Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Omg, so damn long din post alrdy xD
Anyway like I promised~ This is the card mei drew for me!

Was so happy when I got it xD Let's just say-
cards is a rare thing to receive from her? LOL!

Keh! These are the cards I made for Charlene's team
for the comp and they're sorta jinxed?

These are for Jesslyn's team!! xD
Jesslyn&Xinmun for the devils X: WAHA!
yongen and yuting for the angels! HAHA! xP

Anyway- today went for self-study session with Jesslyn(3A de),
Seycheeeeee and yongen xD However- i realised i seriously
cannot study in a group; concentration totally screwed LOL!
cos there're people I can crap to LOL!! they were like vry
vry VRY irritated with me but ah well; i didn't care and
continued LOL!! omg if i carry on like this; i'll definitely
end up getting hated! LOL- right shuyinn?? x]

Exams are coming! RAWRR! GAMBATTE MINA! xD
High chances are tat I'll flunk my mid-years..
any, jus wanna share with everyone what class 3D is like.
(he drags this for 10 seconds plus minus.we're on the third floor,
it can be heard from the first floor)
(class stands up dam noisily)
(he drags this for 10 seconds plus minus.we're on the third floor,
it can be heard from the first floor)
MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.... (drags for like one minute two minute?)
Whole class shouts(majority are boys since the girls are laughing


Because you wrote.
"I wish you were her"
You left out the 'e'.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fk judges..

wth, this is the first time I've seen people
be so DAMN obviously BIASED. Its almoz
as if, they wanna b bias on purpose. anyhw;
both nursing teams lost. Ambulance team
everything 1st =_=!! Rofls..

kao; first time I've seen tough people cry..
only after tears do u realise how unworth
it, it was to cry over. DarnDheJudges. srsly;
there's no equality. Just cos RV won consecu-
tively dunno hw many years, they don't wan
us to win anymore. Man; tai ming xian le ba?

ah well.. Its also probably becus of my JinX-
ed cards that led to their loss... this trauma
is enough to make me lose my morale in
drawing ... ): w/e; what's over is over, we
don't deserve this loss. It's the judges' bias
and injustice. DARNTHEM.

M-F N J = mthr fcking nursing judges.

When you lose something,
it just means that you never treasured its existence.

Friday, April 18, 2008

damn tagboard

Tomorrow's competition! D:
I seriously hope they all do well!
Although I know it'll be a super
moody atmosphere tmr.. T_T" I've
bought S$10.80 worth of candies
for all 3 teams xD! I'm so proud
of myself! LOL! xD I drew cards
for my team, cards for jesslyn's
and sweets for sec 2 team xD!

Ohyahh; I'm nt purposely being inactive
with the tagboard ): I can't see it at
all! No matter how many times i refreshed!
and this has been going on for weeks now!!
Omg I miss my tagboard T.T and it seems to
have the same problem through all cbox tag-
boards! I can't see them! D: The picture
post should come sooooooN LOL! xD $!@# I'm
seriously too lazy to cable-lise the thingy;
so bear with me for wordy posts for now xD


Even though it might never come true;
all I needed is to hear you say
"I want to"

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


LOL- i'm gonna post about MONDAY!
weee; it was a super retarded day! xD
Firstly, the bad part, aft recess while
the 3D gals (super-bonded k X:) were
heading bak to class, the whole lot of us
were caught with untuck-ed PE shirts
and absolutely unacceptable hairstyles
LOL! by LEE-LEE-MUI! (famous)

argh, i think i'm juz uber unlucky, i was being pointed
out by her lah! and wah lao! the other gals pang seh-ed
me and went bak to class due to fear for her lah! wah
LAO! LOL! she scolded my ass off and told me to go to
the canteen toilet to pin up my fringe when i could have
gone to the toilet nearer to my class! wah lao can?! z.z!
i shan't post any further becus Mrs.Khoo knows our
blogs X:!

AND LOL- Jeffrey had this whole pack of animal stickers
LOL! on it was smth like, "Love us, do not eat us!" and
the whole sticker was printed with animal's faces! And
then they were like spamming these stickers and pasting
them on each others' bodies LOL; SO RETARDED! XD!!
and one person cut out the "eat us" part and cancelled the
"us" and changed it to "me" LOL! and pasted it on someone
JAJHAJA! xD and some ppl cut out the empty parts of
the sticker and wrote stuff like "kick me" or "i suck" and
pasted it on ppl LOL*&@!!! XD HAHAHA!

tat's my Monday-

"Instead of seeing Hallucinations as Mind-tricks;
why not see it as a visual display of your deepest

desires; if unclear to your realistic mind."

