Sunday, November 11, 2007

Photo fun?

Yoz! Just finished doing my tooop-id mum's hmwk *_* Finalli haf some time to myself! ~~
These photos are all taken like.. 1 or 2 months back!! xD I must have changed alot since then @.@"

Anyway~ This is Lydia, Ailing and Me respectively... Well.. one of the last photos we took together before school closed x_x" Man I miss 2A-ttitude-d already!! Dream and dream and dream... 2A will nvr come back! D; I wanna turn back time!!

AND LOL $#@!! Of cos!! That old man and old woman and dumb boy ain't me! D; Of cuz they ain't me! I'm so kawaii !!! O.O (Thick-skinned) Anyway.. quite obvious though.. My dad, mummy and Bro~ They're eating h..h...h...? THE "H" BRANDED ICE CREAM LAH AIYA! Forgot x_x" That small pathetic cup.. guess how much? Yes~ S$9.50~~ Retarded #_#" Its the ice cream I resisted oso~~

I wanna be able to eat ice cream SOB! 3 more KG to go~ That'll take forever! It's so hard to lose weight now! TT_TT NVM! GAMBATTE!

Lmao~~ I started friendster I dunno why xD Maybe under peer influence? LMAO.. The so-left-out ppl are starting frenster lmao~~ (Me) Okay~ Hope I'll find photos to upload soon x_0"

Loveya! ;)

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