Saturday, February 02, 2008

Rah! Rebonded hair!

AHHAHA! CNY is coming,
I'm so darn excited!!!
HEhe.. this is hoching's lolli,
rachel gave it to her XD
so cute sia!! right right right?! MINE! T.T

Such an innocent little lollipop *_*
they threw it all around the classroom...
and it ended up really dirty T_T
aww poor lolli... and the guys in our class
is downright sick -__-" They say the stick
is... is.. is..
If u know what I'm talking about~ U're corrupted too ;x

Hehe, the new bag my mom bought me!! Lolz~~Luvit Luv'it Luv''itt!!! It's sorta a hand carrier bag.. no slinging, no hanging on one shoulder ;x

Yay!! I drew the faces at the side of tis poster ;x CUTE RIGHT?

ok.. stop staring ~_~ Yea.. just wanted to show off my rebonded hair ;x i luv it LOL! It took 5 hours for the whole rebonding session cuz I was being inconsiderate ;x lmao! I kept complaining about the fringe and the layering HAHAHA! Luckily it turned out as I wanted! OR THE SHOP WUD HAVE COLLAPSED HAHAHAHA!!!! My mom kept my new dress T_T stupid mom~~ thanks mom too cos she bought me rebond shampooooo~~!!! I LOVE TODAY! Happy early CNY guys!!! ;]]

Loveya! ;)

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