Saturday, September 20, 2008

omg, its been awhile? haven't it? xD

omg who missed me? LOL...
I haven't blogged for like.. freaking long x.x" my blogger
google, onemanga, mangafox and some other important
websites were inaccessible la! i was totally dying x.x" now
my computer has some "cnt see the desktop" problems...
and I somehow managed to view these websites LOL!
ahh.. dug out this photo frm my files, found it very nice;
and realised i nvr uploaded it before xD its the poster of
the Flyer's building process (ok, fine! obviously T.T)

pretty huh? I found it very amazing, so went ahead to
capture the shot xD HEEH! wow.. weeks have passed since
i last blogged; this problem is driving me crazy T.T" sob;
ah.. everything's that happened i all forgot alrdy sia... ):
hmm.. i only rmb I was wronged by the SS teacher on
monday.. and I nearly cried in front of him while he scolded
me ): being the nice me, i didn't say anything about cheryl
to him, cos i was really scared i'd get her into trouble! but
sigh, i was dam angry with him la.. he didn't bother to ask
me about who started the distraction during lessons and he
just told me to stand up and stay back after school to ....
reprimand me?
HAIZ... D:
many ppl may not know but i DETEST being wronged ! :/
what else happened... LOL
hoching, tsesin, yunhan and me got chosen by the art teacher
to go for an interview at NUS about their plans on setting up
a art college in Singapore! OMG WOOTS! ART COLLEGE ;D!
omg xinyi! i might not want to go NUS afterall! this is diverting
my dreams to greater heights O.O! sorry darling! x.x" but... not
sure if it'll be set up anyway ~
this interview allowed us to skip like.. 1hr 20 minutes of lesson!
EOYs are coming... I'm alrdy starting to work hard :x heheh~
Looks like I might not be able to blog for awhile again because
of my lousy retarded computer :/ guess its gdbye! take care of
yourselves ppl! and do ur best for EOYs! :D

Saturday, September 06, 2008

FD comp!

WHEE! finally blogged right? LOL!
lol... first I'm gonna start blogging bout fri.. which rocked alot
too LOL! xD

LOL.. i was so excited the day before that i couldn't sleep and
ended up staying up really late xD waaah.. but feel kinda bad
for dissing training for this (even tho we're not needed T.T);
but whatever! baobei more impt xD LOL!!

yay! we went damm early, met at like.. nearly 9am and baobei
prepared breakfast for me! omg so touched! but its a little too
much LOL! but anyway thanks baobeii xD at 9.15am likedat,
we started heading to AMK hub on the train :D long and chatty
ride! been long since we were able to chat like that xD

aft we reach, the escalators haven't started working yet T.T
climb like shit can?! LOL.. super tired when we reach the cathay
floor! hahah! kinda noob right? LOL.. bought tickets for hana
yori dango-FINAL at 11.05am and Wall-E at 3.10pm xD super
movie date! hahah! we had lunch in bet. at newyorknewyork.
their main courses were not bad.. but their apple crepe kinda
sucks T.T like eating rubbish LOL! AHH FRIED MARS BAR


zomg.. wall-e was dam nice also! but hana yori dango really caught
my heart LOL! xD

waaaah! the earring i got with darling! two of this makes a pair
but we each took one home xD yayyy! "qin lu zhuang" LOL!

we also both got tis chio baby xD LOL! it was love at first sight
when we saw this LOL!! xD now we have two kinds of earrings~


WAAAHOO! defied jesslyn and slept at like 1am.. LOL! just to make these darling chio babies ! LOL! i'm proud of my work okkk! :D i even forgot about how long i took to do these.. somemore had to polish boots like damn late into the night! LOL! xD

the one I made for my team!! YAAAAAAH! JXYYCOEPPSL WHOOSH BABY! WHOOSH WHOOSH BABY! LOL! hahah! :D chio righttt??! its damn meaningful ok! i decided on puzzle because a jigsaw would never be complete if one piece is missing! HEH! I'm sucha genius hoho! tyty! LOL! :D

for sec two teamm!!hehehh!!! u guys put alot of effort n heart into the competition... so... I decided to make a heart in ur card xD with a "JY" in the middle ok! xD LOL! hope u guys like the card! another effort-FUL EFFORT by me! xD

inside :DD
haha..i didn't neglect the guys xD this was the first card I did LOL! so hao rightt?! i think so too! HAHA xD! the "J" frm the JY looks like a jap character! i loved it alot xD nice right?? right? my fonts xDD "talent; jin si talent" LOL! :X

behindd :D
materials I used for theee cards! xD LOL! i used ABIT of my ultra-super-duper-valuable-yet-priceless-in-my-eyes-super-nice-and-zai-pens-that-you-probably-won't-have-money-to-buy COPIC MARKERS! ARGH! BE DAMN THANKFUL LOL! xD WHAHAHA! :DD

and aft so many weeks of trainings n stuff... JXYYCOEPPSL emerged...


LOL! I'm so damn proud of the team! they really did their very best! I could totally tell lah! that's the most important right? LOL! xD they rock! J X Y Y C O E P P S L YOU ROCK! XD HAHA! :D the judges were darn generous lol! xD gave us so much points O.O" Jesslyn's command was SEH lor! unfair! she can get best commander de lor! xD si bingle ! SELFISH! lol jk :X k what's over is over anywayy xD even tho we all won this time, must continue to train n nurture our juniors so that they can become even better than us! :D HEH! they did really well tis time too!, defeated the "competitor" N2 LOL! and emerged 1st-runner-up! so darn proud n gan dong can?! xD lihui said tt if she heard our team as 1st-runner-up, they'll totally lose all hope in getting any prize at all... I'm like, wow, they really really look up to their seniors don't they? x.x" ahh.. so touched!

♥ LOL, champion da!!! xD CONGRATULATIONS JESSLYN&LIHUI'S TEAM! :D you were all awesome!

frm some time bak when we were doing up a poster for POP for ningyi's batch! LOL! darn sweet la, everybody gathered to paste small pieces of paper on the blue board xD (that glue stick's mine) *whistle* LOL!

progresss :D
more progresss :D yellow liao!
should b able to tell by now we're doing a rainbow xD ghoSt HanD! LOL!

tada! (this was the only shot i took, forgot take the near-completed one xD LOL! w/e!

today was a freaking great day! :D how i wish everyday could be likethat xD filled with happiness.. contentment... joy.. and such! xD i got two trophies.. one was frm being best cadet in TITANIUM
♥ LOL! xD 2 trophies taken home! but .. i feel darn unfair for liuqiao lah... ):

nvm; in the future.. they shud clearly state how many reserves are required !~
♥end! :D