Saturday, October 08, 2011


Prelims are over! And I already got back all my results.
Hmm, actually I'm kinda happy with my results (did I work super hard? at least I'm working harder than ever right now..) I got a BBBU with a C in GP. LOL. I think its kinda obvious.. my econs got a U. It brutally destroyed my great looking grades :(

My ranking points is around 71! Even though econs alr deducted TEN points from it..
Ah well, my class only had one quarter of the people passing econs.. and the whole cohort only had 51% passes ;) (ok fine. excuses.)

Looks like 80 RP is not impossible after all! :D That's kinda great~ I shall set my A level aims! Math: A Physics: A Chem: A Econs: C/B GP: A/B! Pw's already an A, so that's secured for now :)

My Laptop is finally showing signs of aging.. The audio is screwing up so bad o.o

I got so touched and motivated by the 15minute speech Steve Jobs made at stamford university graduation in 2005. He was truly an inspiration!

X-Factor is getting more and more AWESOME each episode! :D Go watch!!

"We're probably way too young to be sick of life."

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Last Time

You didn't tell me because you won't mean it anymore.
As much as I regret disregarding you ever since,
I regret not gathering the courage to bid you one last goodbye..

From now on, there are no longer any more chances..
after 7 whole years..
you're finally somewhere I can never reach..

A Whole New World - Aladdin by Megan Lee keeps playing in my head.. I can't seem to get rid of it!! Prelims, I need you to be over!!

Monday, September 05, 2011

OG Shopping Haul!

Omg! I haven't had such a fantastic shopping trip in AGES!! I thought I'd feel overly guilty when my mum suggested we went out since my bro has to buy formal wear for his presentation, but instead, I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN SHE SUGGESTED OG! haha, this might make me sound like some old woman.. but I love OG like mad!! It has EVERYTHING LOL! (The reason why she suggested OG is because OG has a sale frm end of Aug to somewhere in the beginning of Oct)

Finally some self-taken photos to make this dying blog seem less dead..

YESSS.. MY SHOPPING HAUL!! After such a long time of not spending any money! I drilled a hole right in my mum's pocket! HAHA :x

Haha, originally intended to buy Lancome products but was deterred by the price.. c'mon I'm just a brat.. I don't need expensive make-up... yet... (on the brink of tears) anyway the sale was just amazing.. I think these 3 times costed around 40 originally but I got them at around 32!

2nd floor! I think haha, oh and I was at Chinatown's OG, its like.. my favourite! I like chinatown OG more than the one at Orchard actually :x That's the first ring I ever bought for myself haha! Never really shopped actively for rings before.. anyway so chio right! :D

HAHA! Face-lifting cream on the right! Heard that it does wonders!! Just started using it yesterday night.. It had to be used with a toner beforehand so I bought it too! I love Bio-Essence packaging! so chio!! haha! I got these at GREAT prices too!~

This is the star of the day!! SARRER RED HOT HEELS that I've been eyeing ever since my mum showed me the OG brochure! It looks even more gorgeous in real life! :D random fact about me: I only wear stilettos.. not really into wedges xD

HAH! It fits me perfectly ok!! In-case some evil person thinks that the heels seem too small for my feet to fit in T.T The first time I fit so comfortably into a size 6!! :DD Was darn happy when the salesperson said I only needed one size bigger when I tried size 5~

That's only the second pair of heels I've ever bought in my life.. so sad right.. :(

I look forward to post-prelims!! I'm going mad shopping with my great buddies! :D I sense bankruptcy after prelims.. Gosh, I'm maddened to be reminded that after prelims, A levels are just a while away..


Didn't realise this before.. shopping with my whole family can actually be really fun! :D (I used to believe that my dad and bro were there to destroy the mood LOL)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Opinions are never wrong

I've endured this for quite a while, and I've finally decided I can't take it anymore.

Well.. because of various reasons such as GP and interest (?), I've started reading the news as well as vlogs and people's comments about various issues persuant to various articles all over the internet! And this has lasted for quite a long while now. Everyday without fail I'll definitely spend at least an hour or so doing this. So.. no one is allowed to accuse me of being NOT objective enough or being too shallow or being IGNORANT. Cos' I'm not.

And yes.. I read about politics (especially my own country) and I research the backgrounds of people I take a interest in. (By this I mean those that I like alot, or those that I don't)

And seriously?

there is one thing I don't understand.

Why can't people respect each others' opinions?

