Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

WEEE! Happy Valentine's day guys!! XD
Sucha fun day today la! We were x-chnging
gifts so damn early in the moring~~~
den Mrs Audrea Khoo let us off so early!
Me, Tiening n Jesslyn made our way to JEC
first while we waited for Shuyin's group's
arrival LOL! After lunch at Koba~ the others
went home to chiong their "bio" assignment,
HA-HA-HA! PHYSICS FTW! and er, left with
me n TieNing to 'xiang yi wei ming'... went
shopping for MY DARLING XY'S present!!

YEP! we went to the ice rink to play
the cute machine xD HAHA... spotting the
difference game thing... if u guys been
there before, u shud noe wat it is! haha~
the 1-dollar games ;X lmaolmao, aft c-ing
these photoes, lychee sure say we zilian
kuang liao! and oioioi! WE'RE NOT OK!

WAAAA *hearts* Me&TieNing~~~~ vvfff

lol, this ice rink has netting around it, no idea why o.O

This is a horrible chocolate LOL! I hope lychee
doesn't READ tis b4 tmr cos... this is the choc I
told her I was gonna treat her LOL! Edward
(NOT CULLEN) gave it to TieNing and its like
85% Cacao, for ppl who dunno what it means..
its the concentration of dark chocolate in it~
70% is already pretty strong.. when I bit into
this bloody thing........... I felt the sensation of
my life.. and its not a very pleasant one T_T"
TIENING HAI DE LARH! its so erky n bitter!
(directed at Edward) and HORRIBLE! REALLI

Leeyin gave this to Hoching... so dam cute.. extremely sweeetttt

HOCHING'S CAMERA SHY LOL! she's pretending

to be the elmo! lol hoching~ u're far frm his cuteness!


These are the things I gave my classmates`

consists of a scroll- well its a message T_T

and a big n a small chocolate! I LOVE THE


i formed all the ones I made into a heart shape,

so dam sweet right? of cos of cos =x

Valentine's day rocks!!!! who says its a day for lovers? go to hell!

Emo-ist impression of Valentine's Day:

Hang out with girl/boyfriend, lonely valentine's without one...

time to reminisce with past girl/boyfriends...

get emo over breakups

MY impression of Valentine's Day:

Be with the people I LOVE, whether family or friends or relationship!

its never lonely... because I choose friendship n kinship above all!

exchanging of chocolates n presents!


Loveya ;)

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