Saturday, November 29, 2008


woah, got up at like, 6.30am this morning and went to
jog with my mum xD it totally turned out as a 3.2km
walk LOL!! xD

every step i took i tried vry best nt to fall asleep LMAO
omg i felt like a pig. i was so exhausted i couldn't even
bring myself to go to the market with my mum after
breakfast LOL... omg x.x"

i jus came up, bathe, charged my phone a little and i lay
flat on the bed and slept all the way frm 10am to now
LOL.. gosh x.x" PIG!!

curses. stoning til 2am right before the morning-jog-day
is seriously deadly. LOL~~

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

sha lala lala~

omg so many days have passed; like forget everything liao.


i shall begin with the day i received my report card ba xD
WHEE! 3.0 GPA ok! no kidding! LOL.. finally i reached my
goal lmao hehehee... it was a torturous journey~ *-* LOL..
mrs khoo gave us each a customised teddy bear! it was
written on the bear's shirt : Sharon ~ Our Anime Princess

well watever, i shall straight hop to competition LOL! (slack mode.)

----[] [] []---- (DANGO!)

we... won second LOL! and omg, robocode was
seriously, somemore jeffry (our team leader) is a programmer
genius! his virtual robot OWNED EVERYBODY! LOL! we
watched the "finals" in the LT and he won the opponent 12 out
of 15 rounds LOL! (its a virtual robot where u program its
intelligence to dodge bullets and shoot bullets)

sorry jeff, i'll work hard next year! LOL! :X
CHAMPION FTW!! (omg, im repeating the 'win' LOL)

eHHH.. i put those so my post ain't too wordy due to
inability to post pictures which is absolutely not my fault.


ahh! cnt rmb alot of things.. so i'll jus hop straight into ytd's
trip with wym,fire and simin! LOL~

ahh... i woke up at 9+ in the morning cos i suddenly rmbed
about the trip while i was lai-ing chuang. LOL! woke up and
asked my bro to bring me to gold axe in GB den dressed up
and failed to convince my bro to go with me so that he could
carry my things for me and off i went. LOL WHAT A LONG

i went downtairs.. and waited like; 20 whole minutes for the
damn bus.. and still, it DIDN'T come. T.T out of frustration
and fear of being late (LOL, how ironic :X), i stuck out my
arm and halted a taxi LOL (hehehe, i waited for the new kind
of taxi before i halted it LOL).. so all the way i went to bugis
MRT in that taxi xD the uncle was chubby and cute :D


then i had abit of motion sickness LOL.. was trembling while
going down the escalator LOL! x.x" ahh.. weak body! LOL!
(DUN CALL ME NOOB. HEY. T.T) i was carrying two BIG
plastic bags with wym and fire's presents LOL... gong give de
xD the first ppl i saw were wym and fire, gosh. even without
my specs i could recognise them from afar. LOL! xD wym's
sense of fashion improved huh? :x LOL!!! xD haha, jk, i'm sure
it has always been better than mine T.T"
Simin came soon after and there is our happy reunion!~ :D

there's only one SMALL problem. the cork is unscrewable. LOL..

PINK BUNNY AND THE PLANNER! omg! a planner was what i
needed! how'd you know? LOL! CUTE BUNNY :D

AND JULIET XD but wait, are u trying to tell me I'm a self-lover?
LOL!! HEY*&@!( even tho i am... T.T" ) THANKS ANYWAY :D

sooo, we went to have lunch xD wym went alone to look for the V8
restaurant which is super isolated in a SMALL corner. LOL!! xD
i never knew someone as stm-ish as her could find it! SHOCK! HAH!
:X keke, so evil.

It was a high class restaurant, so there was service charge and GST
and stuff like that. I brought 100 dollars out so i was fine xD simin din
have enuf money (i think LOL.) so we headed for mcdonalds'/KFC!
LOL I WANTED KFC. T.T" full seats tho. Mc was the same... LOL!
*points and laughs* RETRIBUTION :D LOL!

