Saturday, January 06, 2007


Woah, it's been 1 months since i last posted! amazing huh? xD hahax. It's been fun the past 2 months of holidays, fire mei joined maple with me... we had a great time, and snow jie.. time to part? sad!! nvm we will meet again during the holidays!
Had an enjoyable time trying to "jio" sec ones into sjab xD very fun la! we were like crowding around one or two sec one, and talking alot crap to them about sjab and alot BAD thing about other UG, we should not be doing that i know, but huu cares?? xDD completely corner the sec ones lor. i remember i was freaked out by the UG village.. by the snrs who keep corner u and tok non stop! xD hahax!!!
Haiz, third day of school tio sunburn liao.. dam cham de la, ur skin burns the whole day, u feel lethargic even after 10 hours of sleep... all cuz of the sec ones laa!! all go under the sun, make us nid to go out and jio them!! hmpH!!~! 10 hours continuous under the sun and summore walk run do foot drills.. u say nerh? will die anot? DUH!!! T.T
That was the longest CCA session i ever had lo.. sec 1 cca trails have been pretty meaningful and fun for me.. altho tio scolded by snrs.. they dam cute.. say they love us even though we don't know!! xD hahaha~ i noe la, all the snrs doing for us is for our own good! Guys! let's all for one and one for all from now~!! ^^ musn't let our snrs down!
P.S. I'm rather happy this few weeks that passed. and again, i'm sorry for not posting for so damn long orediie~~ xD I'm sure KT doesn't noe bout this blog so i can backstabb him all i want!! LOL! KT!! u hum supp kia!!!! whole daee oni noe how to tink and talk sick!!! lucky u lost the bet!! u cnt jio me liao!! HENGG ARH!! XP si KT, wan stead find another ba, u nort my type XP... LaLaLa~! don heartbroken orh! i won't hug u de orh!! lolol =P okay la.. i siao liao, wo hai shi zui ai meimei and jiejiee lerhh~!! <3<3

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