Saturday, May 22, 2010


I feel so busy.. I guess distracting myself from strange thoughts
by participating in numerous CIP will kill me someday! And ...
there's another full-day CIP at ECP tmr, I just hope I won't fall
sick and that I can go to Macau in good health :)

On a lighter note: happy birthday yongen! ha, they said that the
class tee looks girly! just the kind I like (for the whole class)! pft~

What other things can I do to distract myself? No studying pls.
I'm so sick and tired of the notes, they look like hokkien-english
to me. some sort of jargon gibberish! ok well, I'm making a general
statement for science. I'm having alot of trouble with sciences!
HELP!! (can you hear my cries?)

Things won't happen even though it should. There's always
someone or something that will initiate the occurance. Maybe
I should find enough courage to face this head-on. Get it over
and done with. Should it result in a bad outcome, I know at
the very least that its really time to move on.

and then again. What if it gets out of hand?

Its not like anyone knows what I'm thinking...

Even if there is, it'll still be unbelieveable, or maybe even

I shall swear that I'll get it over and done with! PLEASE! just
one minute or less! let it be gone!

hm, I wanna fly a kite :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


... and then you're kinda reminded that tomorrow really never comes...

struggling with math, it doesn't feel like holidays are coming at all.

today while going home, after I have reached clementi MRT, there
was this malay guy with his group of friends travelling up the
escalator to take the train (I was going down) Then throughout the
whole "journey" he kept saying in a loud voice, "faster la, in front
the people can faster or not? The train coming lah~" (it was the train
I alighted from so there's no way they could've made it) Then when
they reached the top, I heard him shouting, "alamak! see la, the train
go already!" I wanted to burst out laughing but contained myself
and ended up grinning xD (It was quite embarrassing considering
the fact that nobody around me knew why I was grinning)

First Aid course... pretty interesting (good recap) and.. gruesome
because of the blood-spurting thing.

Um.. where's my FA manual?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


moods are unpredictable, like how burnt a cake is.
(its just a representation)

I never knew it was so terrible to feel so terrible, and in fact,
for no proper reason. Someone... be my punchbag! ~

times when you feel your life is ending just because your eyelids
can hardly keep themselves apart i.e. I'm tired! :(

tomorrow will be better :S

Monday, May 03, 2010


Lol I had a nightmare a few days ago, just thought I'd share it xD

it was raining heavily and I was staying up late using the comp (it seemed
like around.. maybe.. 1am? and then for some weird reason the window in
the living room was open and I left my laptop near the window (like why
did I do that? LOL) so it was soaking wet. LOL! and then when I walked
away, I heard some tapping noise at the window so I went over to look, I
saw my laptop out in the rain, it was being put onto the window ledge. I
took it in and closed the window. Then after awhile I heard the tapping
noise again.. Then I walked over to look. I saw a strange looking creature
with luminous eyes staring and smiling at me while tapping on the window
at an unbelieveable speed. I dashed away trying to call my parents up
but they had no response. and then I heard the tapping coming from my
room. I freaked out and I woke up. LOL!

Ok fine. it doesn't sound that scary but if you were actually in it, its dam
scary... LOL! T.T

am I just obsessed over my laptop? Like is the dream telling me I'm
gonna lose it soon? haha

some ppl say dreams depict reality, some say its the opposite. well all my
dreams are really crazy and senseless anyway. I still rmb when I was in
primary school, I had dreams like being in some pumpkin-waterfall
wonderland and that my mum had become a vampire. LOL! Am i actually
really deviant in nature? xD

well uh. that's it for the nightmare part.

Friday, the one that passed, was an overly hectic day. I lost around 100
billion brain cells. (I'm reminded of the fact that I told liuqiao that if she
can write out the number 1.0 x 10^(one billion trillion zillion trillion billion),
I'd give her that amt of money in cash. LOL! sorry, random.)

anyway, it was after school and mrs tan refuse to release me early to rush
for my guitar lesson at 4. So we took half an hr to rush to qiao's house,
change and everything. (we had to carry 3 guitars. my stupid bag and my
fat file) So we nearly died carrying those. And then we had to rush for the
train.... and then to my house so that I can put the stuff down (cos I had
sth on that night, dun wanna carry so many things) So.. we had no choice
but to take a taxi to guitar. AND, we MADE IT IN TIME! LOL! We did all
that in around 1hr 15min? that's what you call, super-human.

I swear to never go through that experience again!

28 more days. Seriously, what will I do?

and ya... darn, after I type finish I'll have to turn to work.