Monday, July 30, 2007

Maths remedia

Haah! I juz realised I haven't posted for so many days! x]] hehe! Alryt.. here I go~!

Haa.. I took this screenshot a few days bak... found it soo interesting.. xD its the first time I saw so many death appear all at the same time.. and when 1 is killed.. another will re-appear like.. immediately? xD it took me quite awhile to approach them enough to take tis screenie ~~ :P keeke.. PRO BA? :D It's inside mission impossible lvl 66.. if i din rmb wrongly xP ~~

Anyways.. todae's remedia was like.. better den i thought? It was a single person thing... so the teacher only tutored me and no-one else xD HAH! Mr Eugene Lee is quite a gud teacher i muz say! forking out his own time to teach a single student(me)... I dun understand so much of the graph what y=mx+c thingy so I approached him.. I'm so thankful and glad he had patience to teach me.. sigh.. so touched oso x_x" AHH! I HAVE SUCH WONDERFUL TEACHERS! x_O"

My finger is bleeding now cos i went to peel off the skin while knowing it wud bleed :X aiyooh! dun tell me i start to become retarded le LOL! x]] SP waz fun todae :) Started earth set with GonG xD haah! the fusioning part was hilarious! x)) Hope mei hurry come Epic~ then we cn play as a Guild happily ever after!

Active members of ChocFudge (HallOfFame LOLS!!):
iCez - [HEH! Ah GonG!!! xD]
SGIce - [aiya.. dun nid care bout him.. juz my bro -_-lll]
FireXElement - [MY BELOVED MEIMEI!!!]
Wymzic - [SHE'S THE ONLY ONE WITH SS OMG!!!! x_x"]
FlamingGirl [ME!] xD

Can't wait for 10th Aug!!! gg out with xinyi and the rest! MY BABY OMG!! LUV LUV! xD

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Terrible sore throat

Sigh.. I've been having this terrible sore throat for 3 days now.. its gotten so bad now I can't even speak aloud, can't swallow normally because its just too painful.. worse of all.. I can't even laugh or smile... when i smile.. the two sides of my throat closest to my mouth will stretch and it really REALLY REALLY hurts like HELL! The pain gonna drive me crazy le la! zZz...
Why do my frens and I fall sick so easily these days? maybe humans gonna get wiped out somedae -_-lll Dunno if I shud go to school tmr.. really really cnt tahan de pain... tmr have AMC maths competition... dunno wat will happen if i miss it... my mum tells me my health is more important... i dunno larh! i gonna feng diao le! swallow saliva oso hurt like shit! THROAT CANCER ISSIT? wah lao! someone xchng throat!! even If i attend school.. whole day will have teary bloodshot eyes, no smile, no laughter, no chatting.. whats the point ... hais..
-hope I get well soon... this pain is killing me-

Monday, July 23, 2007

My drawings (One)

Haahs.. this is what I do when I'm bored.. draw anime characters~ LOLS! although I must say I really suck at drawing them x_x so Ugly right? T_T
Theme : Fantasy
Hais.. first few attempts at drawing a guy.. look vry gay hor? T_T I'll draw more and post more xD heh.. next theme is most probably devil~ now I got a new idea! I'm going to let my readers choose a theme they like for me and I'll draw according to their theme =D
Hope by improvicing this system, I can improve my manga drawing skills... My dream in future is to be a part time manga artist! =D I believe I din tell this to many ppl before :P Anyways~ enjoy~ ^_^

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Completed my first 7/7/7 fire set in KSP

TODAE REALLY SO HAPPY SIA! xD keke! I'm gonna talk about KSP and today's REALLY SENSELESS trip to Little India =__="
Yeah baby~ This is my FIRST completed 7/7/7 fire set! :D the magic passed at first try, the pendy and staff both passed at my third try x_x Aiks~ yeah ouch with the eles! I'm considered lucky considering that it only passes at a 20% success rate x_o" Poor Ah GonG was complaining about KSP.. his wind boots failed 6-7 for six times and finally passed at his 7th try.. I feel so freaking sad for him sia @.@" But lucky it DID pass.. if it didn't.. I might have become Flaming COOKIES.. or SOUP? X_X" cus he wud have become super angry larh... x_X"
So greatful to him oso.. lend me a 30 dmg up fire axe~ weeeS~ ^_^ Haven't returned wym's earth set yet.. its kinda blocking up my slots as you can see xD keke! Still have 1500 fires left.. I wanted to fusion my boots.. was afraid it wud fail.. boots are cursed objects! D:
Anyways about today's trip to Little India... sigh! I might have short-lived like... 10 years or something.. i breathed in so much of those harmful fumes that the temple expels! We went into the Hindu temple(my first time) and its like.. everywhere reeks of olive oil... and the smoke that comes out from the joss sticks.. so horrifying! NIGHTMARE! (no insults to the religion! D:)
KK.. i'll stop being so emo over that.. anyway.. it was such a long n boring trail larh.. was literally listening to shereen telling me the ghost manga details all the way and ignoring the tour guide :P BLERHH~!! it ain't my fault! xD
This week is gonna b so fun~ whole week for slack-age! :P wOOts~!! Gonna lvl sp tmr~ I'll b a double star~ xD keke~ Hope to reach moonie soon~ XD TaTa~!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Korean Survival Project

