Wednesday, June 20, 2007

UK trip (final post)

Hoho~ Finally I'm gonna post about my UK trip! It's England btw, if anyone doesn't noe xDD wheeww~ Here i go! ^^
Huahaha! This is Valerie, Lydia and Moeka inside River! I WAS SLACKING HAHA!
This is the flying duck, green neck ^^ Spotted it while doing river work~
Me and Lydia say CHEEESE to the camera-woman Moeka~ Just arrived.
This was before the take-off at changi airport terminal 1 xDD I was really not looking forward to the long flight... aiks!
Dunno why i arrange my pics likedis. Anyways~ this was when i came back. Yanlin and XINYI! they came to fetch me at the airport! aww~ so touched~!!
Juniper Hall ambience. Hehe.. i saw these flowers and took a picture! :P
Yeah babiee~ our accommodation at Juniper Hall
so piao liang right? Yeah! due to my superb photography skills! woooTs~ River Tillingbourne(i tink) :))
See! in UK they grow plants all around their house! SO nice!! I wan to live in that kindaa house!
wooo~ yeah cemetry... it was right next to a church. Forgot where i throw the picture of the church to.. Ghostly... x_o

Wakaka... me and Lydia's rm! Big mess! woah!
Me, Lydia and Moeka placing our foots together! >:))
Guanlin and her frens~!! we were the only sec 2s!!! :D
Front view of Juniper Hall building! nice right? Countryside ambience rox!
Snail sculpture~ found it kawaiii :x

Furry Bee! u don't see these anywhere in sg! SO CUTE!! :D
So hard to get a good shot of flying seagulls~
Row of shophouses tt nobody wants to rent. That beach was heard to b dangerous? xDD
old unique piano we found inside the cafe!
Well.. the cafe! LOL

They have very beautiful grasslands or fields! Sooo nice, the castle at the back makes it soo magicaL~ :O
Super funny sign! hahaah! found on the window of a house.
Close-up view of green-neck flying duck :X kawaii....?? nah...
THIS WAS MY FAV PHOTO MAN! I was soo proud of myself. We followed this goose everywhere, but it only opened its wings once! and i got a shot of it! NO ONE ELSE MANAGED TO CATCH IT! HAHA! im sooo pro! *ego* :D
Yes man.. not illusion, I got this close to a green necked flying duck :P

Si rui and Valerie (sec 3s) taking a photo by a fountain :D

Yes man! my fav architecture so far! Can u tell what it is? YES MAN! harry potter hawkwards!(did i spell correctly?) so magical.. especially if u were standin' right under it ! :O
This tower costed like.. 300 million pounds! (900 million SGD) [if i din rmb wrongly] SIAO ONE LA! the queen built it for her husband that died at the age of 40. Think his name was King Albert. X_O
The aftermath of our breakfast~ =X Vry vry heavy breakfast! :/

Another view of hawkwards. It was oxford university btw! If they showed those bicycles during the movie, it wud b pure ownage :X hahax... the students there ride to school.
A building we saw outside of the university. I think it was a church.. their churches are all beautiful..
One of the windows in Oxford university. Doesn't it give u a magical feeling? :D vryvry nice!
dunno whats tis :X some sorta vegetable decoration? HAHA
SO clean, so solemn, so calm, so green! :D

First scene we saw when we entered oxford university.
Further view of hawkwards tower :D *i tink that was jonathan's head, haha*
another beautiful sight! the grassland!!!! :D
How i wish singapore had such architecture. D:
Look like ancient rome right? HAHA! this is oso the inside of oxford university.

Gate to some kind of rich queen's weekend house D: I bet I can't even afford that gate....
Our tour guide for the day~ XP she was explaning stuff bout harry potter's movie making! :D
ANOTHER view of hawkwards LOL! i too siao over it le..!
I tink i saw this bridge in harry potter too~ lols... links two building together.. dun see the point tho.. haha o_x
This is the other side of the oxford university entrance area... there's a sculpture of King Albert embedded in the middle.
I've added too many photos X_o, it wud take some while to finish ADMIRING my pro-ness! XDD haha!! anyway hope u enjoyed it =X had alot more photos.. but I decided to only talk about Oxford University, cos i doubt that anyone would hate Harry Potter~ :))

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