Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I'm gonna write about what happened in the past 3 days~ Monday till Today! (Wednesday) anyway~ I shall begin, with MONDAY! XD The realllie funny day ;X

Wym and Fire discussing girls stuff reallly seriously >O (I made this up) They look really compatible as good friends huh? xD they even wore the bag the same way! xD I dare not take their faces for fear my insurance might not cover up for my parents losses if anything unfortunate were to happen to me T_T

wooosh~ I took this while running/walking xD They're always walking together!! Just like great friends would *_* After looking at this scene, I feel like crying T_T Fuzzy image ;X

ZOMG, THIS IS ONE AMAZING PICTURE I TELL YOU. I have NO-IDEA-WHATSOEVER as to why this DUDE is grinning... its abit scary ROFL.... He knew I was taking his picture but he just looked away and... AND.. SMILED? OMG WHAT COULD THAT MEAN? O.O! anyway~ this is my ah gong lo ;P

Two really serious guys, emo-ing together on the MRT train in broad daylight~ (lmao) to the left is ah gong and to the right is my brother xD seriously look like they're emo-ing... maybe they got tons of things to say to each other but.. BUT.. OK LA FINE! FINE LA! I KNOW I WAS AN EXTRA.. SORRY LO ZZZ... DAMN! T_T

Finally~ on till tues ;X kekekeX... yay~ we made cheese PUDDING! XD (OMG! ;) SORRY WYM, I SAID CHEESE CAKE LOL...) anyway~ I helped to press the biscuit at the bottom of the pudding and mixed some of the cheese mixture~ it was messy/fun/cool/interesting, I learn pretty much about baking and the equipment used for baking in this simple pudding making lesson xD

see... The biscuit at the bottom is pressed by me! REALLY NEAT RIGHT? ;D (FINE LA, FOR THOSE SADDISTS OUT THERE, I KNOW LA, VERY UGLY LA... FINE LA ZZZZ.. DUNNID SECRETLY THINK IN YOUR HEART RIGHT.. ZZZ.. YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN ME MEH? ZZZ...) sorry o... sounded abit harsh in my thoughts T_T

Fruit salad~ yummy yummy~ (lmao) anyway~ this is the top view of our final product! neat huh? xD Its such a beautiful~ SUCH A BEAUTIFUL........ pud-dingggg YEAH!

This is really delicious believe me man! xD (esp the biscuit at the bottom cos I did most of the work there) Its so true, the food you make always tastes really good T_T

Finally~ LAST BUT NOT LEAST! the 3rd day! xD (wednesday) daddy's birthday~ weeees~ My cute and chubby daddy~ so kawaii right? sometimes I wonder if I've fallen for my dad aiks~ T_T No one can replace my daddy *0* HAPPY BIRTHDAE DADDY! XD He's 50 lmao, old man ;X SSSHHHHH!!!!

Aw~ lovely couple huh? ;X the ice cream is gorgeous right? *0* well~ This is from swensen's, quite obvious by now T_T" the malt ice cream is seriously fabulous! MUST TRY!

Its daddy's birthdae but I just can't help it! I made him buy these for me LOL!! The clover leaf in the earring is a real clover leaf! Its a damn cool shop, they sell these heart/apple/weird shaped chains that have a clover leaf in each of it, its really really sweet and beautiful! Expensive because clover can't be found in Singapore X_X I Love you daddy! I LOVE YOU VERY VERY MUCH! ! !

Arh well~ Course Platoon meeting tomorrow~ watching Enchanted for the second time T_T wym~ watching movies continuously is contagious! (LOL) [ Wymzic ] <-- PFFT.. PFFT!!! ;X I might just burst from holding in all this laughter! T_T

Loveya! ;)

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Lol~ Went out shopping with Ailing today! She's crazy lah... x_o" she bought dunno how many nail polish.. even I was shocked!!

Anyway~ This is what I bought today! ;3 Anyway I wanna apologise to someone for lying before he/she finds out about the lie xD Don't be deceived by these plushies' looks! They're damn ex larh x_x" I got one from Lot 1 shopping mall and 1 from West Mall xD

And zomg! Zero guessed that this was a real puppy LOL!!! Well~ too bad Its a fake ;X Its damn nice to touch ok! Although just thinking about the price makes my heart break TT___TT"

Wee~ this is due to extreme bo-liao-ness, me and Ailing sat outside the Fuji Ice Palace in JEC and stared at people ice-skating HAHA! XD We saw... 3 no, 4 professional skaters xD Then got one guy.. act cool lo~ he chiong to the wall den wanna turn tt time, he crash to the wall and fall down on his butt! HAHAHA~~ I'm evil larh~ I laughed damn loud ;x

