Sucha fun day today la! We were x-chnging
gifts so damn early in the moring~~~
den Mrs Audrea Khoo let us off so early!
Me, Tiening n Jesslyn made our way to JEC
first while we waited for Shuyin's group's
arrival LOL! After lunch at Koba~ the others
went home to chiong their "bio" assignment,
HA-HA-HA! PHYSICS FTW! and er, left with
me n TieNing to 'xiang yi wei ming'... went
shopping for MY DARLING XY'S present!!
the cute machine xD HAHA... spotting the
difference game thing... if u guys been
there before, u shud noe wat it is! haha~
the 1-dollar games ;X lmaolmao, aft c-ing
these photoes, lychee sure say we zilian
kuang liao! and oioioi! WE'RE NOT OK!
WAAAA *hearts* Me&TieNing~~~~ vvfff
lol, this ice rink has netting around it, no idea why o.O
doesn't READ tis b4 tmr cos... this is the choc I
told her I was gonna treat her LOL! Edward
(NOT CULLEN) gave it to TieNing and its like
85% Cacao, for ppl who dunno what it means..
its the concentration of dark chocolate in it~
70% is already pretty strong.. when I bit into
this bloody thing........... I felt the sensation of
my life.. and its not a very pleasant one T_T"
TIENING HAI DE LARH! its so erky n bitter!
(directed at Edward) and HORRIBLE! REALLI
Leeyin gave this to Hoching... so dam cute.. extremely sweeetttt
HOCHING'S CAMERA SHY LOL! she's pretending
to be the elmo! lol hoching~ u're far frm his cuteness!
These are the things I gave my classmates`
consists of a scroll- well its a message T_T
and a big n a small chocolate! I LOVE THE
i formed all the ones I made into a heart shape,
so dam sweet right? of cos of cos =x
Valentine's day rocks!!!! who says its a day for lovers? go to hell!
Emo-ist impression of Valentine's Day:
Hang out with girl/boyfriend, lonely valentine's without one...
time to reminisce with past girl/boyfriends...
get emo over breakups
MY impression of Valentine's Day:
Be with the people I LOVE, whether family or friends or relationship!
its never lonely... because I choose friendship n kinship above all!
exchanging of chocolates n presents!
Loveya ;)
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