Sunday, August 28, 2011

Opinions are never wrong

I've endured this for quite a while, and I've finally decided I can't take it anymore.

Well.. because of various reasons such as GP and interest (?), I've started reading the news as well as vlogs and people's comments about various issues persuant to various articles all over the internet! And this has lasted for quite a long while now. Everyday without fail I'll definitely spend at least an hour or so doing this. So.. no one is allowed to accuse me of being NOT objective enough or being too shallow or being IGNORANT. Cos' I'm not.

And yes.. I read about politics (especially my own country) and I research the backgrounds of people I take a interest in. (By this I mean those that I like alot, or those that I don't)

And seriously?

there is one thing I don't understand.

Why can't people respect each others' opinions?

There are views that reflect thought process, views that have factual backup and views that show mature thinking as well as obvious attempts to display a balanced view. Yet all the time all over the internet, EVERYWHERE, people will go through all sorts of means to counter each others' arguments. To act like Mr/Mrs "I am forever correct". If this is not enough, the argument can escalate into a cyber war, and at the end of the day, what do they realise? "Oh fine, we're just exact opposites." I mean like wtf? Seriously? It takes you SO MUCH trouble to realise that it was simply an OPINION? I would totally understand if people felt strongly about something that others claim but can be proven to be false. An example would be like, "PAP HAS DESTROYED SINGAPORE ZOMFG" or, "PAP HAS NEVER EVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG!" - Both of which are extreme comments which are not actually bolstered by anything else.

I'm getting VERY sick of netizens who post horrible things onto other people's cyber spaces simply because they take a different stand. I mean, if you're so worked up about what others say, try arguing it out in a way that CONVINCES others. No use spitting out vulgarities and insulting others for no freaking reason. I don't know about the main population, but I, for one, will disagree with the one without reason. I don't care if my initial stand lies with yours or not. I WILL BEG TO DIFFER FROM ALL YOU CONDESCENDING IDIOTS. No sense of reason, no objectivity, no respect for others, no maturity. - These people do not deserve any respect or support.

Some people like antique (artworks with a long history) and others may prefer deviancy (artworks that defy convention), does that mean that either one is lacklustre? Or imbecilic? Or moronic? Or Immature and unable to appreciate TRUE art? I mean, what IS true art? Can anyone actually define it properly? Just because someone doesn't share your preference, does it necessarily mean he's stupid? He's making a fatal mistake? I will leave this as a rhetoric. As nigahiga once said, truly arrogant people do not realise that they are being mentioned because they think that everybody likes them.

and yes- if you haven't realised. I AM talking about the recent presidential elections. If you follow the news, you should know who and what I am referring to. Dr Tan Cheng Bock is well known for having a strong personal voice; one that fights sincerely for his beliefs and one that would oppose the government for the sake of Singapore. On the other hand, Dr Tony Tan is known to have good relations with the PAP as well as one who has many success stories as well as valuable experience to bring Singapore to a higher stage. If you are rolling your eyes at either one of the facts I claim, you are exactly the person I am referring to. You cannot respect objectivity. If a person values experience, he would choose Dr Tony Tan, if a person desires a stronger opposing voice, he would choose Dr Tan Cheng Bock. What is wrong with either? In case you are curious about MY OPINION, I like the both of them, I feel fine if Singapore was left to either of their hands. (They both have their own flaws, but they both have their own strengths as well)

Well, to reiterate my point, OPINIONS ARE NEVER WRONG. Opinions are shaped based on personal beliefs. If you blame them for giving in to media influence or (I hate this so much) BRAINWASHING BY THE GOVERNMENT, you cannot deny being a victim of influence as well. Just because you think you're not doesn't mean you're not. We have all undergone the same education system and we are exposed to the same kinds of media. There is nothing I can access that you can't. There is no right or wrong to an opinion. Don't make it sound as if a person is wrong for liking bananas, a person is wrong for hating school, or a person is wrong for supporting the opposition/otherwise. They are inherent beliefs and are impossible to correct if you condemn them. All you can do is simply to try to reason things out and hopefully, their beliefs may change for the better.

OPINIONS are personal thoughts, they are people-specific. They are simply a person's take on an issue. Stop the nonsense if you remain stubborn about your own. The world would be a better place if people could properly reason, if people stop being so fucking condescending. (quoted from Xiaxue)

Hi to all who decide to say I'm WRONG.
Here's a special song to you.
Listen to it during your free time.

Sara Bereilles - King of Anything.

Quoted from Sara Bereilles herself: "It's a song about people who should mind their own fucking business."

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