Monday, November 20, 2006

no title

Haha!! haven't been posting for quite long ya? sorry guys xD well sorry to those who want to read my posts that is =X hahahax!! these days i abit sot diao... go drink water come back seat oso jump around xD.. hyper me? donno due to what... xD wakakaa.. Tmr can skip CCA nia laa =x nid go out buy stuff for my taiwan trip next tues with parents.. im so excited about it... i wish i get to go horse-riding again.. last time was pri 4 in korea.. boy.. u have no idea how much fun horse-riding is!! my mum was like screaming away.. hahahx...
hmm... while i'm gone for 8 days.. i wonder who will miss me.. wakakaka xD not many i suppose... those who know me in sp maybe? hahax.. swt.. reminds me, there's this person called fairycream2 sth likedat... noob lai de la, then hor.. i enter racing room.. see this cute person, then she say " can we be frens? " i BL no space den say lor.. den she go add me... swt nia la.. meet not even 1 minute.. wan me be her fren.. mental problem.. who she tink she is sia.. haha... but she dam cute.. racing diff team.. i kept pwning the other teams( dono where this skill come from de lor -.-) then fairycream2 leave room.. den whisper me say " Thanks flaming for your frenship " waah seh.. i tell u i laugh like shit la xD can bet this person is below the age of 12.. like sesad.. dam cute de lor xD theres such a thing as fren at first sight? haha...
Me patch up with God e Dog liao xD ... funny la sometimes him.. but sometimes go abit too far.. jus he never realise xD haiz.. my poor ah gong.. sp got problem.. cnt go in >_<" Playing pangyaSEA and maple now... pangya ign SharonOW HIO 3.. all done in a day XP come challenge me? XP
P.S. Normal... not happy not unhappy.. jus normal xD hahax.. = whoever will miss me during my taiwan trip.. remember to tag orh~! and guys... dont sms/call me from 28th nov to 5th dec.. i'll be overseas.. later u need to pay for the overseas call in bills not my prob hor.. i say liao =x
10.30pm liao... ah gong not online msn.. BoReD~! I'm off Bye Guys!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Chalet-1st day Part II

Part II
[ If you haven't read part I to my chalet visit.. pls go read 1st b4 readin' this.. this is the continuation wahahax xD ]

So.. We were bored.. I wanted drink sth cold so much.. so we went to chEErs FairPrice to get it.. and suin bian buy the barbeque suppies.. etc etc... but hor.. i buy ruffles crackles and pink dolphine.. den realise there de ting so ex.. walou.. i money lover sia.. <3>.<" then hor.. leeyin gayle n hoching worse.. they oredi put all the needed stuff into the basket le.. den realise ex.. den nid put everyting bak.. WAH SEH and i HAD to HELP! my precious energy T_T ...
Then we head over to the pasir ris MRT there tt shoppin' centre.. forgot name liao >_<" we go NTUC fairprice.. wahh sia.. de stuff there like wayy cheaper laa >_<"" we bought marshmellows, nuggets, fish fingers, serviets(Iono how to spell), grippers, knife, butter, butter spreader, plastic forks 'n' spoons, plastic plates, CrabMeat, hotdog, fishcake bla bla bla.. etc. i forgot =_=" alot of stuff laa.. but no chicken wing.. sob sob TxT nvm.. the main good ting about barbeque is e joy of hangin' and eatin' OUT with yerr closest buddies ^^ for that point.. I'm pretty looking forward to the barbeque tmr~ wahahas...
P.S. Happy.. im sio happy today xD Had a greaT time at the chalet.. together with my frenz and stuff.. really enjoyable experience.. ^^ Going again tmr~ incase any1 wan come find me for Love Laughter Peace and Joy [LLPJ] wahhas~ my chalet ish at Coasta Sands Resort - Pasir ris.. ^^ It's late now.. my eyes r shuttin' down.. guess its gdnite >.^

Chalet-1st day

Part I
Wee! I so fast come bak to post liao.. u shud be proud of me ba? hahax don lame liao.. straight to topic ba todae~ arrr! chalet! first i went to clementi MRT to meet ailing den we go there together.. but dam sian sia.. MRT station oredi waste alot of mui energy liao.. i wait 2 trains both no sight of her.. tt time oredi 12pm! she dare to later come den me!! not nice keep a lady waiting.. and as everyone knows.. i HATE waiting and HATE is a very very very VERY strong FEELING! 3rd train.. she's lucky she came down tis 1.. or else.. or else.. i gonna.. bomb the whole station arh! zzz...
So.. here's how we go there together.. we dashed up that same train she came down from laa haha.. if not sure late 1( that was what we thought initially ). we all suppose reach at 1pm at pasir ris MRT station maa.. then me and ailing were like.. the 2nd and 3rd ppl to arrive.. i was like wtF ?! they suppose wait for me! ended up i waiT for THEm? argh!! qi si wo ler !! all of dem all late.. oni austin went there 1st.. he's a nice person laa.. carrying the barbeque metallic net right bak.. can't believe any guy wud do that >_>
we hor.. WE HoR.. 2pm reach oso can nia.. 2 WHolE pM den chairperson arrive -___-.. ok laa.. understand dey got netball trainin' so we took resort bus to the chalet lo.. another disappointing thing issh.. the chalet.. i was tinkin' in my mind *must be big! 4 TV with 4 Rooms! One bigg big living rm and 2 BIG cleAn toilets~! but NOOO!! the chalet turned out to be so friggin' small so tiny so pathetically TINY! 1 toilet 1 TV 1 bedroom 2 bed 2 mattress.. zzz.. lucky i decide not to stay overnight liao.. dono hw am i gonna survive.. pampered girl.. YES I AM!
There's still part II to my chalet-1st day xD.. so slowly read ma lolololol~

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Sorry guys.. haven't been posting for a very long time.. 1 week to 2 weeks.. haiz.. very busy and no mood do blog xD haha well im back to post xD Just apologise.. so long nvr post something XD Who dying read my post? If u dying read my post BREATHE!!! WOW! everyone dying read my post wee!! lolololol!! haha lame. XD hold ur breath 2 minute while reading lololol.. jkjk. let's see.. what happened these days xD hmm..
Here's sth lame... xD we all die in dodge.. leave poor jiejie dodge herself >_<
Sp life has been great for me.. just about kuro.. he used to be so nice.. a very funny guy.. dowan admit but i used to like him b4 >_> zzz.. secret hor.. don say out. now don like ler.. i don't even wan see him ><" never expect his attitude so bad.. kick ah gong out of racing in front of Dj.. If he said sorry to ah gong.. i wud have forgiven him.. instead of that... he quarrel with us.. say we all biased... i dam angry with him.. gudbye kuro.. *LoSt AnOthEr FriEnD* don wanna tok about it anymore...
Met a new fren ~ JaS.. a dam nice girl.. >_<
Of cuz~ Ah GonG KiA hahaha~ ah gong is by now.. my best fren in sp le lor.. he veli de nice.. although always do ugly emo -_- but that's probably part of his personality ba hahax~ he very understanding.. never got mad at me before.. >_<
P.S. Normal. hehex.. my normal mood maybe ur happy ba xD i abit siao siao this week.. wakakak.. i will do post more often ^^ promised~ Gdbye readers, gud luck to those taking O levels. stay healthy.. stay urself.. AlWaYz~