Sunday, September 23, 2007

White Swan drawing

Yozz..~ Posting another drawing lmao xDD
-White Swan-
Hmms.. Suddenly got motivated to do drawings on the theme "White Swan and Pink Swan"...
xD Maybe cos I'm suddenly obsessed with swans LOL! :X The girl at the fore-ground is how she looks as a normal person and the one behind is her as a swan <33 :X

Pink Swan is done too.. Gonna wait till scanning is done ~.~" lolzz..

Recently watched D.Gray Man.. and yea THUMBS UP! xD altho I'm not exactly obsessed with allen walker YET! LOLZ.. muz concentrate on exams! Thx wym for recommending it.. the first time I thought about watching it was when u talked about akumas and exorcists.. it sounded dam cool xD LoveYA WYM *hearts*~

EOYs start tmr.. GAMBATTE everyboDY! ㅅㅅ

사랑해! <-- I love you in Korean!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

fucking hell sia...

FUUUUUUUUUUCCKIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGGG HELLLLLL!!!!! ZzZ... doesn't mean u're the opposite gender you get more authority over who to bully... DAMN U.. so pissed... zZz..
I'm OBVIOUSLY refering to A GUY..
HE IS MY SCHOOL, DUNNO IF IS SEC 3 OR 4 BASTARD. No simple respect for others.. especially when he knows clearly I'M A GIRL. I dunno him at all. While returing home frm school on bus 166, a boy sat next to me like ON PURPOSE and he had many "girlfriends" standing or sitting around him in other places.
Halfway thru the journey, he listened to his MP3 and fell asleep. AT FIRST, I THOUGHT HE WAS REALLY ASLEEP, but after awhile, I realised he's just pretending! All the way, he kept landing his head on my arm/shoulder.. WHICH IDIOTIC BITCH WOULDN'T WAKE UP UPON KNOCKING INTO A BONEY THING AFTER SO MANY TIMES? the bus jerked so many times, he didn't even wake up! WTF...
The whole way, his "girlfriends" just kept on giggling at his FUCKING actions. They didn't even bother to call him up.. not say HELP me out of the situation. its so WTH.. are guys this extreme? they choose who to bully and nth is going to happen? He publicly embarrassed me okay? I WHACKED HIS HEAD AND ARM and said "hello... wake up" AND HE DIDN'T EVEN RESPOND.. SO WTH WTH WTH!!!!! i nid to calm down...
Baka.. I'm so gonna make sure he loses his fathers' day. -pissed off-
nb.. I swear I'd be a les.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

havent blogged for near a week! xD

Errz.. I just realised I haven't been blogging as often as I should have D;
Heyy! Classmates who read my blog!! Plz tell me what subject combi U taking, what Humans/Arts, what Sciences, what modules... Classmates/RV-ians who read my blog plz tell me TT.TT" The oni person tts going to take Art as a subject is me and Hoching... Lmao.. I darn feel like dropping one science n take module... Cell Animation is so damn cool!!
I'm so glad! I'm working harder and harder nowadays!! I Mug at night... frm 9 till midnight.. and Be glad to see how well I'm starting to do in Maths with Ailing's help XD Although I'm sure I'll screw this EOY again... I'll still study hard.. so no matter what results I get.. I'll be the one to know that I've done my best ;D and That's all that matters!! 8D
Hiring a student tutor for Mathematics... anyone? TT.TT" No pay tutoring! LOL :X
I feel so lacking in SP D; As if I lack boots or smth! WAIT! I do lack boots! LOL :3
Righttt after exams.. I'm so gonna enjoy myself alright! SO GONNA!!! Not a single one of my wishes fulfilled yet... Hope to fulfil all after EOYs! Gembatte to all EOY-examination takers and PSLE takers!! Study hard! Don't neglect your health &&... SHARON LOVES YOU!
[Xinyi, I'll try my very best not to disappoint u ^.^] *hearts~*

Saturday, September 08, 2007

mum ran away from home

Ok... I'll just do a short and sweet post. My parents are making me feel as if I study in order not to get scolded by them. I shall clarify this in somewhere they will never see. I don't study for anyone's sake. I study for my OWN FUTURE.
My mum ran away from home.
My heart is hurting so much I can't breathe.
I'm crying so hard I can't tell the passing of time.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