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Wahaha! pictures speak a million words!
LOL! ..

This was smth that really REALLY; made me laugh (X
i saw this at the old folk's ppl the flat, then
when climbing down the stairs; suddenly saw this
WORD LOL!! so vulgar x_x!
anyw; this was from quite some time back alrdy.

LOL~ this is the manga drawing book and card tt
my darling SXY gave me! ((:! so pretty right? I
especially loved the card... so much effort can!
(;u;) also quite some time back;
i dunno why today feel like doing quite-some-time-
back POSTS!!@#%!@# xD

LOL! I showed this to WYM! so cool right? there's a
shop tat actually has near-her-nick title LOL$#@!
frm far it really looked like "w-y-m" when it's juz
disappointingly "w-y-n-n" T.T ~~

The card ailing gave me(: so sweet right?

Finale! LOL! DUN SAY WOW YET XD! I'll say it first!
CARD BEFORE LOL?! JEALOUS OF ME? X: hoChing coloured
using markers ok! MARKERS! ok
u cn say wow now

awww; gosh this is the inside; darn-it pretty x.x!
I'm so touched can? wanted to show it off for
some time; jus too lazy to upload pics onto COMP

Yup; and this----
is the photo-framed thingy I made for my mumx3
pretteh right?! O.O!FINE-
I know what u're all thinking; that girl is
not me!
HMPH! LOL! I also think draw everybody too
good-looking alrdy- I drew this when I was sick!
she was so touched! xD
I made the frame myself k!
and and; the hair&skin I used poster colour;
but the rest I used colour pencil cos I scared
I'll ruin the beauty LOL! (that I intended to)x:


Lol; ytd went to bugis with Jiali to buy some
brushes. They're like, so dam ex lah (the majority)
kao, we bought 5 brushes for 3+ cos we're so cheap-
skate LOL! Most of the brushes were like, middle
sized ones ranged frm 5-8 bucks per brush while
large ones ranged frm 9-35 bucks per brush. Yeah
babies, appreciate it if u have good brushes!
They're super super ex!

Hahh, aft that; Jiali told me she wanted to see
how darren looks like, so I brought her to the
MRT station to send her off while she catches a
glimpse of him XD!
I bet she might be thinking "wtf" LOL! HAHA!
(omg sorry darren, dun cry/kill me O.O)
anyw; i intended to like, shop for some clothes,
HOWEVER, he lured me to arcade n LAN and we spent
like 2 bucks in arcade and we left!(LOL) and then
played like 1 hr at LAN (I treated him cos he was
broke ok#@! i'm so dam nice;)
and then we watched "Definitely, Maybe" HEYY! ITS
DAMN NICE! u guys shud go watch the movie xD! super
funny. First part is corrupted alrdy (mei, suitable
for u LOL) hais, and once again I see intimate couples z.z
why do ppl like going so smoochy in cinemas LOL@!@!@
somemore, the guy look at me to see my reaction when
they publicly smooches ok! IT LOOKS LIKE FRENCH KISS!
I mean, what the hell is wrong with singaporeans! gud
research topic: Westernisation is occuring in Singapore!
And then, we went to VIVO the sky garden,
so nice can, walk one round ard the whole place and
it really RAINED. god, we're jinxed D:! and LOL!
there were "no-swimming" signs everywhere but
everyone(kids) was swimming LOL#!!!! XD That's why
I say, redundant signs x:
and gosh;
I never knew chlorine was added into swimming pools
because ppl urinate inside x.x
Oh yah! we went into the pet lovers shop thingy and
saw cute white dogs! SO CUTE! SO SMALL! OMG! x.x!
too bad they don't allow photo taking!! darren likes
bull-dogs, everybody write down LOL#!@! and then;
the lollipop shop! they sell all the lollipop soft
toys!! SO CUTE N BIG N HUGGY! purple's an innocent
ah well; and home we went.

"GOD does not determine how long FOREVER lasts;
WE do."