Monday, June 28, 2010


I feel so dead for the test today. Just like any other science paper
I've ever done! ah... I'm so freaking afraid to fail.. You know? the
kind of feeling you get when all you can depend on is lady luck and
you can't predict the outcome of the paper at all?

Please.. I really don't want to retain this year. The principal is
going to retain many people if there is a need to..


First day of school-

Too normal for a start I'd say?

Well my normal days are somehow always fun :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

...eziloponom ot erised ehT

9th July is the last paper if I'm not wrong! Right after theres PW
and stuff but.. at least chem is all I have to care about right now.

well and.. one word to describe how my holidays have been. PLAY. :X

Yes, I don't deny my life isn't ending soon! I read through 3 topics
for chem today! Thats the most I've ever done this whole holidays..
and.. I'm left with math assignment 5C for math~ Study!! STUDY!
See.. even something as simple as typing these out is a distraction..
so much for telling my parents, I-need-a-laptop-cus-I-need-it-for-
work. Why is playing a boyish game such as soldier front so ... very..
addictive? especially when I get to laugh like mad with my bro LOL

Maybe I'm not being boyish by liking that kind of game, maybe I
just need a medium to laugh and interact with my bro, since we're
of opposite gender... I can't just tell him, "hey! i saw a dress at..."
what would life be like with a twin sis instead?

I've been thinking ALOT less these days. and well, I CAN HULA-
HOOP! FINALLY! LOL! Don't laugh at me!!!! T.T I was so happy
when I realised I could finally do it like.. 3hours ago!

What's wrong with only being attracted to things that are attracted
to you? I'm not talking about gravity or gravitation.

In the end. Is it worth my time and heart or my entire consciousness?
Its like waiting for..

someone that never shows up..

something that will never occur..

some being that won't ever care..

some mythical monster that won't ever exist..

some miracle that exists in the perfect sense of itself..

somebody that will be the last to realise you're waiting for em'.

is it impatience? cowardice?
Why is your every action making me think I was wrong from
the very beginning?

on a lighter note: I finally cut my nails so I won't scratch my kb!
its like cutting hair.. it pains to see them shorter, LOL!

I must finish chem bonding today!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Personal Preference is really awesome! :D I really recommend
the drama! heh!

I think I'm about the only one who hasn't touched s SINGLE
homework or picked up a SINGLE piece of note to read.. and,
well, study. Yes, this phrase must be in your mind right now
even if your situation is like mine. "You're so dead."

I'm so guilty.. guilty beyond hope LOL. and I must have quite
alot of courage since I'm actually doing nothing about it LOL.
well.. I swear I'll work like mad in the last week. Or maybe
after 5G chalet. Which is like.. 1 day :X

Oh where are you? My jian-fei resolve... *echo* *echo*...

Instinct comes to you when the bearer wishes to keep the
absolute truth hidden. Can I trust my instincts? Is it really
what I think it is? If it is... its just a...


calm, clean, shore.

No one moves. No one wants to move. No one moves.

And that's when you or someone else screams, "MOVE IT!"
Don't just scream! Force or push!!!

ok I'm really retarded and in my own world. LOL!
(Don't say that to me ok! I will deny the retarded part)

whhh-aaaaai! :D Furry vengeance! I hope it'll make me laugh
really, REALLY hard.

Will there ever be a weather clear enough for me to fly a kite?

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

back from macau!

Finally back!
took me quite a long while to start blogging about it though haha
Many happy things happened during the trip, there were some
sad and angry moments too apparently.. Well, all that starts well
ends well (I would want to believe in that)

I realised I'm a bad person who hates. well I think everyone is
like that too. The zebra-crossings required traffic police.. there
were 3 of them, "guarding" one zebra-crossing that's less than 3m
long, LOL! Singapore is REALLY safe, trust me on that!

Not enough money! I couldn't buy my mango shorts ): darn!

I miss macau! I miss my room-mates! I miss uni life, it was a short
week but it was nice :) It pains me to think I may never get to
experience it ever again!

Its when one is emotional that one can truely realise another's
true heart. I came to realise this at the end of the trip :) Some
people are just meant to be there, polished and stationed;
impossible to replace.

I wanna return to macau again next year, and it'll be my 3rd
time there! And this time, I'm going to go crazy on SicBo &
Baccarat! I shall win big $! muahaha :D
alright, tomorrow is chalet, I'm busy for this entire week again!
Hope I stay in good health!

There's something I need to tell you, or rather, you have to

know. Chance, grant me you.