"Hey Girl? What's wrong with you? Don't let your thoughts run WILD before yourself! You're purposefully letting your WILD thoughts affect those important to you.. yeah! Keep your personality to yourself.. yea.. kk"
Lmao >_> These are apology messages to the following people ^^
-FireXElement, my Fire Meimei *hearts*
I'm sorry if I've neglected you.. I'm seriously seriously sorry... you're my best and only mei.. you forever will be.. you're nice in game .. you're nice in real.. x_x" I'm sorry I've been a really bad person.. both as a Onee Chan and as your friend... Just want you to know I love you from the bottom of my heart... you were never childish to me... you were always cute in my eyes :D (seriously.. you look and behave like you're more than 12 years old!)
-Wymzic, Eleanor, my wonderful blood-shared lover *hearts*
I'm sorry if I've made you sad.. I truely am! I don't know how much I've been hurting those around me... But.. these few days.. who I truely am is beginning to surface... I've used vulgarity like an insensitive kid.. I've begged for items in SP like its real money..... I can't help it.. too many things have been bothering me these days.. SP AND EOYs... I treasure you too much as a friend to even have negative feelings about you... I jus wanna be that... happy girl in your eyes... and up till now I can't believe... I cannot even point out a single thing you're negative in! Once again.. I'm sorry! I was the one who forced u into chocfudge... I'd better make sure you don't regret that.. T~T"
-Riku... L2iku
I'm sorry I throw my thoughts at you as and when I wish... although you won't get to read this.. I'll still have to express it out.. You have been a wonderful listener and comforter.. I cannot imagine SP life without you... you're reallllly important to me(I MEAN IT)... Scaring you have become a form of hurt to you... I feel very apologetic over my actions.. from now on.. I'll carry nothing but a smile in front of u ^^ I realised... you always smiled for me! And for that Thanks!
I guess.. the greed thing.. was my fault.. If i hadn't accepted him into the guild.. you wouldn't have been under the same negative category as me... you're not a greedy person.. I'm 100% sure I am never wrong! You're a nice person... you picture everyone to be a beautiful and happy person.. for that I'm really touched x.x" you're a wonderful guy.. If you were from Singapore.. who knows? I'd LOVE you? LOL(joke kk) alright.. once again.. I'm realllllyyyy sorry..!
-iCez, GonG
I dunno why I feel sorry for you... -.- maybe its cos of the Fire's bro thing... actually.. that day.. I was lying about laughing all the way x-x" what I detest most... is being called fat (not in the joking tone) repeatedly. I was frowning all the way.. that's why I kept quarrelling... Although.. u might think that's nth to say sorry about.. I still feel SO DAMN SORRY! i wasted your energy by making you type a quarrel with him... (not funny) sigh... you helped me alot for the past year liao... I'm oso damn happy you never once called me THAT BLOODY WORD.. -.- Being vulgar is affected by my brother de... For people who hate that part of me.. I'm sorry.. I grew up with a nice yet vulgar brother.. I can't do anything ^^ I believe in being myself ^^
Riku told me... "You know I like you best right?" and at the most perfect timing.. Although I don't have a CRUSH on him... I feel so touched.. Actually I dropped a few tears when he said that.. he was already freaked out by the way I blurt every truth in his face.. yet... he keeps on smiling... T.T
Sorry to everyone in ChocFudge. I don't deserve to be your leader. Even I know that....

Saturday, September 01, 2007

ehh. so weird?

Hmm.. Dunno wussup with me xD haha.. suddenly wanna return back to KSP? I wasn't able to let go of the friends and fun I had there afterall... ahaa... however I think some part of me have changed xD Hmm..~~ i also dunno what XD I only know I have to smile for everyone.. or someone xD I just love treating the quarrel of gong n my bro as a free form of entertainment!! xD When I went to maple~~~ suddenly felt at a loss... :/ nobody's my friend there... Smiling only when my bro acts lame? xD
Oh ya! MY PHONE! MY BLOOODY BLOOODY PHONE!! it's like as good as junk? nuuu!! I wanna change to that PHONE !! tHaT *points* W580! ZOMFG!!! X_X" SOO PRETTY LARH!! yay!! my life is finallllyyy JOYOUS! I'm starting to work harder for exams now! so proud of myself :X! I'M GONNA WEIGH MYSELF AGAIN TMR! ZOMG!! I must be 60kg and below.. PLS PLS!!! T~T
Man.. I read gong's post.. its sooo damn SWEEET SIA!! xD although it ain't fer me :x ~~ xD i'm starting to love ChocFudge more and more!!!!!! :D I take back my words.. I THINK.. SP IS MY LIFE XD !!!!