Saturday, November 14, 2009


ahh.. a huge disappointment today.

I guess I blogged kinda too late since I've already complained
about it thoroughly to my family, LOL. I feel less of the pissed-
off and disappointed(ness).

Well.. instead of the vulgar word.. I shall use what the heck.
Like how did we land up as 9? I can't understand.. HC and
Jeff did so much sia! We even got help frm kendrick..( tho
RI got help from their parents which was so wth). and the
worst thing is, we actually put alot of effort into our robo-
design.. but why did we still end up not in top 3? is anima-
tion like, worth 50% of the marks? Or did we score ZERO
for animation? It doesn't make any sense.

Damn, I just realised I'm not as angry as I should be. Prob-
ably due to fatigue.. I'm really sleepy while typing this.. I'm
glad my mum found a use for the lap-top stand thing..

ahh.. this has been a wth day. I've never seen all of us as
moodless as today.. I just remembered.. we couldn't even
remember to make the badge thingy.. We'll probably smash
it or smth anyway.. like what's wrong with the judging..

Making robocode seem so worthless despite being an IT
competition.. like what the hell man.

fullstop. enough bitching..

Tomorrow going liuqiao's house with yunhan for a sleepover!
Man I'm hoping it'll be damn fun! A good chance to forget all
the unhappiness today I guess?

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