Sorry meimei, when I put the embed thingy here.. error occur. I tink cnt put de...
Anyway.. why you can't watch? x_o" Hais.. wasted one post xD
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Nearly fainted...
Today was definitely not my day... zZz... had cramps like the whole day? haix.. lessons were extremely boring and now my CID cluster is chinese? wth? what silk road! waaah KNS! I smell boredom and death sentences!! x___o sian... sigh.. my life is still as boring :[ Hope holidays come faster and SP out faster! Muahaha! x))
Aw man~ todae there was CCA.. (as usual~) we were like dummys standin' under e hot sun and getting a free tan. -___-lll lols... damn sian and HOT! yeah baby! MELTING HOT! i never experienced fainting or a near-faint experience.. but.. todae i nearly did!
How it felt..? well it began with a chill down my spine... then... i started to break into cold sweat.. alot of cold sweat.. a gust of wind blew and it felt like antarctica wind! i was literally freezing.. then.. my vision and ability to hear start to weaken... Closing and opening my eyes made me see the same blackness and nothingness.. That time i was really scared le.. we were still standing under the sun and i felt like i would collapse anytime~!! Then i started to hear nothing.. u noe those creepy sounds u hear in caves? i began to hear those sounds... and followed by deafness.. and blindness.. i tot i wud faint liao... it was a super terrible feeling.. its as if i'm gonna die.. I'm serious.. x_x"
Then they announced a 5 minute water break.. so i immediately ran to the bench with the last of my sight and sat down n jus lay on the benchtop... it was horrible. My frenz, Liu Qiao and Phylis told me that my lips were whiter than my skin.. I was pale like sai... They started to touch my arms and told me they felt like ice... den phylis.. my best fren in CCA told me to fall out and not continue the rehearsal anymore.. but since time was almost up i decided to endure... x_o horrible experience.. it was near-faint.. and i never knew near-faint was so... unpredictable and really really headache-ing x___@"
Today.. was K-N-S. tats all I have to say. Cya :D
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
UK trip (final post)
Hoho~ Finally I'm gonna post about my UK trip! It's England btw, if anyone doesn't noe xDD wheeww~ Here i go! ^^

I've added too many photos X_o, it wud take some while to finish ADMIRING my pro-ness! XDD haha!! anyway hope u enjoyed it =X had alot more photos.. but I decided to only talk about Oxford University, cos i doubt that anyone would hate Harry Potter~ :))
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Some DNangel amv(s)
Hahax.. kinda got bored XP I decided to look fer sum DNangel AMVs and put em' here so ppl can watch xD who knows, after watching, u might become interested in tis anime :3
Juz uploaded tis vid here cos the song is nice. nice vid oso larh.. but sum ppl might find it sianX =X Song is Breathe no more-By Evanescence.
This is dark "flirting" around with Risa becus she kinda reminded him of Rika(Risa's grandmother), dark's one and only true love... soo sweet! watch ba!
This is my fav! kekee! love between Daisuke Niwa and Riku!!! wooo! xDD -too emo le- anyways.. enjoy! vry nice amv =X (For those who like the song. It's frm the movie titanic-My Heart will go on)
Tata! Enjoy~ ^^
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
nor's quiz
1. Start Time : 9.07PM
2. Name : Ow Jia'en Sharon
3. Nickname : ShanX(PHPPS) Flaming(SP) Fat girl(PHPPS) Fat sister(Bro's Frenz) Eter(Maple) Honey/Pie(Audi & maple) Leader(SP) Ms.Chairperson(UK trip) shanky doodles(PHPPS) still got alot more.. lazy type...
4. Astrology sign : Pisces
5. Gender : Female
6. Hair color : Black
7. Eye color : Dark brown
8. Height : 162cm
9. Favorite color : Red, Purple, Pink, Black, White, Sky Blue, Baby Blue
10. Glasses : Duh~ (what do u expect from a com game-addict)
11. Tattoos : Guess urself
12. Birthplace : Singapore
13. Area code : dun tell u.
TRUE friends : Aiya alot la. BUT MY BABY SEE XIN YI IS THE TRUE-EST!
******HAVE YOU EVER*****
15. Cut your own hair? : Yes
16. Done something in the past regret? : dun wish to tell
17. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? : Yes! alot!
18. Skipped school? : what do you think?
19. Bungee jumped? : No duh I scared sia
2o. Punched someone? : You say leh?