OMG! simin the pro managed to hog us some seats xD WHAHA! :D
SUFFER U STANDING IDIOTS!! :X (talking about the ppl who dun
have seats.) me and wym bought STUDENT MEAL (FTW TEH
GENIUSES! LOL!) and mei bought regular meal for nuggets xD
(omg why am i rmbering the waffle song LOL!!) we had so much fun
in mc's LOL! crapped like hell! :D omg, i feel totaly comfortable with
them alrdy! despite our limited meetings xD fries fight was
CHLDISH. but hey, i was involved too T.T" as the victim. LOL!
shud've taken a shot of that D: AWW!

theeeeenn~ i think we went to bugis junction! LOL! simin bought a watch
there xD the guy was like, "$5 for the one on display and pay extra
$1 for a new one" OMG LA! I BELIEVED LOL! he was kidding LOL!
then i tried on some ridiculous shades :X mei wanted shades too!
LOL! wym was with a hurting foot and... erm... a hurting stomach!
LOL! gosh! she's jus FANTASTIC x.x" i mean it. She's totally laughy!
i love ppl who laugh :D

travelled ard bugis junction~ and found nth catchy! LOL... wym
wanted to go down an up escalator LOL! darn! i was hoping she'd do
it and trip to death. damn! LOL JKJK HAHAAH! :X theeeeenn~ i
think we went to the toilet LOL!! (SORRY LA! I HAD TO PEEEEE T.T)

sha lala lala~ ok i hav no idea why the title's like dis. LOL!

aft tt... err.. OH! we wanted to go to a LAN(chi) SHOP! but.. the one
at bugis dunno hw to do business lo! walao! i asked for 4 computers
then she looked at me with super bitchy eyes and went, "sorry, only
16 AND ABOVE. can come during school days." WDH? its like, FINE
LA. I DON'T LOOK SIXTEEN TO U. but hello! its aLRDY a school
holiday.. and BESIDES, we're not even in uniform! MORON!!! T.T"
so we had to travel to dhobyghaut LOL... x___X"

me la.. act smart la.. i brought everyone to grand cathay building the
LAN and found out there wasn't audi LOL!! LOL!!! X.X" so... we had
to backtrack to PCBUNK.. and halfway we had to cross this small road
sorta like jaywalk. but then. the idiotic drivers don't stop for 4 HOT
BABES LOL!!! MORONS :X PCbunk... so we played abt 1 hr+ LOL!
simin was sitting at the chair T.T i felt kinda.. bad for her x.x" i cud
carry on playing longer LOL! but due to my extremely kind kindness,
i decided to stop! LOL!!! XD (actually, the pc stopped, so it stopped me.)

aft tt, we looked for dhobyghaut Xchng LOL! xD
found it.. and i forgot what we did there. LOL! i could rmb our
second toilet trip. HAHA! LOL!!! :X

simin had to go home, so we went to her purple line with her :D
omg we're such nice people :D
and me,wym and mei went to bugis again to have dinner xD
initially, wym wanted jigoku(LOL) ramen :x but we decided on V8
in the end since we missed out on it in the morning and it was
cheaper (i think.) LOL!

omg! the salmon spaghetti was niceee! but eat too much also
darn ni. LOL xD crapped alot there also! LOL!! :X mei eat
dam fast la! omg pro x.x" wym ate super slow! and by the time
she's done barely half of the spaghetti was gone. LOL!!! XD NOOB!!!!
since there was some leftover sauce, i used my spoon and pressed
it LOL! got the "BUREGHH BUREGHH" disgusting muddish sound
LOL!!! (wym cudn't eat anymore HAHAHAHA!)

paid our bill and homeee we went~ *_*

hehe, bye for now. when are the pictures gonna work? T.T"

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


lol! omg i just have to type about this! x.x"
i'll try to make things short. heh~

alright... there's a theft incident at my school... i suspect
its done by a group of students frm another level lol... x.x"
so far money adding up to about 300 dollars has been stolen
from my class and a PSP as well as a lap top with a damn
expensive harddrive inside it... gosh x.x"

dare bring my PSP to school T.T"

the teachers want us to paint another mural at the outside
the wall.. OMG LA! i don't plan on sacrificing my hols T.T ...


lateee liaoo X:

wym's fun to talk with? LOL!!!! (today had so much fun :X)




Sunday, November 02, 2008

pics cannot post T.T

aw.. sad again.. I can't post pictures.. LOL!
ah well.. I'll jus have to blog w/o them.. :/