There are views that reflect thought process, views that have factual backup and views that show mature thinking as well as obvious attempts to display a balanced view. Yet all the time all over the internet, EVERYWHERE, people will go through all sorts of means to counter each others' arguments. To act like Mr/Mrs "I am forever correct". If this is not enough, the argument can escalate into a cyber war, and at the end of the day, what do they realise? "Oh fine, we're just exact opposites." I mean like wtf? Seriously? It takes you SO MUCH trouble to realise that it was simply an OPINION? I would totally understand if people felt strongly about something that others claim but can be proven to be false. An example would be like, "PAP HAS DESTROYED SINGAPORE ZOMFG" or, "PAP HAS NEVER EVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG!" - Both of which are extreme comments which are not actually bolstered by anything else.

I'm getting VERY sick of netizens who post horrible things onto other people's cyber spaces simply because they take a different stand. I mean, if you're so worked up about what others say, try arguing it out in a way that CONVINCES others. No use spitting out vulgarities and insulting others for no freaking reason. I don't know about the main population, but I, for one, will disagree with the one without reason. I don't care if my initial stand lies with yours or not. I WILL BEG TO DIFFER FROM ALL YOU CONDESCENDING IDIOTS. No sense of reason, no objectivity, no respect for others, no maturity. - These people do not deserve any respect or support.

Some people like antique (artworks with a long history) and others may prefer deviancy (artworks that defy convention), does that mean that either one is lacklustre? Or imbecilic? Or moronic? Or Immature and unable to appreciate TRUE art? I mean, what IS true art? Can anyone actually define it properly? Just because someone doesn't share your preference, does it necessarily mean he's stupid? He's making a fatal mistake? I will leave this as a rhetoric. As nigahiga once said, truly arrogant people do not realise that they are being mentioned because they think that everybody likes them.

and yes- if you haven't realised. I AM talking about the recent presidential elections. If you follow the news, you should know who and what I am referring to. Dr Tan Cheng Bock is well known for having a strong personal voice; one that fights sincerely for his beliefs and one that would oppose the government for the sake of Singapore. On the other hand, Dr Tony Tan is known to have good relations with the PAP as well as one who has many success stories as well as valuable experience to bring Singapore to a higher stage. If you are rolling your eyes at either one of the facts I claim, you are exactly the person I am referring to. You cannot respect objectivity. If a person values experience, he would choose Dr Tony Tan, if a person desires a stronger opposing voice, he would choose Dr Tan Cheng Bock. What is wrong with either? In case you are curious about MY OPINION, I like the both of them, I feel fine if Singapore was left to either of their hands. (They both have their own flaws, but they both have their own strengths as well)

Well, to reiterate my point, OPINIONS ARE NEVER WRONG. Opinions are shaped based on personal beliefs. If you blame them for giving in to media influence or (I hate this so much) BRAINWASHING BY THE GOVERNMENT, you cannot deny being a victim of influence as well. Just because you think you're not doesn't mean you're not. We have all undergone the same education system and we are exposed to the same kinds of media. There is nothing I can access that you can't. There is no right or wrong to an opinion. Don't make it sound as if a person is wrong for liking bananas, a person is wrong for hating school, or a person is wrong for supporting the opposition/otherwise. They are inherent beliefs and are impossible to correct if you condemn them. All you can do is simply to try to reason things out and hopefully, their beliefs may change for the better.

OPINIONS are personal thoughts, they are people-specific. They are simply a person's take on an issue. Stop the nonsense if you remain stubborn about your own. The world would be a better place if people could properly reason, if people stop being so fucking condescending. (quoted from Xiaxue)

Hi to all who decide to say I'm WRONG.
Here's a special song to you.
Listen to it during your free time.

Sara Bereilles - King of Anything.

Quoted from Sara Bereilles herself: "It's a song about people who should mind their own fucking business."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

All it Takes to Fool...


this is one of the most zomg pics I've ever come across in a long time! AHH EPIC CUTENESS!! xD source: DeviantArt (Yes it's like.. my favourite and main source of images)

I'm blogging less again, argh! why!
Rejoice! Its liuqiao's birthday TOMORROW! :D HEHE~

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Four more months!

Currently: Ice-cream on the left
4 Months later: Ice-cream on the right (Just that it'll be a smiling ice-cream :D)

I really can't believe A levels are only 3+ months away.. The end is near...

And I'm alone at home because everyone else is at NDP preview! :(
Abandonors..... I wanna see fireworks too!

Why are ppl criticising Rebecca Black on her new song? I mean.. the lyrics are not great but they're so much more acceptable. Are these ppl just jealous she has an easier way to fame? And the melody is really nice too! I personally see nothing wrong with it. There are many songs from mainstream and more popular singers that are worse than her song. Those ppl get famous from their 'good' songs but nobody really notice their 'not so famous' songs.

