Monday, April 16, 2007

another april post!

Yawn~ I'm typing this blog entry while being half asleep.. slept at 12am ytd.. it's no wonder i'm so lethargic ryt nw.. x_x I juz realised how well me and Ailing could get along.. we share common interests.. common likes and dislikes.. etc. She's a really gud and rare fren I guess.. a fren that I might have been searching for all this while..
Really dono what's gotten into me today and yesterday... He talked to me yesterday.. x_X It's really a rare thing... I don't suppose it means anything else though.. I shouldn't even think about it.. my wild thoughts are just desires that won't ever come true... He told me he's just warning dunman and RV students to drop IP.. but.. I seriously thought he was talking to me probably becuz we long time no chat.. so damit sad then.. =/
I shouldn't think about those "things" huh? exams are ard the corner.. gotta study hard.. but can't believe he wants to tutor me during june holidays.. we never met before.. so it's kinda.. awkward? and I hate tuition.. or maybe all he said means smth else? or at least I hope they do.. lols.. nvm...
Lydia, if u do read my blog... then I must say this.. Pls don't call me dumb girl like what u did in school today during math lesson. I was very angry.. that's why my tone in sms was that way. zzz... Pls hor.. Pls...
Getting rly rly rly sleepy now.. jie's not online to talk to me.. so I guess i'll turn in early today... gdnite people~!

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