HA! the day before ytd I helped wym solve the audi error
thingy LOL! omg.. i really couldn't believe I was so nice to
stay at the desktop with her the whole time w/o being
tempted to enter audi LOL! but another thing is... I was
finding the prevention methods to some super chim illnesses
anyway! xD maybe it was a bonus for her HAHA! xD ah well,
I'm glad another of my dear friends can enjoy audi S2 xD

OH! I wanted to post the picture of the completely painted
and touched-up wall in school! awww.. curses, i secretly took
out my phone to capture the shot... and now I can't post it T.T
its really nice lor! even nicer than what I imagined xD Painting
the mural was tiring but nonetheless FUN! heh!

keeeeeh.. i shall update my results again.. LOL! altho my school
doesn't use the traditional L1R5 anymore.. I'll still say mine LOL!
ok.. currently the best L1R5 I can get w/o taking into consideration
the CCA points is.... 12 (provided I get a B4 for HCL)

Language Arts (Its similar to english but its with a bit of literature)
Higher Chinese
B4 (the marks for my paper 1 is still unknown, but this is what I'm hoping for :X)
D7 (there'll be moderation~ hehe LOL)
Mathematics (combined E + A-maths, but its 80-90% A-maths)
Art (practical paper, preparatory work over 3 weeks + final painting)
Singapore studies (Its like history, we learn mostly about other countries tho)

keh! for this I'm getting my PSP TODAY! LOL!
when we meet I bring for u to play? :D

ahhh finally,
I've arrived at the shopping trip YTD!

Originally, we planned to go as a group, me, yunhan, shuwei and Jiali,
but due to the tight and delayed training schedule, jiali couldn't make
it! tai ke xi le :X (u shud've seen yh with a dress, it wasn't so bad LOL!)
keeh~ so it was left with the 3 of us.

Shuwei woke up at like.. 12pm LOL! when we were supposed to meet
at 12! LOL! curses! xD hahaa joking~ so me n yh went ahead first, we
went to dhobyghaut first~ went to plaza sing to walk ard and we ate
lunch at mos burger! omg la, they'e so stingy with the chilli! LOL! but
i love their fries and nuggets xD and its... freaking ex.. lol! I'm money-
minded but since its my parent's money, i dun care! HOHO (spoilt brat)

aft eating.. we went to the arcade in the station nxt to PCBunk lol, saw
someone para-ing and someone DDR-ing and someone playing the...
guitar thing LOL! (looked like O2jam/DJ MAX xD) err, then we went
into PCBunk to watch the ppl play! haha, i saw how ppl do techno party
BU using 2 hands but clearly obvious, using 2 hands limits ur ability to
perfect more haha.. it was obvious xD (1 HANDERS FTW! LOL) it was
suprisingly empty despite being a saturday afternoon o.o"

Shuwei smsed and said she was on her way to bugis, so we made our
way there too, it was only a few stops away, so we could take our time
HAHA! but we reached earlier anyway xD Went to uzumaki (i forgot, its
the japanese ice-cream shop LOL!) and bought cones... and wdh! it was
such a scam! $6 for something tt doesn't even taste half as nice as a $4.50
anderson's cone! CURSES! GIMME MY MONEY BACK! xD

met shuwei at breadtalk and we went to bugis street and junction to shop
LOL! the only thing tt caught my eye was a black vest! it was uber cool
LOL! $29.90~ but its so freaking nice! I set my eyes on it and it will never
get away un-bought! LOL.. lmao.. xD darn.. if only I could post images T.T

they both bought 0 clothes, yh bought a manga colouring guide book (darn,
i wanted it T.T damn nice lo!) and we bought tone erasers for our copic
markers~ xD LOL.. it was a 2 dollar eraser lmao; had dinner at yoshinoya,
and home we went! it was aprox 8pm by the time i reached home xD dark~
dark~ sky~ LOL! my mom was worried sick! HAHA! ok.. i shan't be saddistic
LOL... thX MOMMY *-*

I'm goin' to Hongkong from the 13th to the 18th of december hehe, so dun
blame me if ur sms costed u LOL! HAHA! :X