Saturday, October 13, 2007


Wooots! Todae is like.. the happiest day or my life? xD (haven't experienced Monday, so.. Ionno! ;X) My mum signed the contract! WOOTS! My darling sony ericsson W580i is FINALLY MINEEE...!!!! XP WOOOOT! WOOT~ =X
I spent S$39.90 on a new white bag... I spend S$49.90 on a new black skirt... I spent S$22.90 on a new blouse... I spent S$45.90 on a new white-strapped heels (not high)... WOOOTS! xD I LOVE MY MOTHER SO MUCH! without her...! money will never have existed! =x My very important and personal ATM! ;D today yea.. was a shopping craz!
I'm gonna look so dam different on Monday ;X (I think) xD The new phone can add pictures to my blog straightaway! So damn cool! x.x" LOLZ... I reallly reallly DID NOT regret getting this phone! ITS SO DARN GOOD XD! Happy- Happy- Happy-!
No more T-shirts! No more Knee-Length Pants! GOODBYE YOU ALL IDIOTS! AHHAHAHAHA! XD -feng diao le-
&& I'm so proud of myself! Today my family ate ice cream! I am so shocked at myself that I resisted my daddy's temptation! WOOTS! EVERYONE! I RESISTED ICE----CREAM! XD This is so amazing O.O" AWWW~!! x3
I'm abit crazy.. juz ignore ;X *kisses phone, bag, shoe, skirt, blouse*

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