Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Jack's place student meal was more worth it than BREEKS~
I shall love jack's place from now on.

HCL O's are OVER! all OVER!
StrITwise still stays as a form of hindrance to my wonderful
holidays.. someone will get piss-ed from looking at this..

I'm depressed, i shall be frank-er rofl.
I spent S$44.55 on a bunch of detestful crap. :X opps.
alright, they're not crap, essential for better benefits..
well ok whatever.. it just sucks to once be rich and then
go broke...

ah this just sucks T.T
One of the rare times I ever get into a bad mood

Food becomes real if you stare at the image long enough..

I guess I already have my answer;

I should really stop struggling so hard.

If I've been struggling at all.

I want my holidays.

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