Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Exams over!!

This is one of the 15 characters frm the manga that I have in mind LOLz.. name is rorrim kai.. manga name is also Rorrim Lmao... For people who know about it.. yea good ;X Rorrim is Mirror spelt backwards on purpose xD
Sigh.. yea.. I think my guys still dun look like guys.. Lydia said they looked half-feminine SOBS D; so heartbroken D; I put alot of effort in them though >.<" sigh T.T" I'll just treat it as my room for improvement is HUGE!
Exams are over! and YAYs~~~!!! HOHO xD Tmr's the start of PSLE I heard =x Good luck for those taking PSLE! and those who are taking E-O-Ys soon or in progress! GAMBATTE! x]] I've never been so relaxed in my life XD But I seriously don't know what to do.. >.>" anyone have any anime to recommend? Aiks >.>" x.x"
Hope I don't screw my language papers... Pls God :( I dunno if I can fulfil my future promise to my parents anymore.. x.x" help~ feeling vexed even though its after exams... save me! :(

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