Woo~ ME and AILING~ ^_^ v

Spendtrift spendtrift~ ;X I got these necklaces on Monday~` Nt vry ex though~ Just really pretty and can fit together with alot of my clothes~ xP

And Lmao~ I can't believe I'm chionging maple now xP { HoneyPieX }

Monday - chiong-ed 56 - 57

Tuesday - chiong-ed 57 - 58

Wednesday - chiong-ed 58 - 60

Thursday (Today) - chiong-ed 60 - 61

Loveya! ;)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Woahh~ Im posting pretty often nowadays! xD Anyway~ Let's start

Rofl! These are sure weird looking donuts... My parents bought them home for us to try it out. Pretty nice price S$1.20 each only! Sure looks yummy! the choc looks scari-ly fattish though T_T

I opened them up! $#@!! I wanna eat!! ZOMFG!!! temptation! xD Anyway I ate it alrdy LOL, its darn nice! cheese... choc... frozen sugar.. tons of flavours! O.O"

Lmao~~ This is how thick the ppcs me and my brother spent on together! Cool eh? Top two cards is S$30 each LMAO!

Lay on the bed~~~ lalala~ Cash spammers! xD

Anyway~ Time for bed.. quite late liaoX ;X

Loveya! ;)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Photo fun?

Yoz! Just finished doing my tooop-id mum's hmwk *_* Finalli haf some time to myself! ~~
These photos are all taken like.. 1 or 2 months back!! xD I must have changed alot since then @.@"

Anyway~ This is Lydia, Ailing and Me respectively... Well.. one of the last photos we took together before school closed x_x" Man I miss 2A-ttitude-d already!! Dream and dream and dream... 2A will nvr come back! D; I wanna turn back time!!

AND LOL $#@!! Of cos!! That old man and old woman and dumb boy ain't me! D; Of cuz they ain't me! I'm so kawaii !!! O.O (Thick-skinned) Anyway.. quite obvious though.. My dad, mummy and Bro~ They're eating h..h...h...? THE "H" BRANDED ICE CREAM LAH AIYA! Forgot x_x" That small pathetic cup.. guess how much? Yes~ S$9.50~~ Retarded #_#" Its the ice cream I resisted oso~~

I wanna be able to eat ice cream SOB! 3 more KG to go~ That'll take forever! It's so hard to lose weight now! TT_TT NVM! GAMBATTE!

Lmao~~ I started friendster I dunno why xD Maybe under peer influence? LMAO.. The so-left-out ppl are starting frenster lmao~~ (Me) Okay~ Hope I'll find photos to upload soon x_0"

Loveya! ;)

Friday, November 09, 2007

Changed BlogSkin

Yays~ Haha, finally found a suitable blog skin to change it to xD
Anyways... These weekends I'll be pretty busy-
Not much time to play/exercise on weekends!-
Dumb NCO course!
That's why I hate being in UG !!

Guess I'll just have to enjoy myself to the fullest-
on weekdays-
Looking forward to the guild meeting with everyone!
Anyone know of the movie the game plan?
I'm planning on watching it though xD

Someone refuses to accept the gift I bought!-
So mean ...
emo-ed T-O-D-A-Y (since it's midnight)
somemore !
Chased me away T_T

I'm starting to exercise self-control on the vulgarities!-
-Off to School-

Loveya! ;)

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Thinking back?

I've never reminisced but now I shall.
-Hmm... I wonder how long has it been since I started to live cyber-wise?
Pretty long I guess, Probably much longer than anyone would guess.

QQ Kor - You're the first mapleSEA buddy I made. Without you, I would
have never met Snow Jie... And we wouldn't be such close friends now.
I was begging people to help me hunt leaves, who knew? Just by offering a
mere help you became a dear friend. You changed my life.
Vulgar - Ha.. Sometimes I'm so glad you don't know my blog. You're the
first guy I fell for online.(Unfortunately?) I forgot how I met you, it has
been 2 years+ and I'll remember you always.
SnowAngel - My precious Snow Jie. You're my very first online sister
together with AngelGirl. The memories we shared, those I'll never forget.
Being able to stay together so long, I can straightly say, I really love you.
LaoShuAiDaMe - I will never forget you. You cheered me up so many times
although you are "xiao pi qi"

