Monday, January 28, 2008

Oops~ I delayed this post for one day ;X Lmao too obsessed with mapling xD Woopee~ My PDango is level 25 now~ Good good.. 2nd job by this weekend ;X

Baah.. this is how the CNY plants look like now~
Grown pretty much eh? ;X

Look at the thickness of this~ My physics and chem TBs~ A level lmao ;X

Cousins bought tis frm taiwan.. My bro has a blue one~ When u press its teeth....

YUM! HA-HA! fooled u, got bitten ;X Not pain 1 lah~

PDango~ I LOVE U SO MUCH~ [[:
Perfect stats sia~ (tsk.. I rolled 12 int, I reset AP to 4/4/4~)
LMAO! Tis will be a perfect mage~

Aha~ Me and my bro! P stands for Priest and WK stands for white knight xD kekeke.. kawaii right?!! aww... my heart just melts looking at them *~*

Bah bah bah~ School's getting busy again... looks like i've gotta work harder xD Gambatte! Everyone will work hard together! :] Ah well.. manga pg 2 haven't done~ hais... time is precious =.= -off to eat something- 3D-Audi-Team! YEAH! (The bad thing about me is that I only play audi with people not-as-good-as-me LOL!) Ah well.. who cares though, I'm a real loser ;P And I dislike Jeffrey alot -_- The way his voice changes to suan others, it irritates me... And the way he criticise people while knowing he/she won't like it, irritates me...

Loveya! ;)

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Keh... I missed out on blogging last week x.x"
well.. strangely I waz juz audi-ing abit last wk~
Looks like my skill is completely gone xD
Audi is hopeless for me!

haix.. Lawls... Finally posted a drawing =.="
ar well.. my manga still suks.. so..
I've decided to treat it as a trial
and let ppl read it for free T.T"
More detailed blogging tmr (+_+)
SheeZx... I'm starting to maple again =.="
GaaH.. Strictly wkends anywz~
cheeri0s [[: ~~
Loveya! ;)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Coming home late

It's so unfair...
You have no idea, what it's like
to return home so late in the evening
4 days out of 5 school days.
Don't speak unreasonability with me,
I can strongly say, I'm never unreasonable.

Anyone can do magic!

" Want me to prove that I can fast-forward time? "
" Sure~ "
" I'll show you, I can change the time from 8:00am to 8:40am~ "
" Ha, like real.. "
"It's real! Don't blink! I'll show you 40 minutes later! "
" -_- "

Anyone can do magic! (I wanna believe in that T.T)
Lmao.. I'm slacking from schoolwork again by typing
these few lines...

Loveya! ;)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

short blogging

Keke.. I'm using some of my research time to do some
Sorry taggers, I'll reply on Saturday xD
Here's some quotes that came into my mind LOL

"When you force two hamsters that are completely strangers
together, there won't be a happy ending."
"Humans are born liars, if you say you're not, you're lying."
"Please keep your mouth shut when you talk."
"To all who thinks I'm smart, breath! (lol)"

Haha! Complete crap xD
The japanese band that came to RVHS rocks!
They rock-rock-rock!

As predicted- Art Is Stressful~

7 Elements of Art

7 Principles of Design

Loveya! ;)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

2nd weekend from school

Lalala... yea Finally I'm online... The whole of saturday, the darn broadband is down cos my phoneline is somehow screwed... damn singtel -_- Those ppl out there... I suggest you guys change to starhub and quit singtel-ing...

Anyw~ I've been pretty freaked about the quadratic formula for the past week =x Here is how it goes~

Yea.... x = minus 'b' plus/minus squareroot of b^2 minus 4 'a' 'c' over 2'a'.

Woo.. this was from sometime back.. manage to dig out this photo lmao... so cute eh? My mum made this necklace thingy frm a tapioca leaf pro ba?

Pretty teachers' day cards...
It was made for the teachers frm 2007~

CNY plants... mum's recently starting to plant em...

I'll update the change in looks next week~

My flowery necklace.. bought frm chamelon~ chio ba =x
My wardrobe! I'm a very dead-ish person
The colours I go for are all the same =x
Pink, Black and White~ xD

I finished quite alot of drawings...

I'll try to put them up next saturday~ Look forward to next saturday!

-A girl who has just finished the stephanie meyer series- =x

Loveya! ;)

Saturday, January 05, 2008


Once again, nightmare started`
I'm kinda getting used to mugging life of Sec3...
Even though its just the beginning...

Lmao... I've decided to ... try to online as much as I can,
well try, when I mean try, it means T-R-Y!
I'm seriously changing for the better...
Wednesday till Friday, I swore I won't be near the computer
and yea, I succeeded. I better work hard then...
To IMPROVE my pathetic grades...

I finished "New Moon" in just one after-school day,
Couldn't wait to make Edward Cullen go back to Bella T_T
SO SAD! Now I'm like, halfway through Eclipse...
Here's to warn all those sec3-to-be(s)...
Sec 3 life is really different from sec 1 and 2.. and believe me,
that is 100% true!
On Mondays, I get released at 4.10pm, and bear in mind
Its studies throughout the whole day
[I get to skip history and geog classes cos I don't take those subs keh!] ;p
Tuesday, I have CCA after school
Wednesday is my only free and enjoyable day~
Thursday I stay back afterschool for 3 hours until 6pm..
yeah.. for my Art subject... It helps my career option!
Friday... Yea CCA after school again....