I really need a breather... I can't stand cramming all of the stuff I learnt in these past 1.5 years into my tiny diminishing brain!!

I WANT 80 RANKING POINTS. (I can dream, right?)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Stereotypes - Chemistry

^Music has been a Great Companion :))

Argh.. Periodicity took away 2 years of my life O_O

Today was pretty interesting, its the first time my mum drived me to ahma's house because my dad went to China with my aunt, uncle and grandma~ She takes literally 5 minutes to park her car properly LOL! I get kinda impatient esp when thrs a car staring at my mum parking and waiting to drive past her xD

And then came the multi-storey carpark LOL! I dunno what's wrong with Singapore but for a non-resident to find a parking lot, u have to go all the way to the 5th floor! My mum struggled with the narrow up-slopes to reach each floor and when she finally made it to the 2nd, she just had to park.. TOO TERRIFIED LOL! omg its just a CARPARK and I actually felt my life ending xD

we left ahma hse at 8.30pm - pretty early, and thank god we didn't 'zhong xan man' :D
*grumbles* After As I'm going to earn lots of money and go to Europe, Taiwan, CANADA! (The only ctry from a continent I've never been to)!! I have so many places I wanna go!!!

My work-dominated holidays.... wuuuuu... :'(

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Stress Relief

I got inspired to post this Image that I've downloaded from DeviantArt recently :) Its the pic of a peacefully sleeping child with toys all around her... (Ahh.. when was the last time I looked like this?) ... I hate studying :(

That doesn't mean I won't study! I've been sucha nerd this holidays.. there's not a single day that I remain notes-free the whole day! even when I meet my friends to shop, at night when I return, I'd be overwhelmed by this sense of guilt that my hand automatically picks up some physics or math thingy... ARGH!

But hey, on the bright side, I'm going to malaysia with my family tomorrow! :D YAY!~ But its only for a day.. we're returning to Singapore at night..

Random sidetrack: I realised I'm not motivated to post any more photos of me and my friends or photos that I take randomly that have already been put on Facebook.. and this started since I started FB like so long ago! Hmm.. did FB take away some of blogger's functions? I wonder how many ppl still read blogs? or even type blogs? Since FB itself is like a blog where you get to talk abt your daily life and post pics and comments and stuff~ mmm..

Ok actually, I'm guilty of being inactive on blogger cus' of other social media platforms too ^^"

Back to math. P&C... I can't believe I finished complex and C&R already! :D woot! efficient today!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


right.. the title is disturbing xD
well, its just a recent joke bet. me and yonglim. Its the
way hongkong ppl say "strawberry". haha! try saying it!

ok if u didn't laugh then we probably can't connect. :(

I wanna know.
I wanna know.
I wanna know.

ARGH! -haxaprostropheexclaimationmarkdollarsign-

Sunday, May 08, 2011


This morning was absolutely amazing, I can't believe I slept at
3.30am and could wake up at 8. (semi-forced by mum, the other
half's obligation)

Man I'm sleepy z.z

The election results ended.. Kinda mixed in thoughts and feelings.
I kinda agree partly with xiaxue that george yeo is a very rare
breed of minister and he can transform the parliament as he said..

But dam, I actually thought that Sylvia Lim was brilliant in
highlighting many of the valid concerns among Singaporeans.

What shocked me the most was the winning margin. 9%.. it was
I think around 12,000 votes above the PAP's. Seriously.. why?
I predicted WP to win.. but by a small margin.. Their team is
obviously stronger, and I do agree that opposition voices in the
parliament will benefit Singapore.. but Aljunied residents.. have
you all believed in change so much that this subterranean desire
becomes more significant than the trust that george yeo has built
in everyone over the the last 23 years?

I cannot stomach the thought that george yeo's team had lost
with that many votes. It creeps me out; it kinda urks me to think
that Singaporeans are that ungrateful.

What will happen to Singapore's finance minister?

But still, as a youngster, I'm quite excited by this year's historical
breakthrough! :D

Monday, March 21, 2011


Saiunkoku Monogatari shall be my second fav anime :)

beautiful story ...

geehh; its mon again!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

?tiaw i dluohs

Thanks to 6G and my friends and family, my 18th
birthday was a bash! :D THX ALOT!

Till the moment it finally happens..
I will wait.

If there's any chance at all.
I will wait.

If it makes you happier,
I can stop.


Sunday, January 23, 2011


Gone- in the blink of an eye :)

You're not hurt, you're not because its like wishing
for something you know you can never have

and, why is it monday again tomorrow? T.T