Hoho~ due to my extreme despo-ness :X I STARTED TO PLAY KSP LOL! (korean survival project) xD well earn ele SUPER FAST! and since its sp.. i'll do anything to play it :X I started on Thurs.. 12/7 xD Created a new guild -ChocFudge- (AGAIN) yeah! xD Made GonG and my Bro join :]
harh.. this is the login page.. in MSP we logged in before we entered the game.. but this time round.. we enter the game and log in x] (i think its better~)

This is the place where we select the channels we want to go to.. well for my current rank~ i oni can go to hero :o (Epic has pros that mostly have 9/9/9 MAXED set. x_o Yeah.. i wudn't want to go there either~~

yeap~ the lobby x_o Yah.. i can't understand a single thing written in KSP.. dun worry, (you're not the only confused one, LOL!) xD But bmdm-ing is pretty fun! :P dong bu dong jiu get x13 x6 x9 eles... in dodge and soccer.. i got 50+ and 40+ eles x_O Right now its the x3 event.. but isn't it still abit craziee? x_x

Yeah baby~ 3k eles.. this is the current amount of eles i have now :P (AT SUCH A PATHETIC RANK, LOLS!) Earn super fast. :D (just that we find it hard to understand the skill we got for or items x_x, with GonG's help.. i'm able to figure out :/)

This is what most ppl call the "avatar" character... he's practically just like any normal melee character(non-flying) unless u equip him with avatars from the shop.. using 'coins', you can get those through certain modes.. but i'd rather use my shamooo :X

Yeah baby~ i skilled onii a few times and I got semi-maxed time down! wOOts~ ^-^

ReaLLY cool eH? They got so many things that we never seen before at MSP! x_o keke... so interesting.. sadly... I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IS THEIR USE! T__T" sob!

I suppose some ppl startin' to get interested in playing KSP? ~_~ woo woo~ i KNOW IT! lolx! -Fast Ele- (btw.. a lil tip here.. u can type f*** and shit and other bad words in KSP and the koreans don't understand what u're talking HAHA!)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

CCA day - 2nd warning letter

Sigh.. these few daes of my life alrdy damn stressful.. nw CCA tio 2nd warning letter.. no such thing as 3rd liao.. straight see principal and will get REWARDED with a demerit point! -_-" sianX!! Aiyo.. sometimes CCA so sian.. why cnt skip ~_~ use tis type of method.. tink wat.. cn make us like CCA more arh.. no way man... zZz... why muz everytime CCA add to my burden de... its suppose to be something I enjoy ain't it? :/
Mrs Tan came to me during CCA todae.. she told me Mr chow ban hoe put in alot of good words for me when my mum went to visit them. i was like WtH? I tot he was prejudiced against me man... loOks like i muz somehow thank him liao.. :D Din receive a big scolding frm my mum as i expect I would x_O" SigH... Rly wanNA get oUttA tiS HeLL I'm LivIn' In~!!~! ARgH!! CCA life getting rly boring.. din get selected for competition.. im like the "outS"? so left out seh... tell us what.. dun depress.. my attendance everyting nt even the worst.. why cnt join competition.. my foot drill vry LAN meh?! hmph! *angry*
Can't wait for nxt week.. e&c week.. shiOk~ no CCA no Studying~ CAMP! WOOOOT! :D cnt wait siah! ^-^ im gonna enjoy myself to the fullest nxt week! maybe an oppurtunity to escape frm all tis shit? xP Ain't reading tis getting a lil bored w/o a photo? :P keke...
(Taken during NDP one of the rehearsals, my mum got the ticket and went with my aunt xD Told me the on water performance were vry cool haha... x] anyway...)
I'll end here before i rly burst :X CIAO!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Lydia treat us to movie

Waah.. todae so shuang x)) keke.. Lydia treated us to movie and ice kachang~ woo! x] man i love spamming her cash @_@" The movie waz surf's up xD The penguin tt one. we bought the tickets at ard 1.30pm.. so it shud start at 2.45pm. Lydia n her sis went to eat 1st, me n ailing went to shop fer presents.
Ailing got so freak frustrated when i spent so freakin' long choosin' pressies x) Love' her face when she gets angry :x so i purposely delayed further. *Presents not to be exposed* Since gayle doesn't rly come my blog.. i can say her present.. its a cute lil mushroom soft toy xD I got it at West Mall. Well, we were at west mall! LOLX! :) Too bad the cactus she gave me died aiks! x_o
Anyw.. We came by May Fashion.. so I bought myself a nice lil bracelet and bought 1 for Lydia too ^^" costed oni 2 bucks each.. may fashion is so cheap! x] Then we went to tis ex ex shop i forgot the name of it.. den.. i saw this kawaii earring~ three stars layered.. shiny n dangling ^-^ kawaii~ I bought it.. it costed me 19 bucks! but who cares.. its worth it :P i'm gunna pierce my ear soon anyways <(^-^)>
Somehow strange~ I wore skirt todae.. and its a skirt i havent wore for months :X dunno why suddenly become so girly~ HAHA! x] Surf's up waz a nice movie~ :x so funny.. the black head baby penguin so KAWAII LARH! aww.. baby~~ @_@ kkx.. i mai siao x)
Overall todae waz rly fun!~ x] still can't find my shui hu zhuan~ T.T sobX... MAI-OTOME IS NC16 GOD-DAMN! some 16 yr old or abv HELP ME ARH!! kk.. bye for now xD