Thursday, October 04, 2007


ZOMG OMG OMG!!! SNOW JIE DAISUKI DESU!!!!!! T.T" I missed you like hell... where have u been the past 5 months? T~T There's many things tt happened and I wanna talk to u about D; awws... time pass so fast! Its been half a year! How are you? I finally got to see you.. everytime I stare at your display name "blue princess jaslyn", I kept thinking back.. it's been almost 3 years huh? ;) U're one of the longest knowing friend i ever had! >.<" aww... How I wish I could travel back in time.. the year that passed 2 years ago is the year I enjoyed the most!
Time passes so fast >.<" Its so nice to reminisce... D; Snow Jie I love you so much T~T" I don't know if u'll ever read this but... D; I jus have to say all these out!!! My most treasured online buddies.. u're definitely one of them! Well~ after so long I'm glad u still rmb all the minor details about me >.<" Proves that during those 5 mths w/o internet.. I was never forgotten D;
Thank you for returning! thank you!!! I don't know how long I would have to stare at the "offline" sign... I'm so glad! ;D JIE WELCOME BACK! ;D <333>

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