Hmm.. I guess its really a big difference from my sec 1 & 2 life...
very... very... vErY different`
I'll cope with the excess stress somehow~ ;)
Though of cuz, I'll continue smiling~
I won't touch computer on weekdays anymore,
Weekends, I'm only on MSN... I better don't touch games
T-H-A-T often anymore too~ (sob, selling ksp stuff)

I'll be a very different person frm now on.. I swear that's true ;)
Goodbye games~ I'm aiming B3 and above for all my subjects.
GAMBATTE! I'll still be drawing often~ becus I'm taking Art xD
Blogging will only be about school life!
Anyway... Since, you guys probably won't see me often anymore,
here's a few fillers for the non-dominant brain ;D

Indian & Pakistan Joke
One day, 3 indians and 3 pakistanians went to purchase tickets
to board a train to another city. The 3 pakistanians purchased 3
tickets for each of them. (As you know, there is a ticket person on
the train that collects your tickets, if you are empty handed, he
will kick you out) The 3 indians bought only 1 ticket. The 3
pakistanians laughed at the 3 indians as they were sure to get
kicked off the train halfway through. The 3 indians smirked and
said, "Just watch us".
And so, The 3 pakistanians sat on the appointed seats. As the ticket-
man approached, the 3 indians hid themselves in the toilet. When the
ticket-man came to collect the tickets, the 3 pakistanians handed the
3 tickets to him proudly and laughed silently at the 3 going-to-be-in-
big-trouble indians. However, as the ticket-man approached the toilet
they slipped out 1 ticket and the ticket-man just accepted and walked
off. The 3 indians came out and relaxed on their seats, laughing madly
at the 3 pakistanians for their upmost stupidity. They left the train
while the 3 pakistanians looked after them, jaw-dropped.
And so, during the return trip, the 3 pakistanians and the 3 indians
met again. This time, the 3 pakistanians were smart and they purchased
only 1 tickets, and smirked at the indians. The 3 indians bought zero
tickets. The 3 pakistanians looked at them, jaw-dropped. They laughed
at the indians and wondered how they would not be kicked out of the
train. The 3 indians just looked back and said "Just watch us".
On the train, the 3 pakistanians occupied the empty toilet on the right
side and the 3 indians occupied the empty toilet on the left side. Halfway
through, 1 of the Indian pretended to be the ticket-man and took the
ticket from the pakistanians, laughing softly in his heart. When the real
ticket-man came, the 3 indians had the ticket and were saved, whilst the
3 pakistanians were kicked off the train.

Indian Funky Clothes
What's an indian in funky clothes?
ans : M&M

School beauty
One day, 5 boys came across the school beauty in the canteen. It was
love-at-first-sight for all 5 of them. The school beauty had a serious
excessive-gas-in-the-stomach-problem. During the meal, she
accidentally "let off" some gas. One of the boys stood up and said "Don't
look around, it was me!" The school beauty looked back and smiled at
him, melting his heart. After a few minutes, she did it again. And the
second boy stood up and said "Don't look around, it was me!"And so did
the 3rd boy and the rest. The First boy that stood up was unhappy as
his idea was being copied. Thus, he stood up and justified. "All the gas
let off by the school beauty will all be taken care of by me!"

The others sound too racist, so I'll just stop here for now xD
This is shared by my class joker, Edward of 3D xD

Loveya! ;)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2 day post!

Kaoo! Tomorrow's the day... the day of death!
School reopens!
Although its game-filled for me ;X
I had fun the last 2 days of holidays...
on Monday i went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to pierce my ear!
f-i-n-a-l-l-y~ a hole in my ear! xD
And then.. my mum brought an expensive but chio blouse!
and I went to ;Chamelon; to get expensive hairclip and earring~
I'm such a spendtrift..
Money is soo damn accessible when ur parents pamper u xD

Hooray~ I got platoon best cadet! My parents were damn happy sia!
The trophy is bigger and taller and nicer than I expected xD
hehe... my first SJAB achievement! BANZAI!


Yepeee!! went to have some dim sum at the restaurant with my relatives...
they were like.. so shocked at my sudden appearance...
some said cannot recognise me!
I'm so touched LOL! My efforts~ They're recognised! *~*

After lunch~ my bro and I went out to play together with our older cousins xD
AND their girl/boyfriends!
They're like, 16, 18, 19, 19, 21, 21, 25, 25 LOL!
cool eh? hang out with such old-ies xD
We went bowling!! I'm so amazed.. I just asked for cash and
my mum handed me a blue note.. ZOMG! HAHA! xD I robb-ed!
They went to this billard place where only 16 and above is allowed!
yea.. -=SIAN=-!
Nvm, cousins were daring... =X Maybe due to the way we dress
they smuggled us in LOL! and strangely! EVERYONE there believed
we're 16! LOL

This totallllllllllly rocks! ~~ School reopen! A fresh start!

Great news! ChocFudge is coming back! (lol)
Saphira designed a guild banner for us! And I'm working
on a new Emblem! That decision came to me when... yea...
I thought of mei !! If one person ain't happy! Then CF shall
come back! The excuse I made up for -Lover is that... we
won't be active anymore because school reopen.. so BYEBYE!
LOL!!!! so evil !~

Loveya! ;)