Friday, April 18, 2008

damn tagboard

Tomorrow's competition! D:
I seriously hope they all do well!
Although I know it'll be a super
moody atmosphere tmr.. T_T" I've
bought S$10.80 worth of candies
for all 3 teams xD! I'm so proud
of myself! LOL! xD I drew cards
for my team, cards for jesslyn's
and sweets for sec 2 team xD!

Ohyahh; I'm nt purposely being inactive
with the tagboard ): I can't see it at
all! No matter how many times i refreshed!
and this has been going on for weeks now!!
Omg I miss my tagboard T.T and it seems to
have the same problem through all cbox tag-
boards! I can't see them! D: The picture
post should come sooooooN LOL! xD $!@# I'm
seriously too lazy to cable-lise the thingy;
so bear with me for wordy posts for now xD


Even though it might never come true;
all I needed is to hear you say
"I want to"

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