Saturday, October 08, 2011


Prelims are over! And I already got back all my results.
Hmm, actually I'm kinda happy with my results (did I work super hard? at least I'm working harder than ever right now..) I got a BBBU with a C in GP. LOL. I think its kinda obvious.. my econs got a U. It brutally destroyed my great looking grades :(

My ranking points is around 71! Even though econs alr deducted TEN points from it..
Ah well, my class only had one quarter of the people passing econs.. and the whole cohort only had 51% passes ;) (ok fine. excuses.)

Looks like 80 RP is not impossible after all! :D That's kinda great~ I shall set my A level aims! Math: A Physics: A Chem: A Econs: C/B GP: A/B! Pw's already an A, so that's secured for now :)

My Laptop is finally showing signs of aging.. The audio is screwing up so bad o.o

I got so touched and motivated by the 15minute speech Steve Jobs made at stamford university graduation in 2005. He was truly an inspiration!

X-Factor is getting more and more AWESOME each episode! :D Go watch!!

"We're probably way too young to be sick of life."

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