21. Cheated on someone? : No, I'm a super nice person. (TYTY) -nvr had anyone to cheat on -.-
22. Been arrested? : Of cos! I been in jail before! (if u believe this u suk)
23. Broken into someones house? : Can if i wanted to.
24. Been to a funeral? : Duh, reminds me of how much I doubt the existence of ghosts
25. Used a lighter? : WTH, this question super dumb
26. Season : Autumn. super beautiful leaves
27. Ice cream flavor : Choc chip, Cookies & Cream
28. School subject(s) : Any subject tt allows me to slack
29. Candy : Nougurt =X cos its super sweet
3o. Breakfast : Dun eat best
31. Juice : Pink guava + aloe vera
33. Movie(s) : All jack neo's films, the catalic horror movie tt i saw, every movie tt i watch with XINYI! :D
334. Song(s) : DNangel-Truelight, Bleach-Houki Boshi Rolling Star, Avril Lavigne-GirlFriendInnocence +alot more, MaiHIME-Shining Days, Tamaki nami-Reason, Night of fire, alot alot of jap songs, SimplePlan(all songs), WestLife-Written in the stars, alot of audi songs.. aiya lazy think
35. Letter(s) : S,O cos they are the initials of my name. *self-lover*
36. Favorite fast food restaurant : swensens
37. Disney Princess : I like disneyland but hate the characters
38. TV station : animax! (BUT I DUN HAVE! GRR!)
39. Name for a son : I prefer daughter. Sons are useless!
4o. Name for a daughter : If can jap name I wan Miaka, Meroko, Mitsuki anything tt starts with 'M' :D
******DO YOU PREFER*****
41. Chocolate or Vanilla? : Chocolate
42. Alcoholic or not? : Not
43. Scary movies or comedies? : SCARY MOVIES! urm duh?
44. Short or long hair? : short.. not intending to cut my hair anymore
45. Croutons or bacon bits? : Hate both. bacon is sick -.-
46. Mexicans in general : those dressed half naked, cowboy hat, shaking shakers
47. School : I hate school. dun ask
48. Grass : Long pretty ones that we usually see
49. Cow : Udder
5o. Canada : fck.. dun make me talk about it... same as Norris's
51. Mouse : Computer mouse :X
52. Hands : Multiple hands... like qian shou guan yin
******THE PAST 3 DAYS, HAVE YOU******
53. Watched a movie? : yeah.. shutter at xy's hse :P
54. Talked on the phone?: Duh, with my dear dear XINYI <3
55. Cried? : I did the exact opposite
56. Choked?: no, i'm a pro
57. Drank a glass of water? : dun have. I'm a spirit. LIKE DUH! U CRAP AR
58. Done Drugs? : of cos! of cos!
59. Read a book or magazine? : duh -___-lll
6o. Watched TV? : wah lao.. this test getting crappy-er and crappy-er dun feel like answering
61. Looked in the mirror? : DIAM LAH.. WAH LAO DUMB QUIZ
62. Taken a shower? : DAMN U NORRIS! THE NEXT TIME I SEE U, U DIE
63. Taken a picture? : nah...
64. Listened to music? : dun crap with me. BO mood eh
65. Kissed someone? : yeah. myself!
66. Told someone you liked them : yeah. To myself!
67. End time : 9.45PM
' that's it man. The next time i c norris he gonna die.
I wan four ppl to take it.. =x
if u read my blog...
- Fire mei
- Ah GonG
- Chienz Jie
- Snow Jie
2. Name : Ow Jia'en Sharon
3. Nickname : ShanX(PHPPS) Flaming(SP) Fat girl(PHPPS) Fat sister(Bro's Frenz) Eter(Maple) Honey/Pie(Audi & maple) Leader(SP) Ms.Chairperson(UK trip) shanky doodles(PHPPS) still got alot more.. lazy type...
4. Astrology sign : Pisces
5. Gender : Female
6. Hair color : Black
7. Eye color : Dark brown
8. Height : 162cm
9. Favorite color : Red, Purple, Pink, Black, White, Sky Blue, Baby Blue
10. Glasses : Duh~ (what do u expect from a com game-addict)
11. Tattoos : Guess urself
12. Birthplace : Singapore
13. Area code : dun tell u.
TRUE friends : Aiya alot la. BUT MY BABY SEE XIN YI IS THE TRUE-EST!
******HAVE YOU EVER*****
15. Cut your own hair? : Yes
16. Done something in the past regret? : dun wish to tell
17. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? : Yes! alot!
18. Skipped school? : what do you think?
19. Bungee jumped? : No duh I scared sia
2o. Punched someone? : You say leh?
