Tuesday, June 12, 2007

At Vivo with XINYI! ^^

Hehe~ I realeased another foto!! ^^ This is a photo of jason n US! (ppl who know me can see in the pic and tell that i super high that day :X)
haha~ Jason is an AWESOME guy! XD I dunn luv him lah! (duh) he was our instructor for first 5 daes of de Geography trip~ XP keke~ He dammmn nice! [serious] :))
Soo... ytd wanted to type liaox.. but com keep hab problem.. so delay till todae den type~ X.x
Anyways~ ytd mi n MY BESTEST FRIEND AKA SEE XIN YI went to vivo city together! weeooowhoo~ yep onii de two of us ^-^ Creating memories together~!!! wahaharhs~ I luvb her so much aiks~ @_@" Den we went to the CD shop lo~ dunnno what floor oso.. there so big.. vry luan x_o And so sadz.. oni DNangel sound track left derh.. so noob.. hmph! All the DNangel anime CD all sold out liaox.. sigh~ so freakin' dispPointED!!! X_O Waaah!!!
ANyway.. we failed to locate de pet shop X.x causing another disaPPointMEnT to XY. what a disappointing dae~ haix~ DX
den we went Giant buy two packets of magi mee! tmr gg her hse again!!! weee~! :D she gonna cook fer mi, norris, yan lin and shuin jian I tink :D But hor~ her cooking vry nice :)) I like :D
Luv-ed Ah GonG's post :X Feel damn egoistic liaoX! who cares~ I'm sucha fantastic gurl~ :X anyway~ looking forward to movie-ing at XY's hse~ TaTa!!!

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