Friday, August 29, 2008

Xinyi dar♥

hais, today began quite fun for me but it soon got screwed as
public duty neared -_-lll

for the first part of teachers' day celebrations, those who took
part in the "project runway" including myself were busy trying
to create a costume with the theme "flair" xD Our costume was
darn chio la! u shudda seen it T.T" LOL! 3E's one looked japan-
ese-ish xD i liked the waist bow and the socks ! haha jiali was
the model x: (tio forced) and her figure DAMN nice sia! LOL!

RV dance rock! xD The yr3 batch of dance performed today on
stage, it was dam nice lah! and there they were telling me how
much it sucked xD LOL! cheryll looks like a pro dancer la! ooo~
who's the guy u danced with wor? HHAHA! :x

and its time for public duty -____-lll I have no idea why the yr
4s are snatching our jobs but... w/e, if that's part of what first aid
club does then so be it ~.~" Jesslyn had a hard time looking for
sufficient first aid kids as a result la... zzz...
nvm, skip that; our public duty just kept dragging ON and ON and
ON and ON!
from 11am it dragged till 1pm Zz! I promised my best
fren xinyi that i would be released at 11am... and it just keeps on
dragging, making me extremely emotionally unstable. I've never
and would NEVER again make my darling wait for me before... how-
ever I'm extremely touched by the fact that she waited at pri school
for me for an entire hr.. and I felt... wordlessly guilty. So for ppl who
are curious as to why I cried; its because of overflowing guilt. damn
RV for not allowing us to call n sms openly! DAMN! stupid school..

ahh.. FINALLY I COULD CALL BAOBEI; thank god I could hold my
tears in while conversing with her on the phone... dun wanna let her
see/hear me cry T.T ... sob... I'm still so guilty now.. I apologised to
her repeatedly and she kept saying it was ok... but..but.. i know its
not ok... she's my best fren, i shud put her above everything else!!

So we met at west mall and went to eat mayim together xD its some
really ex chinese restaurant; but its freaking nice xD We bought alot
alot of food and shared them all together! the auntie was like "要不要
多两个碗?" then we just straightly said no! xD hahah! why would
frens mind sharing utensils and stuff so much? HAHAH! noob :x ~~

then aft that she accompanied me to art friend at cityhall tt area, and
then again, so touched she agreed to follow me there T.T ... sucha
fren can never be replaced by anybody T.T ... and here comes the...



ah well, i bought 3 more paintbrushes there xD and also a double tip
silver+gold, black+white Paint pens xD

well, tt totally made my day x3

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

er.. art?

LOL.. waaah, common tests are finally over! xD today's maths paper
was a breeze LOL! x: I have so much confidence in scoring well! :D
ah crap, hav to apologise to the project runway ppl coz i decided to go
for CCA public duty instead! P A I S E H ! ! x_x"

waah lao la! for Art this term, out of the 9 art students, 2 got C5, 1 got
D7 and the rest got C6 (I'm among the C6 ppl); pathetic sia x_x" all
because of that so-not-environmentally-friendly clingwrap sculpture
project! ROAR! argh, screwed my GPA, like, TOTALLY- T.T"

whatever. art can still be fun xD Now i'm depending on my theory to
pull my marks up; i seriously suck at painting (or maybe I'm just not
patient?) xD ... well w/e it is; still have to learn to put more effort
into everything i do; esp. stuff at school...

I better catch up soon... I'm falling behind fast!

sculpting was fun today xD The medium was plaster of paris (did I
spell correctly? HAHA) and i realised tt small chezils were better than
the large ones!! u just knock a hole and dig the entire piece of plaster
out! so damn shuang! xD Last week was damn bad tho... did sculpting
as well and ended up with a bruise on my hand and a friction burn on
my right index finger -_-" so un-cool... Hope this sculpture can pull
up our EOY GPA.. if not really die sia T.T"

Decisions by a governor,
can screw the feelings of his people much.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


ah.. been going crazy for the past few days due to over
dosage of examinations xD LOL!!

Physics has just passed.. I'm almost 100% sure I'm going to fail!
F-A-I-L, sth that has never happened before!!! T.T" AHH! comp
games are ruining me! I GOTTA stop! HMPH.. its impossible.....
uh, recently been going out reallllieee often with friends after the
exam days to have lunch tgt (no cca hah!) kinda slackish... wa, so
disappointed with myself, shud STUDY more girl!

today yunhan went school and started complaining tt her dad
confiscated her PSP and prevented her computer from being able
to gain internet access.. LOL! it is a TERRIBLE thing that happened
to her but if it happened to me, i think i shud be able to concentrate
better on my studies lo... sian.. my results are dropping cos of that;
who can help me? xD tuition teachers? teachers? doubt so! X:

lalala.. nth to blog about nowadays.. just crazy fun-filled school days
which are too much for me to type out xD I haven't been drawing
for a long time.. now currently working on one that has remained
stagnant for a couple of days now~ its a girl brushing her teeth
halfway when a wild guy entered through the window~ (the girl is
staring at the boy's face in shock! xD)
Sth likedat la xD
Look forward to it bah! haha..
I've still gotta colour it at photoshop~
gonna take quite awhile..

btw simin my shooting game = soldier front
incase u're curious xD
Trickster Soldier Front AuditionSEA


Sunday, August 10, 2008


omgosh la, i just realised i haven't posted for so long xD
dun blame me hor! blame work n TRICKSTER♥ LOL..

uh whatever!
anyway! happy 1 day after national day everybody! lol!
kinda too late but well at least I tried ~ kao... I seriously
forgot alot of things that happened over the past 10+
days lah.. k talk about friday first ba xD

had to do public duty and couldn't enter contigent..
had to tend to a girl who fell down n inflicted injuries..
that girl was tended by SJAB's two CCA leaders and
she still dare to AP us and nvr thank us a single time.
so.. we dragged on and on and I lent my New Moon
to yongen and then we chnged into class tee and had
to go back to class to have chem lesson
so aft chem lesson which lasted more than 1 hr.. me,
jesslyn, seychee, tsesin and peizheng went to JEC to
eat koba! LOL.. and dun listen to seychee! I didn't do
anything embarrassing D:! LOL all of us ate like pigs,
seychee ate the least x: then i saw the starch sause
used to go with the tempura prawns, but then they
said it had no taste so i went to add chilli n noodle
soup inside, then non of them wanted to try it D:
HRHMP! so hurt x:

yayyy yayy! can talk about someone I met long ago
called star.. lotsa nicknames xD met in maple... met
once before in real, but tt time i was hopelessly fat!
so so so... just wanna share tt he became kinda HOT
LOL!! xD ok la.. i'm not the least obsessed over such
facts.. just broke up with his gf... now he's back into
flirt mode again! NOOB! (this section is not really ur
business tho HAHA)

fuuu! :3
NDP on TV!
mom agreed to let us order KFC from outside!
NDP was kinda successful? altho the fireworks could
have been more colourful! xD
the performers' costumes were exagerated! but it was
all by school ppl! (was wym there? xD)
I ate super messily.. dad told me I grew up that way!
ah well.. national day was ok for me :3 this year was
pretty normal I had to admit.. the jet planes tt drew
the heart in the sky was magnificent! at least one of the
planes flew by my house xD

have to go play trickster le, end here! HAHA! :x