21. Cheated on someone? : No, I'm a super nice person. (TYTY) -nvr had anyone to cheat on -.-
22. Been arrested? : Of cos! I been in jail before! (if u believe this u suk)
23. Broken into someones house? : Can if i wanted to.
24. Been to a funeral? : Duh, reminds me of how much I doubt the existence of ghosts
25. Used a lighter? : WTH, this question super dumb
26. Season : Autumn. super beautiful leaves
27. Ice cream flavor : Choc chip, Cookies & Cream
28. School subject(s) : Any subject tt allows me to slack
29. Candy : Nougurt =X cos its super sweet
3o. Breakfast : Dun eat best
31. Juice : Pink guava + aloe vera
33. Movie(s) : All jack neo's films, the catalic horror movie tt i saw, every movie tt i watch with XINYI! :D
334. Song(s) : DNangel-Truelight, Bleach-Houki Boshi Rolling Star, Avril Lavigne-GirlFriendInnocence +alot more, MaiHIME-Shining Days, Tamaki nami-Reason, Night of fire, alot alot of jap songs, SimplePlan(all songs), WestLife-Written in the stars, alot of audi songs.. aiya lazy think
35. Letter(s) : S,O cos they are the initials of my name. *self-lover*
36. Favorite fast food restaurant : swensens
37. Disney Princess : I like disneyland but hate the characters
38. TV station : animax! (BUT I DUN HAVE! GRR!)
39. Name for a son : I prefer daughter. Sons are useless!
4o. Name for a daughter : If can jap name I wan Miaka, Meroko, Mitsuki anything tt starts with 'M' :D
******DO YOU PREFER*****
41. Chocolate or Vanilla? : Chocolate
42. Alcoholic or not? : Not
43. Scary movies or comedies? : SCARY MOVIES! urm duh?
44. Short or long hair? : short.. not intending to cut my hair anymore
45. Croutons or bacon bits? : Hate both. bacon is sick -.-
46. Mexicans in general : those dressed half naked, cowboy hat, shaking shakers
47. School : I hate school. dun ask
48. Grass : Long pretty ones that we usually see
49. Cow : Udder
5o. Canada : fck.. dun make me talk about it... same as Norris's
51. Mouse : Computer mouse :X
52. Hands : Multiple hands... like qian shou guan yin
******THE PAST 3 DAYS, HAVE YOU******
53. Watched a movie? : yeah.. shutter at xy's hse :P
54. Talked on the phone?: Duh, with my dear dear XINYI <3
55. Cried? : I did the exact opposite
56. Choked?: no, i'm a pro
57. Drank a glass of water? : dun have. I'm a spirit. LIKE DUH! U CRAP AR
58. Done Drugs? : of cos! of cos!
59. Read a book or magazine? : duh -___-lll
6o. Watched TV? : wah lao.. this test getting crappy-er and crappy-er dun feel like answering
61. Looked in the mirror? : DIAM LAH.. WAH LAO DUMB QUIZ
62. Taken a shower? : DAMN U NORRIS! THE NEXT TIME I SEE U, U DIE
63. Taken a picture? : nah...
64. Listened to music? : dun crap with me. BO mood eh
65. Kissed someone? : yeah. myself!
66. Told someone you liked them : yeah. To myself!
67. End time : 9.45PM
' that's it man. The next time i c norris he gonna die.
I wan four ppl to take it.. =x
if u read my blog...
- Fire mei
- Ah GonG
- Chienz Jie
- Snow Jie
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
At Vivo with XINYI! ^^
Hehe~ I realeased another foto!! ^^ This is a photo of jason n US! (ppl who know me can see in the pic and tell that i super high that day :X)
Soo... ytd wanted to type liaox.. but com keep hab problem.. so delay till todae den type~ X.x
Anyways~ ytd mi n MY BESTEST FRIEND AKA SEE XIN YI went to vivo city together! weeooowhoo~ yep onii de two of us ^-^ Creating memories together~!!! wahaharhs~ I luvb her so much aiks~ @_@" Den we went to the CD shop lo~ dunnno what floor oso.. there so big.. vry luan x_o And so sadz.. oni DNangel sound track left derh.. so noob.. hmph! All the DNangel anime CD all sold out liaox.. sigh~ so freakin' dispPointED!!! X_O Waaah!!!
ANyway.. we failed to locate de pet shop X.x causing another disaPPointMEnT to XY. what a disappointing dae~ haix~ DX
den we went Giant buy two packets of magi mee! tmr gg her hse again!!! weee~! :D she gonna cook fer mi, norris, yan lin and shuin jian I tink :D But hor~ her cooking vry nice :)) I like :D
Luv-ed Ah GonG's post :X Feel damn egoistic liaoX! who cares~ I'm sucha fantastic gurl~ :X anyway~ looking forward to movie-ing at XY's hse~ TaTa!!!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
photo in advance
anyways~ here's one of my FAVOURITE photos in advance!! *:D* kekeke
I still tink its worth it~~ I luv those cuties soo much D: but so sadzz gotta part! gave the frog n the badger to Yanlin and Xinyi respectively ~_~" awww... quite she bu de, but oso cnt feel good when I ain't sharing their cutiness with my best buddies~ :X HooHoo~ I'm juz toooo nice X3 -to be continued-
Renewal post
Yeah baby(s)! I'm back~~~!!! XP Hello message ere' :) Gonna do a proper *back home* post when I collate all mii photos and kope those frm my frenZ X) Look ForwaRD to it~ gdBYEE for nw~~~~ :D
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