[Aranged in order of who I met first]
Chienz - The second Jie I ever made! This girl I must say, she is one incredible
being xD You'll never believe that such a person exists! She can comfort you so
damn well when she's really suffering deep inside. She never complains, she never
upsets anyone, just by chatting with her, your day completely blooms! (Gong,
don't kill me, I can understand why you like her =x) Oh god, I don't know how
to type out all her good qualities, she's probably someone I would fall in love with
at first sight! @_@" I treated her as a role model, my idol? Being able to call her
"Jie" is such an honour omg! Suki daiyo!!! Nothing vulgar or bad ever comes out
of her mouth! She's such a nice person! She doesn't side with anyone and when
she feels someone is wrong, she will talk it out nicely. She doesn't cry out in front
of anyone and makes sure she is of help but not nuisance to anyone. Although
noone can ever compare to Snow Jie, this is someone I can also say I love alot.
Without her, my life wouldn't be half as beautiful.

DeathTanker - Ang Gong Kia (statue) was what I first called you, it changed
to Ah gong and then GonG, lmao.. I don't know why. The first time I met you,
I must say I'm pretty shocked! Because in comparison to my 1 year+ experience
with you, you are never the type that would be such good friends with someone
so much younger than you! I met you together with Fire, I believe is your very
first SP best fren? xD In MSP, I had no idea what happened to the relationship
between you guys, and I seriously thought I was the one who broke you two
apart, even though I know that may not be true, but I still feel bad even today.
You guys were once so close, ever since I added you two to buddy, You two started
drifting further and further apart! Sob... I befriended you in a racing game, that
I will never forget. My bro, you, fire and chienz, we used to race together as a team
so darn-it-often baby! I miss those old days, I seriously do. You supported my guild,
you lent me your set, even though at that time I was a complete stranger. I thought
to myself : This must be the best friend anyone would want! Well, for the first time
You allowed me to understand what is mutual trust between two friends. Yep, you
guessed it, I was really touched ^^ There's no need to apologise, the fond-est of
memories, you were the one who gave them to me. You are really a BEST FRIEND !
Thanks for everything! And, I believe I have more to thank you for than you do.

FireXElement - My wonderful friend together with Death! Yea, As i mentioned, I
met the two of you at the same time and befriended you both at the same time! To be
frank, Maybe it was because I was still childish in the head but, I never tried to want
to understand you in MSP... Everytime you felt left out, this selfish me would treat it
as if its nothing important. You supported chocfudge with me... DAISUKI DESU!! It
was until nearly the closure of MSP that made me realise, I haven't put in enough
effort as a leader of ChocFudge. A guild of 60 over members. How successful... if it
weren't for your help, I would never have felt such glory. You are my precious mei, you'll
forever be! The first time I met you in real life, I thought to myself, yep! You're the kind
of friend I would want. Your smile never fades like mine! And you are serious when it
comes to friends. And I'll remember, you kept telling me how noob you were, which I
strongly feel against apparently x.x Whether a person is pro or not, does not depend on
the outward performance, it depends on your attitude towards everything, for me, a
person who is pro, does not own at death match or quest, a person who is pro is simply
someone who don't exist. For me Pro means perfection. No one is Pro.^^ And there's no
such thing as being a noob. Thank you mei, you're exceptionally special to me, Once again
the same thing as snow jie. I love you. Not ONLY because you're sexy. ^^

Wymzic - Blood-shared lover! zomfglajskkas AHHH!! KY-AA!! I still remember. You
were a star 3 ranked non-prem shamoo in the rocky wind community! You were
completely cornered and crying out loud when we forced you into joining ChocFudge.
I was shocked when you told me your age... O_O I would have guessed 15 or 16.
You're a really faithful person I must say. You are always true to your friends and
yourself. And you're darn it true to ChocFudge ! Not a guild-hopper, you value close
buddies more than anything else! You forgive easily, you're always smiling, you're a realllli-
precious friend! I love you so much! SO MUCH.. SO MUCH!! Like I said before, I cannot
point out a single weak/bad quality in you. You're much much too perfect x_o" I wonder
why You ain't my mei? That's probably cos I refuse to acknowledge the fact that you're
younger than me T_T You sound so much grown-up and more adult-like than me! I mean
so much--- I LOVE YOU!

It's not like me to post at midnight @_@" Maybe it's just like me to do so?
Anyway for a certain someone out there, mixed feelings? Haven't been completely freed?
This quote is from Romeo x Juliet.
"Sadness, Hatred, pain and sorrow, these can be overcome by one emotion.. That is

To love is not a mistake. To once been in love is a valuable experience. Do not regret
doing so, pain, sorrow and disappointment lasts as long as love does.

It is wise to choose this emotion above all. ^^