASON and QI EN. Geez, and right
aft that we're gonna learn para frm JIALI! xD gonna b
so damn fun can! para is the machine u play and u dance
with mostly ur hands ~ cool cool! I've always wanted to
learn para- :D && we're having lunch at KOBA most probably~
the japanese fast-food restaurant at JEC! damn nice ok!
also damn cheap ok! (i'm not a cheap-skate ok! LOL) anyw,
ytd, mei intro-ed me to tis guy named darren, quite easy to bully
LOL! since he trusts me so easily' -never take advantage of
another person's innocence-
LOL#@! this has NTH to do with D.gray man!! talking bout tt,
quitted watching it.. coz its farr too draggy for me.. manga's nicer
kakaka-- where waz i, oh darren; he is
-ZEN-Hippo- in audi LOLZ! and i told him his name suited him
so mean but w/e-
life's full of mean-ness *o*
anyw, I tink uhh.. one of -ZEN-'s leaders are nt really effective
in being the leader... it seems like bootlicking to me LOL! and mei ITS NOT YOU LOL!!
i tink u noe who i'm toking about bah... gaaaH, overall, i enjoyed being in
-ZEN- even tho to this particular leader, the guild only consists of
those same people.... :( isn't a guild supposed to be a community of freedom of speech? equal rights? (LOL, THIS IS GETTING POLITICAL)
kk, i shall stop the crap :x Being able to crap continuously is a talent that cn get u far in life
ok! dun look down on crappers, THEY OWN! LOLL!

ahhh, and about maple... met a 101 crusader by
complete chance and we were crapping
on the orbis ship, he was like "hey, you seem like
an interesting person to talk to, cn buddy?"
HEYY YOO! a PRO juz asked me to buddy LOLL!!!
SEEE! toldya, crapping continuously n
grabbing ppl's attention while doing so is a talent! (probably only sharon the mighty has) :X
ahh, i better end, maple's server check is ending! audi's in half an hour! LOL!! BYEEE~

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Damn sir Eric

it's been another horrible day for me.

Why do these days keep falling upon me ar-
Today was totally because of CCA. I still had tons
of fun joking ard in class. And it all revolves around
one of my SIRS
For the Sunday that juz passed, me and phylis
were supposed to turn up for a CCA-initiated
CIP larh, and I was damn sick after the CIP on
Saturday.. that CIP was until 7-8pm can?! By
the time I found out I was sick, it was like
9-10pm? And instead of showing me a bit of
understanding by NOT scolding me. HE juz
shouted at my face. "Before you sleep or
before the next day, can't you ask someone to
replace you?" I was like; "Yeeshuang said that
the competitors couldn't volunteer for this CIP"
HE was like; "There's a difference between
friends and squad mates, next time, you BETTER
not repeat such a thing again; is that clear?"

I replied; YES SIR; darn-it-loudly-and-bu-shuang-ly.

Damn it all can... ;^;
Its like... we were told by a STAFF that
competitors weren't supposed to go for
this CIP; and the non-competitors(US)
had to go for it;
The sir, by saying that, it seems as if he's
telling me "Would you rather get scolded
by your staff or your sir?"


i was already overwhelmed with emotions
when he didn't give a DAMN about the fact
that i had CIP till so late the prev day;
nor did he give a DAMN about the fact that
i was SICK.
hey c'mon, if i'm sick, will i think so much as to ask others to replace me?
Even if i SHOULD, will i risk getting scolded by staff for asking competitors to join?
SIR, you're damn damn downright unreasonable.

Dammit, it's the first time I cried in school;
I've broken by optimistic record of 9 years.
damn it all.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Sorry Tiening!

Today I haf two major things to say z_x"
#1 Unpleasant
#2 Semi-unpleasant

Here's what happened; we were having a friendly match with everyone else in a game of floorball... and then... JiaLi wanted to participate in the game and quit being the goalkeeper, so she passed the job to SiQi, and then.. SiQi couldn't stop the ball frm entering the goal, so he was DAMN pissed off, and he threw the stick down in front of JiaLi and exclaimed "I dunwanna play anyMORE!" Aft that, JiaLi became the goalkeeper again, and then, she failed to save a ball... and he was like.. clapping vigorously for the other team... and he's like "Next match, I won't play, I want to see how "good" the girls are when they play by themselves"
I've never felt like crying out of anger for so long already... he's so amazing to put me at the brink of tears zZz... I'm so so so damnnn angry and upset, looks like, there are people with EXTREMELY poor sportsmenship in RVHS---

Tie Ning
I don't know what else to say but to apologise like sai lor... Maybe its becuz the jeffrey thing is getting the better of me.. but I think; aft seeing your angry-sad-disappointed face... my heart really smashed;;
I never knew I was someone who could make others feel sad... to such an extreme x___x" I didn't take the initiative to comfort u... to try to make u feel u're with us, even though the teacher changed your seat;;
I took all the sweets for myself; not even bothering to ask if you wanted any- like I used to do in the past. and... what you said really got to me; "You still dare to say you love me lor-" it really really got to me... Looks like; I'm juz another one of those idiots who make empty promises with their friends and later on betray their trust and feelings...
Overall.. I'm really damn damn sorry- I swear, I'll try my upmost best; not to hurt you or anyone who is important in my life (;^;)

Loveya! ;(